Original birthday gift for a friend: ideas, photos

You don’t know which birthday present for your girlfriend? This problem occurs in many. To pleasantly surprise your girlfriend, you should choose a present, focusing on two parameters: usefulness and new impressions. If your gift matches one of these two points, you can safely give it. Look for original present ideas below.


birthday gift for girlfriend

Probably, each of us has an idea of ​​what will be the best gift. From childhood, everyone is taught that the best present is a book. And in principle, if you show your imagination, the book can really become a very original gift. But do not run to the store and buy the first bestseller that comes across. Such a gift to a girlfriend for her birthday will not be comme il faut. Presenting a unique book is another matter. What should it be? Your friend writes poetry, or maybe the girl draws? In this case, you can arrange the best work of your loved one in hardcover. Such an unusual birthday gift for a friend will definitely be to your taste. But what if your friend is not a creative person? Cheer up is not worth it. You can collect a photo book, for example, about the life of your friend. This can include children's photos, memories of funny cases from school. You can get this information from both parents and childhood friends. If you study at the institute, you can give an album of student life. There may be many options for such a gift.

Calendar with photo

original birthday present for girlfriend

In the printing house you can order unique things. For example, calendars with a photo of your girlfriend. Such a present will be relevant if your friend’s birthday is in January. You can print a beautiful tear-off calendar with a movable tape, on which there will be a window for highlighting the number. You can choose the standard calendar option when you place one photo over the current month. And you can do something original. For example, present a calendar for every day as a gift to a friend for her birthday. And on the back of each sheet should print a photo of the birthday girl. But you should understand who will like these gifts. They will be appreciated by girls who love to take selfies. It is such persons who can admire themselves for days on end. So give them nontrivial pleasure.


what to give a birthday present to a friend

An original birthday present for a girlfriend is a useful thing in the household. If your friend is fond of healthy nutrition or is intensely watching her diet and weight, then present her with a juicer. Such a device will be simply indispensable in any kitchen. Drinking freshly squeezed juice is not a luxury, but a vital necessity. After all, from such a drink you can get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. But many people neglect their health and prefer to save on it. So if your girlfriend is one of those, give her a juicer. The girl quickly gets comfortable with the new kitchen assistant and in a week, having come to visit her friend, you can drink tasty and healthy cocktails.

If you decide to give your friend a juicer, you should think a bit not only about the manufacturing company, but also about the design. The fact is that your present should look organically in the kitchen. Therefore, remember what color the headset of your girlfriend. And if you can’t decide on a design, don’t take the first thing that fits your hand. Better get a certificate. The girlfriend herself will choose a juicer design that will satisfy her aesthetic needs.

Slow cooker

birthday gift for girlfriend original ideas

Does your girlfriend not like to cook or does she have no time for this long process? If a girl constantly complains that she is tired at work and cannot normally have dinner, since there is no strength to stand at the stove, present her a slow cooker. This thing is simply irreplaceable for any modern person. You no longer have to spend all your free time in the kitchen. You just need to cut the products, drop them into the bowl and select a program. Everything is very simple. All modern multicookers have a delayed start function. Therefore, your girlfriend will no longer think about how to manage to feed the family. By the time the girl arrives home, dinner will be ready. You must admit that such an assistant is a very necessary and original birthday present for a friend. But remember that with a slow cooker, as well as with a juicer, it may be difficult to choose a design. If you know that your friend is sensitive to the selection of things for the interior, you should present her with a certificate, not a slow cooker.

Curling iron

unusual birthday present for girlfriend

As you know, any girl is unhappy with her appearance. Even supermodels see flaws in the mirror, let alone ladies who are far from perfect. Especially often, girls complain about their curls. As you know, ladies are divided into two types: those women who have curly hair want it to be straight, and girls with straight hair want to have curls. Believe me, your girlfriend is no exception. Think about what hair your friend has. Based on this, you should choose a birthday present for your girlfriend. If her hair is curling, then present her an iron. If the girl’s hair is straight, give her a curling iron. Do you think such a gift is meaningless, since your friend already has hair styling devices? If she did not buy them this year, do not be afraid to miscalculate. Technical innovations appear on store shelves every season, so the idea of ​​giving a friend a birthday gift in the form of a curling iron or ironing will always be successful. We give an example. Your girlfriend has a good curling iron that makes curls in 1.5 hours. And, in principle, everything suits the girl. You can present an automatic curling iron that will wind your hair in just 30 minutes. Progress does not stand still, remember this.

Give a dream

what a birthday present for a friend

Each person has something that he would really like. Often such things are intangible, they are more like dreams. For example, your friend may want to jump with a parachute or she always wanted to ride a horse. Give your friend this opportunity. Today you can purchase certificates for almost any service. And if the company does not have certificates, there are always people working with whom you can negotiate. So that you do not have a question about a creative birthday present for your girlfriend, you should know in advance what your loved one dreams of. No need to ask openly. Start a conversation about childhood, dreams and plans. It is such intimate conversations that expose the soul, and a person can open up. Write down ideas you can implement. Anything will do, because someone else’s soul is dark. Perhaps your friend always wanted to stroke the camel, in this case take the girl to the zoo. Or maybe your friend wanted to visit some beautiful city? Buy a ticket to a travel agency and go on a trip. But in this case, you should warn your girlfriend in advance about the upcoming surprise. This is necessary so that your friend does not suddenly form things on the day of the trip.

