Facing the basement of the house. Which material is better: tile, siding, natural or artificial stone?

Getting to the exterior decoration of the building, you need to know how the lining of the basement of the house is performed, what material is best to choose for this, and what tools you may need in the process.

The basement of buildings is subject to the negative effects of external factors (increased humidity, pollution, mechanical stress, etc.). Therefore, the material chosen for finishing should not only have an attractive appearance, but also have certain performance characteristics.

basement cladding which material is better

The main functions of the base

The base is the lower part of the outer wall and the upper, above-ground part of the foundation. It can be designed as an independent element, erected above the base, or be its continuation (for example, in a strip foundation).

In the process of operating a private house, the basement performs the following series of functions:

  • distributes loads on the foundation from the roof and walls of buildings;
  • protects the base from precipitation (rain, snow and floods);
  • creates a thermal barrier that reduces heat loss through the floor;
  • gives the building a finished look.

facing tile

Base Material Requirements

In order for the base to be able to successfully cope with all the tasks set above, the selected material for its lining must have the following operational characteristics:

  • to be reliable;
  • durable;
  • possess increased moisture and frost resistance;
  • have resistance to mechanical stress and ultraviolet rays;
  • to be durable;
  • have an attractive appearance.

What is the facing of the basement of the house? Which material is better? What to choose to make the appearance of the house more attractive? Let's consider several options.

cladding of the house with artificial stone

Facing the basement of the house. Which material is better?

The construction market is rich in a wide variety of materials that can be successfully used to finish the foundation. Among them, the following types of lining of the base are most accessible:

  • decorative and simple plaster ;
  • regular or ground siding;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • ceramic or clinker tiles;
  • paneling of the basement of the house.

plinth house trim Price

Each type of finish involves technology different from the others? We offer to analyze in more detail how the lining of the basement of the house can be made , what material will better cope with the tasks that are set for it.

Plastering the plinth

Plastering is a fairly common and most budgetary option for finishing, which will cost relatively inexpensively and help create strong protection for the foundation from various adverse influences. In addition, the undoubted advantage of this finish is the ability to do the work yourself.

The disadvantage is the relatively low strength and durability. In addition, regular painting and surface dressing is required. To wash away contamination also does not work, because care often comes down to periodic repair.

To apply the solution to the base, you will need:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • dowels for fasteners.

Task implementation

The surface must be prepared for plastering. It is thoroughly cleaned of impurities, a notch is made on a concrete surface that has stood for more than a year. Exfoliating areas are removed to a strong layer. The protrusions and depressions align.

  1. A plastic thin reinforcing mesh is attached to the base surface with dowels, which helps to create a good base and helps to keep the cement mortar, giving the structure additional strength and, consequently, reliability.
  2. On the prepared and moistened base, a primer is applied with a spatula to the primer layer of a solution consisting of one part of M-400 cement, three parts of sand and water. The primer is applied with a thickness of 7-12 mm and aged for 8-10 days. At the same time, it must be constantly moistened with water and covered from the effects of the sun by burlap, matting, or other or other covering material.
  3. The final layer of plaster with a thickness of 4-5 mm is applied to the moistened surface of the mortar primer. It is carefully leveled with a trowel.

After finishing work related to plastering, the base can be painted to give it a more aesthetic appearance. In addition, painting will improve moisture protection. However, painting is not the only option for decorating the basement. For example, using a rasp will create a brickwork effect. Then the base can be painted, and after the paint is completely dry, highlight the resulting seams with a different shade. Also later it will be possible to revet the plastered base with any kind of stone or siding.

When decorating, any materials that are currently abundant in all construction markets can be applied. You have to make your choice from a huge number of finishing options, given the cost of consumables and the price for the services of specialists: installers, masons, finishers, etc.

Natural stone basement

Facing the base with natural stone is the most expensive option. The high cost of natural material, as well as the services of finishing specialists, will require considerable money. It is also necessary to take time costs into account. However, after all work is completed, the result will be a very stable and almost eternal basement. The natural stone used in the decoration will undoubtedly give any home an expensive and presentable look. There is a large assortment of natural minerals (marble, granite, sandstone, onyx, dolomite and many other types) that are suitable for decoration, moreover, in the future, almost no additional care will be required for them. Along with a long service life, this factor refers to one of the main advantages of using natural stone.

Facing the basement of the house with artificial stone

Artificial stone, as a rule, is a tile made of cement mortar with stone inclusions, gypsum or cement-sand mortar. The choice of artificial stone is quite large.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial stone

The advantages of this material are:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistance to excess moisture.

Also, as the positive aspects of the use of artificial stone in the decoration of the basement, it is worth highlighting:

  • its low cost, especially when compared with the price of natural stone;
  • ease;
  • convenience when laying.

Facing the basement of the house with artificial stone implies the following actions:

  • the choice of stone, which in color would be in harmony with the tone of the facade material;
  • the choice of glue, which in this case depends on the severity of the stone.

The following materials and tools are required for work:

  • putty knife;
  • mortar or ready-mix for the preparation of glue.

The mortar or tile adhesive is applied with a layer of 3-5 mm on the moistened surface of the foundation and tile. Artificial stone is pressed and aligned. Next, the surface is cleaned of excess grout.

plastic plinth

Facing the basement of the house with siding

Facing the base with siding is the cheapest and fastest way to finish. It can be safely called one of the most economical and quick options. The quality of the building material used in the manufacture of siding allows it to be used with great success in basement finishing.

The undoubted advantages of using siding include:

  • protection against excessive moisture;
  • the ability to use even at the most extreme temperature changes, regardless of the climate zone.

Siding will cost much cheaper than artificial stone, which, in turn, costs half as much as natural stone. Accordingly, the use of siding involves reducing costs for finishing the basement.

It is also worth noting the ease of installation and the speed with which the plastic lining of the base is mounted on the surface, which significantly saves not only valuable time, but also money.

At the same time, the external finish of the panels creates an illusion that the base is made of brick or natural stone.

Care for such a decor is very minimal. The surface of the siding can be washed, and if necessary it is quite easy to replace.

A disadvantage in use is the rather laborious installation process, which includes the fastening of guides and a special crate. In addition, tolerances for thermal deformation are required. On its own, to establish some varieties of siding is quite problematic.

types of cladding

Finishing the basement of the house with tiles

For facing the base apply different types of tiles:

  • brick cladding tiles;
  • polymer sand tile;
  • porcelain tile.

facing of a socle with a natural stone

The most optimal materials at the moment should include thermal panels with clinker tiles, with which not only the appearance of the basement can be ennobled, but this part of the building will also be significantly insulated.

Clinker refers to a facing tile similar in size to a real clinker brick, however, unlike it, you will have to pay about two times cheaper for the tile. The manufacturing process is also similar to the brick manufacturing process, i.e. the firing method is used. The use of clinker tiles creates the illusion of masonry.

A practical installation system helps create excellent moisture protection and retains heat better. The positive aspects of this method include the speed of installation, which allows you to give the facade of the house a finished look in the shortest possible time.

Paneled basement

Basement panels are a modern, inexpensive and practical material for finishing the outer part of the foundation. They vary in design, performance, weight and size. They are made from materials of different composition. In addition, they differ in the method of attachment.

The main advantages such cladding of the house has: price (from 450-600 rubles per sq. M.), Decorative combination with other types of materials and finishes. In addition, the panels are resistant to atmospheric precipitation, durable and have a huge product range.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7450/

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