Betamox or Betamax? Instructions for use of the drug "Betamox" for animals, analogues, reviews

Caring for cats and dogs is not only about proper feeding and hygiene training. Sometimes pets also have to be treated. One of the common diseases of cats and dogs are bacterial infections of the digestive tract. For the treatment of animals in this case, different drugs can be used. Quite effective means is, for example, Betamox. The instruction for use allows the use of this tool for the treatment of not only domestic, but also various kinds of farm animals.

Release form and composition

Instructions for use of the drug "Betamax" for animals is simple and we will consider below in full detail. However, we immediately make a reservation about the exact name of the drug. Many owners of cats and dogs are looking for “Betamax” in pharmacies for their pets. But it’s more correct to call this medicine Betamox.

betamax instruction
Betamax (tablets) also exists today . Instructions for use, however, prescribe this drug to people with various kinds of mental illness. The active substance of this medication is sulpiride. In the treatment of any tetrapods, this medicine is not used. Betamax tablets for animals simply do not exist. But be that as it may, the matter, of course, is not in the name of the drug, but in its action. The desire to quickly find information, however, gives rise to numerous errors in queries.

The Betamox veterinary drug is not marketed as tablets, but as a sterile white suspension for injection. The active substance of this medicine, which belongs to the usual antibiotics of the penicillin group, is amoxicillin trihydrate. It is delivered to Betamox veterinary clinics, usually in 100 ml bottles. In the domestic market, most often you can find this medicine, released in the UK. The quality of the drug is usually not bad. This medicine is inexpensive, and therefore there are practically no fakes on the market.

Indications for use

Betamox medicine can be prescribed by veterinarians:

  • cats and dogs;

  • Cattle;

  • pigs;

  • IFA.

The main indications for its use are:

  • bacterial infections of the digestive tract;

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;

  • respiratory diseases;

  • various problems of soft tissues and skin caused by microorganisms.

betamax instructions for use


According to the instructions, Betamox should not be used primarily if the animal has an increased sensitivity to its active substance or to the additional components that make up the composition. In this case, it is worthwhile to purchase some other antibiotic analogue with the same pharmacological effect.

The Betamax instruction for cats and dogs allows use. However, this remedy cannot be used to treat:

  • guinea pigs;

  • hamsters;

  • rabbits;

  • gerbil.

Also, this medicine is not prescribed for infections caused by microorganisms that form penicillinase.

special instructions

The veterinarian who treats the animal using Betamox should be aware that this drug is not allowed to be mixed in the same syringe with other agents. Also, you can not use it simultaneously with chemotherapeutic bacteriostatic compounds.

betamax instruction reviews

Features of use for agricultural animals

Instructions for "Betamox" when applied on a farm requires , inter alia, to adhere to such recommendations:

  • slaughter of cattle is allowed to be done no earlier than 23 days after the last injection of the drug;

  • for IFAs, this period is 16 days;

  • it is forbidden to use the milk received from the animal for food during the period of drug use or within 60 hours after the last infection.

The meat of cows and sheep, forced to kill before the expiration of the removal of harmful substances from the body after treatment with Betamox, is allowed to be used for feeding fur animals or producing bone meal. Milk obtained from cows during the use of the drug can be given to animals after heat treatment.

betamax instructions for use reviews

Means "Betamox": instructions for use

Injections using this drug are most often done once. Usually this is enough for the complete recovery of the pet. Dosages of the drug depend mainly not on the animal species, but on its weight. Instructions for use "Betamax" for dogs, for example, is similar, therefore, to the method of using it for cats or cows. This suspension is administered either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Intravenous injections using this medicine are prohibited. Before use, the bottle with the drug should be shaken thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

The injection site is pre-lubricated with alcohol. Thorough wetting of the animal’s hair with a concentrated solution of laundry soap is also allowed.

betamax instructions for use analogues

To use Betamox medicine, the instruction e omits including for those animals in which renal failure was detected. However, in this case, the dosage should be calculated as accurately as possible. Injections of the drug are allowed only with the help of dry, sterile syringes and needles. For large animals, if the dose exceeds 20 ml, the drug is recommended to be administered in several doses at different points.