Present knowledge

what a birthday present for a friend

What gift to give your girlfriend a birthday? As you know, knowledge is never superfluous. Any person wants to learn, but not always he has such an opportunity. For example, a girl student who studies economics at the institute may very much want to sing well. But she does not have the opportunity to take appropriate courses, where she will be taught how to breathe correctly, and will be told how to use her voice. Or your girlfriend may want to draw. Perhaps the girl draws the fields of a notebook or reports, but she can’t get the courage to go to art courses. In this case, you need a little help to indecisive persons. You will have to take a step for them. Go to the courses and buy a certificate for several classes. Perhaps when the first fear passes, your friend will be happy to go to classes and will thank you for helping her discover her creative potential.

New look

What to give for a friend’s birthday? The gift can be very unconventional. Present a certificate to a girl in a beauty salon. But don’t give just a piece of paper. You should conduct a serious analysis and choose a good master for your girlfriend. For example, if your friend often says that she really wants to dye her hair, write it to a good master. At the hairdresser, your girlfriend will pick up a hairstyle that matches her face shape, and can also choose the right hair color.

You can present the girl with a complete transformation. In this case, you can give a certificate for a range of services. For example, in addition to a new hairstyle, you can give a girl smooth arms and legs, that is, record a friend for shugaring. Well, you can finish the transformation with a manicure. Well-groomed nails will complete the image that the specialists created for the girl. Your girlfriend will leave the salon updated. But, as you know, for a girl who has changed her hair, nothing is impossible in life.


A cool birthday present for a friend can be ordered from the artist. Today it is difficult to surprise young people, but if you try, you can still do it. Order a portrait for your girlfriend. If your familiar nature is romantic, then you should tell the artist to portray the girl in a realistic manner. But if your friend is very creative, then you can give her a cartoon. A funny picture will be able to cheer up the birthday girl and all guests. But you must be sure that the girl will not be offended by receiving such a gift.

As a more trivial option, you can give your friend a picture of the landscape. It can be something done in a modern style, that is, with large strokes of a palette knife, or something more realistic. It is advisable to choose a picture not only for the taste preferences of the girl, but also for the color scheme of her interior.

Digital photo frame

All people love photography. From time to time it’s nice to plunge into the past and flip through colored pictures. But today, few people print their photos. Young people store their memories either on the hard drive of a computer or in the cloud on a server. Such memories are difficult to pick up and leaf through. To make this easy, you can present a digital photo frame to your girlfriend. Such a gift will be appropriate for a girl who is often engaged in narcissism, and for that person who likes to see photos of her cats. You can preload your girlfriend’s photo and your shared memories in a frame. The memory of such an electronic device is large, and besides, it can always be expanded by inserting a memory card. Now your girlfriend will be able to store all her photos in one place. And most importantly, having gathered at home in a close company of friends, you will have the opportunity to sit and remember the days gone by, while holding in your hands color pictures of the past.

Shower radio

Not sure which birthday present you can give to your girlfriend? A shower radio is a great option for those who like to sing while taking a shower. Almost every girl has such a hobby. The flowing water relaxes, a person lets go of thoughts and wants to be liberated. And somehow you involuntarily start to sing. If your friend likes to disappear in the bath for hours, give her a radio. Then she can relax to her favorite music. There is nothing wrong with encouraging the little whims of loved ones. And you can also believe that the more a person practices, the better they get. So a girl who will often sing in the bath will be able to pump her singing skill. And most importantly, such a practice can from time to time to cheer your girlfriend up.

Quest trip

One of the ideas of an original birthday present for a girlfriend is new emotions. It will be easy to get them if you go on a quest with your girlfriend. You will need to select a location in advance and arrange with the administration about the time. If your friend loves horror films, choose a scary game, if the girl loves science fiction and logical puzzles - book an escape quest. But it's better to choose scary games with actors. They will bring a lot of new experiences.

The choice of such games in large cities is great. Therefore, you should carefully study all possible options. You should not focus on the price, but on the reviews of people who went through quests. You can ask your friends, perhaps they will be able to tell you the address where you should look for the perfect gift.

But the quest does not have to be bought. You can create it yourself. How to make a birthday present to a girlfriend of such a plan? You will need to prepare tasks in advance, and then go for a walk around the city. Lay out pieces of paper with puzzles, crosswords and tips in secluded places. It is advisable to involve friends of the birthday girl in such an event. In this case, at each "station" your friend will be tested, and the presenter will be new each time. You need to make such a walk as pleasant as possible. For example, send a girl along such a route: a park, attractions, a movie, a square, a river, and then you can go to a cafe.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7447/

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