The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin

The basis of the story "Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin is the events that took place in 1773-1774. The author depicts a peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev.

the image of emelyana pugacheva in the story captain's daughter

The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter." Book Summary

For a deeper understanding of the image that was recreated by a brilliant writer, we turn to the main points of the book.

The young nobleman Pyotr Grinev goes to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. He meets the captain’s daughter, Maria Mironova, whom he later falls in love with. Peter is friends with officer Shvabrin, also in love with the captain’s daughter. There is a duel between the young people, during which Grinev was seriously wounded. Maria and Peter love each other, but parents are unhappy with the choice of their son.

the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story Captain's daughter composition

Emelyan Pugachev captures the fortress, the parents of Masha, who is hiding in the buttocks, die. Schwabrin is trying to force Mary to marry him. Peter frees the girl and gets under arrest. Maria goes to Petersburg and saves her fiance. Grinev released. Young people become happy husband and wife.

The summary of the story would look something like this if Emelyan Pugachev were not in it. Not a word has been said about this character, and, it would seem, the essence of the story is not violated.

What is the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter"? In abbreviation, passing only a brief summary, it is difficult to talk about this hero. The portrait of Pugachev is most fully depicted during meetings with Grinev, which, in fact, could be framed in a separate work.

Four meetings of Grinev with Pugachev

As mentioned above, the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is revealed during four meetings with Grinev.

The first meeting determined the course of their further relationship. Pugachev brought Grinev out of the steppe during a snowstorm. Peter thought that his guide was a simple traveler. He gave Pugachev a hare sheepskin coat, which laid the foundation for a relationship based on Christian concepts.

The second meeting of these characters takes place in the Belogorsk fortress, which was occupied by the rebels. Pugachev recognized the nobleman as a young man who gave him a sheepskin coat in gratitude. Grinev refused to swear allegiance to the chieftain, a sense of duty to the fatherland was higher than fear for his own life. Peter openly talks about this to Pugachev, intuitively feeling that the impostor has his own ideas about honor and duty.

an essay on the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story captain's daughter

The meeting of the military council made a shocking impression on Grinev. It was evident that the impostor communicates with his "retinue" on equal terms. The relations between all those present were rather like friendships. Most of all, Peter was shocked by the performance by the participants of the “meeting” of the song about the gallows. It seemed that everyone present, including Pugachev, understood the outcome of their fate.

The third meeting of the two heroes of the story occurred when Grinev fought against the impostor in Orenburg and received news from Masha, who wrote to him that Shvabrin was forcing her to marry him. Petrusha hastened to help the girl, but on the way he was stopped by Pugachev's posts and sent to the impostor. Emelyan recognized Grinev and greeted him warmly. Fortunately for Peter, his friendship with Pugachev came into force again, and the impostor helped Grinev to free his beloved as soon as he heard that the orphans were being offended.

Even Shvabrin did not interfere with the noble deed of the chieftain, informing Pugachev that Maria was the daughter of Mironov. Emelyan was angry that this fact was hidden from him, but responded to Grinev’s call to let him and the orphan go.

The last meeting of the young nobleman with the chieftain took place during the execution of the latter. Pugachev recognized his friend, nodded to him, and a moment later his dead head was on display.

The essay on the theme “The Image of Emelyan Pugachev in the novel“ The Captain's Daughter ”is often perceived by students as quite simple. However, this character is so complex and multifaceted that a more in-depth analysis leads students to difficult conclusions caused by the versatility of Pugachev’s personality. So, for example, he shows himself merciless in relation to the parents of Masha Mironova, but shows her generosity.

The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter." Attitude of the author to the hero

Emelian Pugachev on the pages of the book is depicted by Pushkin not as a killer, shown by historians of the XVIII-XIX centuries, but as an intelligent and brave leader of the people. A savvy, energetic, able to lead - this is the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter". The composition of each student must necessarily mention these qualities of the hero.

Regarding the nobility and representatives of power, Pugachev is merciless, in their face he sees enemies. Bloodthirsty, cruel - these features also determine the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter."

An essay about this character necessarily touches on the topic of the murder of Captain Mironov and his wife, whom the impostor treated mercilessly. The composure with which he kills people is amazing.

The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story “The Captain's Daughter” is a bit comical. A.S. Pushkin portrays the impostor as a simple Cossack. His speech is full of proverbs and sayings. He tells his "children" to call him the king-father. Moreover, in his relations with people there is no honoring, and everyone can challenge his opinion. Pugachev realizes that he is doomed to death, and understands that he can easily be betrayed.

Pushkin sympathizes with Pugachev, but for his irony it is easy to catch a mockery of this character.

the image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story Captain's daughter in abbreviation

National Russian character

The essay on the theme “The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story“ The Captain's Daughter ”” must necessarily contain the idea that this hero expresses with the tale of the eagle and the raven. The impostor believes that it is better not to live long, but with dignity, than to exist for many years, eating carrion.

Emphasizing in this hero the mind, courage, ingenuity, the author shows the best character traits of the Russian people.

Pushkin's attitude to the peasant uprising

The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the story “The Captain's Daughter” is certainly endowed with many positive characteristics. However, Pushkin does not idealize this hero at all. The author of the story negatively refers to various kinds of bloodshed and prefers reforms. He calls the Russian revolt senseless and merciless. The author did not set himself the task of showing the atrocities of the rebels in his work, but simply tried to recreate the story.

Pugachev on the pages of history and in the work of Pushkin

Turning to the works of historians, one can find out that Pugachev is a native of the village of Zimoveyskaya Don region. His surname comes from the nickname of the impostor's grandfather - Mikhail Pugach.

In official historical documents, Pugachev is described exclusively as a thief, killer and impostor.

the image of emelyana pugacheva in the story captain's daughter summary

However, Pushkin showed Emelyan Pugachev a talented people's leader. He drew attention to the other side of this person and, most likely, was right to endow him with intelligence, energy, charisma, because if he had not been an impostor, he could not have led a peasant uprising of this scale.

The idea of ​​rebellion in the book "The Captain's Daughter" finds echoes in Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky." Emelyan Pugachev is a more colorful figure than Vladimir Dubrovsky. Nevertheless, both heroes are rebels who have come from different classes, but have common features of a “robber nobility”.


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