An injection using Betamox is painful. Therefore, the injection site at the final stage is recommended to massage slightly.


It requires Betamax to take instructions for use in animals, usually in the amount of 1 ml per 10 kg of weight. Thus, with each injection, a sick cow, cat or dog receives approximately 15 mg of active substance per 1 kg of mass. If the animal does not feel relief from the first time, the drug can be reused - 48 hours after the first injection.

For farm animals, Betamox is administered intramuscularly. For cats and dogs, subcutaneous injections are also permitted.

What side effects can a medicine have?

The use of Betamox antibiotic in animals usually does not cause any particular harm. The only adverse reaction to this remedy can only be allergic. But in this case, most likely, nothing particularly terrible will happen to the animal. When you stop taking the medicine, your allergy usually goes away quickly. To accelerate this process, adrenaline and corticosteroids are allowed.

betamax tablets instruction

Pharmacological properties

Once in the animal’s body, the Betamox drug blocks the synthesis of cell walls of pathogenic bacteria. Also, the active substance of the drug inhibits some enzymes, which leads to a violation of the osmotic balance in the body. And this, in turn, causes the death of microorganisms already at the development stage. The result is a very fast recovery of a sick animal.

The drug is absorbed into the blood from the injection site almost instantly. The active substance of the drug also spreads very quickly throughout the body. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed 1-2 hours after the injection. At the therapeutic level, however, it persists for 48-72 hours. A feature of the substance amoxicillin is that it is practically not metabolized. The Betamox drug is excreted from the animal’s body mainly with urine (to a lesser extent, with milk and bile).

This medicine can have a harmful effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. That is why it has a very wide spectrum of action.

Analogues of the drug

Here is such approximately and there is an application instruction for "Betamax". The analogues of this drug are numerous, and if you want to find a good substitute for it, it will be easy. For example, often veterinarians prescribe antibiotics to animals, such as:

  • “Cipro et”;

  • " Clamoxyl";

  • "Linkomycin."

The last two drugs are also available in the form of suspensions. Tsiprovet is available in tablet form. All three of these drugs are antibiotics. In terms of cost, they are quite comparable with Betamox. Absolutely any pet lover or farmer can afford to buy them.

The active substance of the drug “Ciprovet” is ciprofloxacin. The composition of this drug also includes a potent component of fluoroquinolone. In addition to tablets, drops of “Tsiprovet” can be found in veterinary pharmacies. They are used for infectious diseases of the eyes of cats and dogs. In tablets, this antibiotic is usually prescribed in an amount of 1 pc. per 3 kg of animal weight.

Clamoxyl, in fact, is synonymous with Betamox. The main active ingredient in its composition is amoxicillin trihydrate. Indications, contraindications and dosages for it are provided exactly the same as for "Betamox".

The composition of the drug "Lincomycin" includes the same active substance. Cats and dogs, unlike Betamox, are allowed to administer it intravenously.

Consumer opinion about the drug

Reviews about "Betamax", the instructions for the use of which were reviewed by us above, on the web there are basically only good ones. Most owners of both domestic and farm animals consider it a very effective means. Already on the third day after the first injection in a cat, dog or cow, all signs of recovery begin to be observed.

The only disadvantage of Betamox is that it cannot be pricked by animals with insulin needles. In this case, it is worth using a needle from a 2-cc syringe. Before use, the drug should be shaken. This is necessary not only in order to make the medicine more homogeneous and thereby increase its effectiveness. If the drug is not previously shaken, it may simply not pass through the needle.

betamax instructions for use for animals

How to store medicine

Thus, we found out what Betamox and “Betamax” preparations are (instructions, reviews , analogues we have considered). However, you can get a good effect when using the medicine for animals, of course, only if it is properly stored.

The shelf life of this product in a closed bottle is quite large - 2 years. After opening, the use of Betamox medicine is allowed only in the first 28 days. This drug is supposed to be stored in a dry, dark place at an ambient temperature of 15-25 ° C. Of course, you should keep the drug wherever pets or children can reach it.


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