What is the prosecutor doing? Employee reviews on the work of the prosecutor's office

One of the most important bodies in any state is the prosecutor's office. What does this authority do? The answer to this question will be provided in the article.

Prosecutor's Office: General Description

The system of the prosecutor's office of Russia is not included in any branch of government. This is a separate, independent and independent authority. What does the prosecutor's office do? The Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" regulate the following functions:

  • control over the work of law enforcement agencies, as well as bodies combating crimes;
  • criminal prosecution;
  • identification of administrative offenses, their investigation; initiation of relevant cases;
  • international cooperation (exchange of experience with foreign prosecutors, international prosecution).

Thus, the most basic function of the instance in question is oversight. The prosecutor's office is obliged to constantly monitor the order in society. In case of violation, it is necessary to quickly restore the violated rights, as well as to bring certain individuals to justice.

History of the prosecutor's office

How long has there been such an important and necessary organ for society as the prosecutor's office? What does this authority do? In order to get the most complete picture, it is necessary to turn to the history of the body in question.

The history of the prosecutor's office dates back to ancient Rome. It is immediately worth noting that the structure of Roman law is still used almost throughout the world, albeit in a very modified form. So, in the Roman state there were parties to the defense and prosecution. It was the prosecution party that examined the case from all positions, demanding appropriate punishment.

prosecutor what does

In medieval Europe, as well as in Russia, there was no prosecutor. There were hordes, people's courts, God's will and many other legal elements. In the Russian Empire, the post of prosecutor was introduced by Peter the Great. This position was dangerous and difficult: it was necessary to execute many royal decrees, to work with a huge number of accused.

The post of prosecutor in the Soviet Union was somewhat simplified. Thanks to Lenin’s outstanding literary work on the prosecutor’s office (“On double subordination and the rule of law”), a body was formed that has not changed much to this day.

Legislative interaction

Quite a large number of responsibilities has such an important body as the prosecutor's office. What does this authority do in the area of ​​interaction with the branches of government? The federal law prescribes that the prosecutor's office has the right to control the implementation of regulations, as well as make various kinds of amendments and additions to the legal industry. The Russian Attorney General has the right to participate in meetings of the Federal Assembly.

what does the prosecutor

What does the prosecutor's office in the legislature do? As a rule, this is reading out reports on the rule of law in the Russian Federation, informing about the work of the prosecutor's office, and also identifying the main problems. If we talk about feedback, then the Federal Assembly has the right to apply to the prosecution authorities to resolve a number of issues falling within its competence.

The legislative activity of the prosecutor's office can be disclosed as follows:

  • preparation of legal and regulatory acts;
  • the provision of laws for consideration by various branches of government;
  • active participation in various projects.

Interaction with the executive branch

Particularly important is the interaction of the executive branch of government and such a body as the prosecutor's office. What does this body do in this case? What is the main area of ​​activity here? According to the legislation, this is control over the high-quality implementation of the basic norms prescribed in documents of local and federal authorities. Even more important here is the management of the prosecution. However, it is worth highlighting the basic elements of interaction in a little more detail:

  • implementation of federal and local programs to combat crime and offenses;
  • holding meetings and meetings;
  • elimination of the causes of crime;
  • assistance to various bodies;
  • conducting a qualitative analysis of work efficiency

... and some other features.

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Interaction with the judiciary

What does the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation do in the field of interaction with the judicial system? As you know, a prosecutor is a public prosecutor. So, if someone needs his help, the prosecutor is able to independently apply to the courts with a request to participate in the processes. In addition, the interaction of the prosecutor's office with the judiciary is determined by the following capabilities of the prosecutor:

  • file a cassation or appeal;
  • to evaluate the act of the accused (after a thorough examination of the case);
  • appeal against decisions of a judge;
  • submit applications to the Constitutional Court;
  • participate in meetings held by the Supreme or Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation;
  • be guided by issues of an administrative or civil nature in judicial Plenums.

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What is the main goal in the interaction of the prosecutor's office with the judiciary? In short, this is a joint elimination of all possible violations, support for law and order.

Work in the prosecutor's office: training

Where do I need to get training in order to get a job in the prosecution authorities? The question is not simple, because prosecutorial activity is incredibly complex, difficult and even dangerous. At the same time, a greater amount of labor time for an employee of the prosecutor's office is paperwork. So who is capable of occupying such a position?

what does the prosecutor's office of the russian federation

A prosecutor is always a person with a legal education. At the same time, it does not matter at all in which branch of the prosecutor's office he works: military, transport, district, etc. However, it is necessary to take into account the specialties in which it is worth going through training. So, it could be:

  • National security;
  • law enforcement service;
  • law

..etc. It is possible to take appropriate training at any university in the country where there is a legal direction.

Prosecutor's branches

The prosecutor’s system is divided into three separate specializations: military, transport and environmental protection. What functions are carried out by prosecutors belonging to these offices? This is worth further discussion.

what are the prosecutors doing

What does the military prosecutor do? It is worth highlighting the following main functions:

  • Selection, placement and training of personnel.
  • Creation of investigation sites.
  • Field appointments

... and other functions that are practically no different from the duties of ordinary prosecutors. What does the transport prosecutor's office do? Its main functions are as follows:

  • Checking road safety.
  • Attraction of guilty persons from transport organizations.
  • Customs inspection.
  • Interaction with the traffic police.

What matters does the prosecutor's office in the field of environmental protection? There are actually a lot of functions here. However, among the main ones it is worth highlighting:

  • monitoring compliance with environmental standards;
  • ensuring effective environmental protection;
  • control over enterprises engaged in various types of emissions into the atmosphere.

Reviews about the profession

Are prosecutors happy with their work? You need to learn about this from themselves. So, some workers say that the main shortcomings in the profession are irregular hours, low wages and a lot of work with documents. This is also confirmed by others: what the district prosecutor’s office can do can be described in just two words: paperwork.

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Do prosecutors leave positive feedback about their profession? Of course. So, from the total number of advantages of working in the prosecutor's office, it is worth highlighting such moments as a loyal leadership, a close-knit team, as well as the ability to quickly move up the career ladder.

What conclusion can be made? Prosecutors leave mostly positive reviews about their profession. The disadvantages of the work in question are exactly the same as any other job: low salary and a lot of unnecessary documentation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7435/

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