Pots for boys: how to make the right choice?

A pot is a must in the home where the baby grows. This is his first toilet, with which he learns to control his urges. However, it should be noted that there are pots for boys and for girls. Moreover, they have certain differences. Today, manufacturers provide a huge number of options, but making a choice is not so simple. Consider the main types of pots and their advantages.

pots for boys
So, pots for boys should be made of durable safe material that will not injure the child or cause skin irritation after sitting on it. The fact is that the baby will repeatedly wear or throw it. And not always children sit quietly on the pots. An important criterion is also the shape and size of the product. For a small child, do not buy too large a design. Modern pots often have a slight elevation on the front wall, which can squeeze the urinary tract in boys. Naturally, writing a child becomes difficult. In addition, this situation can even lead to inflammation of the bladder and related organs. There are also disadvantages of those products that have a back, since the baby can lean on it, and the stream simply does not fall into the pot.

how to choose a pot for a boy
Pots for boys should be as stable as possible so that even a spinning child does not fall off him. For example, a stool-shaped product can be a great option in this case. It is made of wood, although more often in our stores you can find a plastic pot. In addition, they can be additionally equipped with a padded seat.

Pots for boys can have various special effects (music), but do not get too used to such a product. The fact is that in the future, the baby may have problems with the transition to an adult toilet. A great option is also a small urinal for boys, which is attached to the wall. It can simply be removed and washed, but children after 2 years can use it. A great advantage is also that there will not be splashes around such a product, and the child will be proud that he is already “adult”. However, it is also necessary to alternate it with an ordinary pot, as here the force of habit can make a child abandon it.

which pot to choose for a boy
Before choosing a pot for a boy, decide whether he will have a normal shape or a unique one, for example, a car, a motorcycle. Such a product will quickly interest your little son. In addition, such structures can be equipped with an additional wall that will prevent splashing. However, if you decide to purchase such a model, buy an additional product more simply so that the baby does not get used to only one pot.

If you like traveling or moving a lot, it will be inconvenient for you to carry large structures with you. Therefore, inflatable or folding pots are suitable for these cases . However, such a product cannot be used constantly, since it is not too useful for the baby’s back.

If you do not know which pot to choose for the boy, be guided by your taste and the needs of your baby. Choose this accessory with it. Do not be shy right in the store to put the baby on the potty (in clothes) in order to understand whether he will be comfortable or not. As for the cost, then it all depends on your capabilities. However, do not buy too expensive models, as children grow up quickly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7451/

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