Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles: History and Photo

Fans of old-time vehicles and retro-style vehicles could not leave unnoticed such a landmark as the Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles. This place allows you to plunge into the long history of the origin of cars and other vehicles of the past years. Where is he located? What collection can you see here? And what are the eyewitnesses' impressions of visiting the museum?

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles

A bit of museum history

The Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles is considered one of the first such institutions ever created in Russia. Its grand opening took place in 1987. The very idea of ​​creating such a unique object belongs to the family of Lomakov collectors.

According to preliminary information, over the course of forty years they have collected and preserved unique specimens, of which over 120 species have accumulated over the years. They say that there are simply no analogues to such a museum since 1917.

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars

A few words about the founder of the museum

The Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles was founded by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lomakov, a well-known collector and amateur of retrotechnics. At the moment, it is he who holds the post of president of the national club of connoisseurs of old cars and motorcycles "Retromotor".

He is also considered a leading specialist, well versed in antique vehicles of different eras. In addition, Dmitry Alexandrovich is a member of the prestigious “Russian Union of Private Museums”, first organized in 1987.

Prior to this, Alexander Alekseevich Lomakov, Dmitry's father, was engaged in the selection of suitable copies. It was he who, at the beginning of 1959, took up the restoration of the old Rolls-Royce, which V. I. Lenin had once ridden on. And before the famous leader of the proletariat, the closest relative of Nicholas II was driving this car.

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles address

Obstacles at the opening of the museum

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles was not created in one day. According to the story of Dmitry himself, it was not enough to get a naked idea. For its implementation it was necessary to walk for a long time and tedious, upholstering the thresholds in search of permission to open. According to preliminary information, it was not possible to realize the plan for the family of collectors for a long 14 years.

Finally, after long wanderings, Dmitry Alexandrovich received the same permission and even got a small piece of land for the further construction of a unique complex of its kind. Currently, the Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars is open to visitors who may come here since 1991.

The modern museum building: general information and description

The Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles (photos of its exhibits can be seen in this article) is always glad to visitors. Today it is a large and spacious building with several halls.

At the moment, only the first hall works from them, where you can see more than 50 old motorcycles and cars in retro style. There is also a rental car on the go.

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles photo

Who is most often interested in renting?

Most often it is rented for specific photo shoots, wedding shootings and corporate events. Moreover, many models of vehicles that are present in the museum took part in the filming of series and films.

According to the creators of the collection, today “filmmakers” also rent equipment in order to give their plot the greatest credibility. Recall that vehicles from the collector park previously appeared in more than 120 films. For example, rare cars from the museum fell into the frame of the following films:

  • "Heat".
  • "Happy together".
  • "We are from jazz."
  • "Hello I'm your aunt!".
  • "Golden calf".

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles: Address

It is easy for guests of the city to find a museum. It is located at 58 Krasnogvardeiskaya Street, Moscow. The museum building is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. In order to get to the building, you need to go to the Lyublino metro station, get out and walk about 300-350 meters.

According to the stories of local residents, if you go at a slow pace, you will spend no more than 10-15 minutes on the whole journey. At the same time, the road to the destination does not imply sharp turns, hidden and narrow lanes. All that remains is to walk a little, and you will see the Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles. How to get there before him, you now know. Therefore, you can safely come here with relatives and friends. Be sure to bring a camera with you.

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles how to get there

What interesting instances of motorcycles are present?

The most notable exhibit of the museum is the Peugeot motorcycle, released in the not-so-distant 1914 year. According to the story of collectors, he was left by representatives of a research expedition organized in 1918 in the glorious city of Arkhangelsk.

Here you can see "Car of the Year", or "Horch-853", released in 1935 and first presented at the Paris Automobile Salon. It is believed that this brand of car first belonged to a certain German Herin, and then to the famous military commander Rokossovsky.

Among the interesting specimens can be called a car brand “Mercedes-Benz-540 K”, the presentation of which took place in 1935. According to preliminary information, this car drove the famous German politician and associate of Adolf Hitler Paul Joseph Goebbels. In the same year it was designed and released by a limited batch of Citroen-7 CV. Recall that this car took part in the rally Paris - Moscow and was presented as a gift to the current government top from the manufacturing company.

What rare cars are there in the museum?

One of the rarest vehicles in the collection of the Lomakov family is the BMW-303 and BMW-328. The first of them was released in early 1933, and the second in 1935. The most valuable exhibit in the collection is the ZIS-110, released in 1949. This tsar-car was previously owned by Alexy the First - the patriarch of All Russia.

Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles how to get there

And it was he who was presented as a gift by Joseph Stalin for “Merits of the Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War”. It is noteworthy that this car was painted green, which has been perfectly preserved to this day. This color was identified with eternal life, luck, youth and material well-being.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7457/

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