Wiring diagram in the garage: design and installation features

Any buildings are designed to perform two basic tasks - living and solving any technical issues. Regardless of the purpose of the buildings, they must have a good and reliable power supply system that can withstand the load created by all devices connected simultaneously. In rooms intended for living, more attention is paid to interior design, but here in buildings in which people keep their vehicle, the main aspect is done on a completely different one.

garage wiring diagram

The wiring diagram in the garage, as a rule, is designed as simple and open as possible. It makes no sense to make it hidden, because it imposes additional financial costs, and also requires large physical costs. In addition, many additional problems can arise during the maintenance process. Therefore, most drivers strive for simplicity. But at the same time, great attention should be paid to reliability, since this room not only has a car, but also contains fuel tanks, which in case of fire can explode.

Let's try to figure out how to make wiring in the garage (the diagram is given in the article) so that you do not worry about the safety of your vehicle, and you can sleep peacefully, without worrying about anything.

Types of voltage

Before we talk about how to make wiring in the garage (the circuit can be either open or closed), let's first look at what voltage can be. As practice shows, in most cases a single-phase system for 220 volts is enough. With its help, you can create good lighting in the room and power up the vast majority of equipment.

Three-phase power supply of 380 W makes sense if the garage is designed for several cars or if the building will have an electric boiler, as well as various industrial machines. In this case, do-it-yourself wiring in the garage (diagram, photo and main features are discussed in the article) should be able to withstand a large load. Otherwise, there is a danger of short circuit, which can lead to fire.

Project drafting

garage wiring

Let's dwell on this in more detail. The electrical wiring of the garage should provide maximum comfort for the use of electricity. But at the same time, it is still necessary to comply with basic safety standards, so you should take its planning very seriously. Before you begin any work and purchase of consumables, it is recommended that you first develop a power grid project in which all key nuances will be considered. So you can not only do everything qualitatively, but also save a significant amount of money.

In the process of drawing up a detailed garage plan, try to do everything in compliance with the scale in three-dimensional projection.

The project should include the following:

  • dimensions of walls, floor and ceiling;
  • place of installation of the electrical panel ;
  • exact coordinates of the location of lighting elements, sockets and switches.

To reduce the financial costs of cable wiring, it is very important to calculate the optimal routes from the switchboard, taking into account its transition from one room to another and the location of the junction boxes. Further, in the garage itself, markings are applied to the working surfaces, on the basis of which the network will be laid. In this case, it is necessary to take into account exactly how you will conduct the cable.

They can be arranged as follows:

  • in the room itself, which already has its own transformer;
  • near the main building, which is already connected to the main power line;
  • Separately on a personal plot by means of air or cable summing.

Depending on the method chosen, the amount of work required is determined and estimated financial costs are calculated. Also, when planning a project, it is very important to think over a security system. The wiring diagram in the garage should include a lightning conductor, protection from power surges and power surges in the general power supply network, as well as grounding.

What elements does the system consist of?

The power supply of any building includes certain elements that ensure its normal functioning.

The main ones are the following:

  • main distribution panel;
  • electric meter;
  • automation system;
  • cables and wires;
  • lighting elements;
  • switches and sockets.

Depending on the individual goals and needs of a particular person, the wiring diagram in the garage (photo of the wiring options for electricians will surprise everyone with their originality) may suggest the presence of heating equipment and other devices.

Power input

simple wiring in the garage

So, how to wiring in the garage? The network diagram begins with the installation of a common electrical panel. It can be located both inside and outside the premises, however, the first option is most often chosen. It is more practical, convenient and reliable, as well as better to maintain. As a rule, experts recommend installing the device directly near the front door. In case of any problems, you can de-energize the building and exclude the possibility of electric shock.

When choosing an introductory shield, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • practicality in operation;
  • security against penetration of third parties;
  • the presence of an integrated security system;
  • maximum number of connected devices.

If the garage is in a general cooperative, then it becomes necessary to connect a separate meter. In this case, it is better to choose switchboard models that already have a built-in meter for consumed electricity.

Protection system

how to make wiring in the garage

As mentioned earlier, the circuit email. The wiring in the garage must necessarily be reliable. In order to increase the level of safety, it includes special protective equipment that prevents the failure of devices and devices in the event of voltage surges in the general power supply network.

These include:

  • circuit breakers;
  • voltage monitoring relay;
  • RCD
  • differential automaton;
  • Arrester;
  • Surge Protectors.

Most often, a simple DIY wiring diagram in the garage involves the installation of automatic voltage cut-offs at the input. They are relatively inexpensive and very installation posts, but provide an average level of protection. Therefore, it is best to consider other and more reliable options.

Circuit breakers

These contact switching devices are a mandatory component of the electrical network of any building, regardless of its purpose, since they protect against overloads resulting from voltage surges.

The automation system is located inside the switchboard in front of the metering device and control the consumption of energy resources. If you use a simplified wiring diagram in the garage, which requires only lighting fixtures, as well as several outlets and switches, then no additional protective equipment is required.

However, given the current realities and the huge variety of equipment that people use at home, only circuit breakers will not be enough to provide a high level of protection. The system must be able to withstand heavy loads, therefore, good and high-quality automation is required.

