Spanish Alano: photos, description, owner reviews

Alano is a breed of large dogs. Previously, it was actively used in Spain to participate in bullfighting. Spanish Alano is the most ancient breed. One of the few that did not breed from other species, and she herself was the ancestor of Molossians. Another name for these dogs is the Spanish bulldog Alano. These are very beautiful, well-built, mobile and obedient dogs, magnificent watchmen, security guards and true friends.

Breed history

The roots of this breed go back to antiquity. Therefore, their history has ambiguities, but is largely established. The name of the breed itself tells us that their homeland is Spain. There is a version that dogs got their origin due to nomads of Indo-European origin - Alans. They are the ancestors of modern Ossetians.

spanish alano

Alans were dog breeders. They also dealt with horses. They were also hunters, and shepherds, and excellent warriors. Dogs were necessary for them to work, and therefore they bred them for a specific purpose and for clearly defined functioning. After a while, the Spanish Alano was introduced by nomads to Europe. This happened at the beginning of the fifth century AD during the invasion of the Alans and others on the Iberian Peninsula and the capture of parts of Western Europe. Militant tribes were soon expelled, and the dogs they brought remained, took root and spread.

The breed of the dog Spanish Alano was mentioned in the “Book of the Hunt”, published in the fourteenth century. Other print media also repeatedly wrote that these dogs were brought from Spain by the invaders and had a significant impact on other breeds. For more than fifteen centuries this breed has been used in hunting for deer, wild boars. And also its participation in bullfighting became widespread.

This continued until the end of the nineteenth century. Then in Spain it was forbidden to allow dogs to participate in bullfighting. In addition, pastoralists in Spain have partially moved to more modern conditions for farming and began to graze their livestock in pens, and not in an open field. That is, the need for protection and grazing of herds has disappeared. And after that, the number of such dogs decreased.

All this led to the almost complete disappearance of the breed in the thirties of the twentieth century. She was even declared officially extinct.

Breed recovery

The Spaniards decided to restore it. When in the eighties, dog handlers and veterinarians began to examine these dogs, they found that the Spanish Alano repeatedly mixed with other molosses. But there are also pure specimens preserved in few places. This mainly happened in areas where traditional farming with bulls has been preserved. After all, it was the Spanish Alano that was used to control them.

spanish alano photo
After finding the true representatives of the breed, they began to restore the features of their behavior, which consisted of dignity, calm disposition, unquestioning submission to the owner, and excellent coordinated work in the group.

Alano is one of the smartest dogs. She can perfectly calculate the reserve of her forces and not spend them in vain.

In 1997, the Development Society developed a standard according to which the Spanish Alano was to grow. His puppies also had to answer him, otherwise the dogs were rejected.

Alano character

These dogs have surprisingly balanced characters. They are calm. And this despite the fact that for a long time they were participants in the bloody wars. Dogs are reliable and obedient, but at the same time quite independent. If you are not familiar with other breeds, then this dog is unlikely to be suitable as your first experience. She can take a dominant position and lead the family.

spanish bulldog alano
Thus, Alano can be aggressive towards those whom he considers lower in status. This is a dog for hardy people. For those who can gently point Alano to his place and make it clear that the leader is a man. With such owners, they become obedient, obedient and well-mannered. It is important to train them correctly and competently, to make them obedient, since the Spanish Alano is a rather big dog and can cause harm by its strength.

The opinion of people about the breed

The owners of the Spanish bulldogs believe that these dogs are a real find for the family. They are devoted to each of its members, unlike other breeds that choose only one person as their masters. They are gentle and caring, especially in relation to young children. But still, you should be careful not to leave the child alone with the dog if you have not fully studied its character. They are large dogs, and the behavior of a child who, due to age, does not understand what he is doing, can cause aggression in them.


Alano is a very friendly and affectionate dog, but only with those he knows. Strangers are alarming. Until Alano studies them, he will not allow them to feel calm. True, here it is enough to look at the dimensions that the Spanish Alano has (photos are presented in the article) to understand that it is not worth joking with him, especially when you first met. With respect to dull people, Alano acts decisively and swiftly.

dog breed spanish alano
At the same time, the dog clearly understands who is in front of him. He can decisively attack a thief or a robber, but he will not touch just passers-by who do not provoke him. For this valuable quality they especially prefer to see him as a security guard. Such dogs almost do not bark, but silently attack. They are best suited for houses with a high fence, where no one can accidentally get into the absence of the owners.

If it still happened that Alano attacked, then this could lead to the death of his opponent. He does not know the pain and fear of the attack, his grip cannot be disengaged without the command of the owner, and the size of the victim does not matter. That is why it is recommended to acquire a Spanish bulldog only to the most powerful people who can manage it correctly.

But for all their ferocity, they coexist wonderfully with other animals in the same house.

According to history, Alano were always in packs with other dog breeds, but at the same time they always dominated. If other relatives showed intransigence, then everything was decided in a fight. An exception could be for dogs brought up with him.

The Spanish Alano can be described as a smart and strong-willed dog. It is easy to learn, capturing all new knowledge, as they say, on the fly. That's just when training requires a variety of methods so that dogs do not get bored.

spanish alano puppies
In the course of its history, what kind of functions did the dog not perform! Whoever they were: hunters, shepherds, and fighters. Currently, more and more of them are used as watchmen. And I must say, they cope with the duties assigned to them expertly. And if you still do not keep them on the chain, and allow yourself to control the territory of a private house - the best watchmen can not be desired.

Feeding alano ready-made feed

Alano is unpretentious in food and does not cause any problems for its owners. Everything that suits any dog ​​fits them. Initially, the owners decide what their Spanish Alano will eat. Owner reviews are shared in favor of dry feed and natural products. The first is to save time and benefit the pet. It is only necessary to choose the food that is individually suitable for your dog. It is also worth choosing products of the highest class.

"Natural" feeding

If you have a lot of free time and Alano is very dear to you, then you should opt for natural products. The main thing in such a diet, of course, is meat. Preference should be given to beef or veal. But not pork. It is too heavy for the dog’s stomach and is not digested by it, causing the dog to suffer. An important part of the porridge diet. And almost without restrictions. Any suitable: rice, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal.

The opinion of the owners about feeding

Over time, the owner begins to better understand what his Spanish Alano prefers. Reviews from other owners will only convince you of this opinion. Do not starve the dog, forcing him to eat something that he does not like. It will not lead to anything good. He is a family member like you. His desires will have to be reckoned with. Sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits are acceptable.

spanish alano owner reviews
But sweets and flour products should be completely excluded from the dog's diet.

How many times should alano eat a day? Until six months of age - about five. Over time, feeding is becoming less common. The number of meals in an adult dog is not more than two times.


Alano is easy to train, even if you are not a professional in this field. They are obedient and intelligent animals, easily trained.

When training, it is important to observe the principle of sluggishness. You should not learn many teams at once. It is necessary to gradually train the dog: they learned one command, repeated it and fixed it. Only after good memorization proceed to the next. Those dogs who are preparing for exhibitions need additional knowledge and skills.

spanish alano reviews
Here you can not do without a professional dog handler and special literature. For each executed command, do not forget to praise and encourage the dog. The dog is very attached to you, values ​​your disposition and friendship. Having received praise, Alano will do everything with redoubled energy, if only he would be praised.

All that is needed is that you establish a trusting relationship with the dog, make it clear that you are the leader, and treat it kindly.

Little conclusion

Now you know what the Spanish Alano is. Description of the breed and photos will help each person to study the type of dogs. If you liked this dog, then first think carefully before buying a pet.


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