UZO and difavtomaty

shield for wires

Their main task is to protect a person from electric shock in case of damage to the wiring insulation. This is especially important if there is a viewing hole in the garage where any equipment is located. As a rule, it has high humidity, which poses a threat to the health and life of the mechanic.

Surge arresters

If the electric network is connected to the building via an overhead line, then during a thunderstorm lightning may strike it, which, in turn, will result in the burning of all electrical devices that are currently connected to the power supply system. To reduce high potential, surge suppressors are designed that divert the main impulse to the ground. Their installation is carried out between the automation and the counter.

If the wiring diagram in the garage does not provide for this equipment, then in this case it is recommended to completely disconnect the building on the eve of the thunderstorm. But this option is not too practical, since it limits the ability to operate the garage normally.

Voltage monitoring relay

As practice shows, several masters work simultaneously in garage cooperatives, so a large load is created on the power supply system. If at the same time similar actions and work are carried out that are performed with errors, then various malfunctions can occur in the electrical circuit.

Zero phase loss is one of the most common phenomena. With it, a strong voltage surge occurs, which can lead to failure of lighting devices and working electric motors. Control relays, which automatically turn off the power supply in case of overloads, will help to avoid such an unpleasant situation.

Modern equipment designed for automated protection is available in a very compact design, so that it can be easily installed in the distribution panel. However, even so, many people do not use these devices. As a result of this, do-it-yourself wiring in the garage (the circuit can be performed in a variety of ways) is unreliable.

Step-down isolation transformers

Carrying out inspection of the bottom of the vehicle in the inspection pit, the mechanic is forced to be at high humidity, which is especially dangerous when working with any electrical devices. To reduce the risk of electric shock, it is recommended that you use lighting equipment with a maximum power of no more than 36 volts. However, some devices require significantly higher voltage, so isolation transformers are used to make their operation safe. They almost completely exclude the possibility of electrical injuries.

Cables and wires

cable for wiring

When choosing supplies for laying the electrical network in a room, special attention must be paid to the quality of the insulating layer. It is desirable that the material from which it is made is resistant to fire. In this case, a short circuit will not cause a fire.

Lightly flammable wiring cable is a very dangerous hazard. It should be laid exclusively in special metal boxes that localize the spread of fire in case of fire. Qualified electricians are advised to choose wires in the marking of which there is an "NG" index.

In addition, you must pay attention to the following nuances:

  • consumables material;
  • transverse section;
  • class of applied voltage;
  • strength of the insulating layer.

Only taking all these criteria into account, the electrical wiring of the garage will turn out to be of high quality and safe. Do not save on cables, because human health and life are priceless.

Lamps and switches

It is best for the lighting equipment to be connected to various switching devices.

The lighting system should be divided:

  • general - applies to the entire area of ​​the building;
  • local - is responsible for a specific workplace.

It should be noted that to ensure a comfortable level of illumination of the garage, fluorescent lamps designed for use in industrial facilities are ideally suited. As a rule, they are installed in the immediate vicinity of the front door.

Local lighting is realized using conventional incandescent lamps, which in areas with a high level of danger are connected via isolation transformers. Switches to them are mounted near the workplace. The only exception is the inspection hole, because it has very high humidity, which can cause a short circuit. It is desirable that the lighting fixtures have an IP67 protection class, as well as a metal grill, eliminating the possibility of a lamp breaking in the event of a fall.


The wiring diagram in the garage must have a well-thought-out arrangement of permanently installed electrical network connectors. When choosing outlets, it is important to consider the rated power that the equipment consumes. Welding machines, heaters, starting-charging devices should work from separate lines equipped with their own protection elements. If you plan to use portable equipment, it is better to place the sockets around the perimeter of the room, which will get rid of unnecessary wires and transfers. They are conveniently mounted at a height of approximately one and a half meters.

All elements must be equipped with protective covers that prevent accidental ingress of liquid into them. Nowadays, more and more they have begun to abandon power networks made according to the TN-C system, so everyone is switching to sockets with a protective contact that will synchronize with grounding.

In the process of laying the cable to it will have to connect various network elements. This is best done through junction boxes in which all contacts must be well insulated. They are placed at the intersection of wires.

General tips and tricks

The most important thing in the process of connecting wiring is observing safety precautions. Otherwise, the consequences can be disastrous.

In order for the wiring diagram in the garage to be reliable and safe, it should be implemented with all modern standards. Moreover, it should be as simple and straightforward as possible. The cable is best used with a three-wire cable. It has good technical characteristics and is able to withstand heavy loads while connecting multiple devices. If there is a three-phase network in the garage, it is better to use a five-core cable. In this case, the load created may be uneven.

DIY electrical wiring in the garage

A three-phase network with a voltage of 380 volts is performed according to a similar algorithm as the classic one, designed for domestic use. However, it should be carefully distributed according to the number of phases sources of electricity consumption.

To simplify their task and minimize financial costs, experts recommend using exclusively modern circuit breakers. They are relatively inexpensive, but capable of providing good protection against power surges and power surges. However, specific operating conditions of the premises are of no small importance here.

That's actually all the nuances that should be considered when laying electrical wiring in the garage. If you think through all the above aspects well, you will be able to perform all the quality work, the result of which will not disappoint you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7433/

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