Hollow core slabs: description and photo

One of the most necessary, inexpensive and easy to install building materials are floor slabs. Currently, two types of such products are manufactured: hollow and solid. Each type is designed to solve certain construction problems, but nevertheless, in the construction of various structures, hollow core slabs are most often used. In fact, these are universal structures, since they can be used for any type of construction. They are indispensable for the removal of floors, the separation of basements from the main buildings, the construction of garages, roofs and many other structures.

The multi-hollow floor slab (PC) is a flat rectangular concrete block . Inside the structure there are oval cavities. They are needed to reduce the weight of the panel, to increase its heat-saving properties. If necessary, engineering communications can be laid inside the voids.

Production Features

Hollow core slabs
The panels are manufactured according to design drawings by pouring according to the requirements of GOST: multi-hollow floor slabs are made of heavy concrete, the density class of which is not less than B30. To provide the products with the necessary strength, a framework is placed in the formwork. To extend the service life and maintain durability, all metal elements are coated with a special composition for protection against corrosion. Due to this, the products retain good bending strength for many decades.

In addition, according to GOST, for panels that will rest on the walls with only two or three sides, the frame is made not of simple reinforcement, but pre-stressed.

In order to further facilitate the work with finishing materials, the upper and lower planes of the panels are carefully leveled, so that without using plastering, they can be painted, glued with wallpaper, and other types of finishing materials can be used. The lifting holes and embedded loops on the panels are designed for convenient installation and movement.

Preparation method

The entire production process is strictly controlled and regulated according to the requirements of official documents. Manufacturing of products takes place according to the following scheme: a frame structure is mounted in a special open-type mold 3-5 cm from the edge.

Together with the frame, sling loops are also laid. When the metal reinforcement is ready, the mixture with concrete is poured. Thanks to the application of the method, the vibration of the product is obtained not only durable, high strength, but also strictly comply with the design indicators. They do not have sagging, cracks, cavities, chips and other defects that can reduce the strength of the product.

Then the panels are subjected to heat treatment and sent to the laboratory, where they pass verification tests to identify flaws, and also indicators and control values ​​are checked.


GOST multihollow floor slabs
So that in the future multi-hollow floor slabs possess the necessary characteristics, for their manufacture, in addition to purified water, manufacturers use only high-quality Portland cement. The aggregate is fine-grained sand and gravel. They are resistant to temperature changes and give these properties to the panel. To maximize other important indicators, various plasticizers are used.

For continuous reinforcement, depending on the purpose of the products, the following can be used:

  1. Seven-wire strands with a section 6P-7.
  2. High-strength wire of a periodic profile. Its cross section should be 5Bp-II.
  3. Rods, for the manufacture of which thermally hardened steel of the At-V class was used.
  4. Ropes with a diameter of 6 mm of a class K-7.
  5. Reinforcing wire of class BP-II and other similar materials permitted by the State Standard.

Standards Indicators

Series hollow core slabs
Hollow core slabs series 1 141 1 is the main standard for the manufacture of PC panels. Therefore, all the requirements and rules are strictly observed during production. Moreover, the panels never poison on the implementation, if they have not passed the quality control, as evidenced by the issued passports and certificates.

Mandatory marking is displayed on the side faces of each panel, displaying all product information. Based on the applied data, the selection of elements for a particular object is carried out taking into account the characteristics of panel products and the requirements for their characteristics.


Hollow core slabs series 1 141 1
Since multi-hollow floor slabs are intended for typical construction, they are marked during manufacture. For this, signs in the form of letters and numbers are applied:

  1. PC - multi-hollow cooker.
  2. The first numerical designation is length. Presented in decimetres (the indicator is rounded to the nearest whole number).
  3. The second digit indicates the width in dm (value is rounded).
  4. The third digit indicates the maximum indicator of the bearing properties of the product. The indicator is depicted in MPa.


Currently, many types of hollow products are being produced, which vary in the diameter of the voids and the shape of the plates themselves. One of the indicators by which multi-hollow floor slabs are distinguished is dimensions.

Plate type

Thickness in centimeters

Product length in meters

Density of concrete, average in kg per 1 m / 3



Up to 7.2

1,400 - 2,500



Up to 9.0

1 400 - 2 5 00



Up to 7.2

2,200 - 2,500



Up to 6.3

2,200 - 2,500



Up to 9.0

1,400 - 2,500



Up to 12.0

2,200 - 2,500



Up to 12.0

2,200 - 2,500



Up to 7.2

2,200 - 2,500



Up to 12.0

2,200 - 2,500

You can use the panels on constructions of any installation size: the overall performance is so unified that it fits everywhere. This is one of the important characteristics of the products that this series represents. Multi-hollow floor slabs can withstand significant loads, in size they are inferior to similar products that are intended for use in the construction of foundations, load-bearing walls. But at the same time, panel structures with voids have a multiple margin of safety.

Basic properties

Multihollow PC floor slab
To understand how important and necessary for construction are panel structures, it is enough to study the advantages that multi-hollow concrete slabs have. Series 1 141 1 is designed for use in areas of high seismicity, and therefore is particularly durable. In addition, the use of products has many other positive qualities:

  1. Allow structures to withstand quite impressive loads.
  2. Hollow products provide high thermal insulation properties, excellent frost resistance and fire safety.
  3. With the correct adjustment of the supports of the floor slabs provide an absolute horizontal surface.
  4. To increase frost resistance, panels are produced in which the cavities are filled with porous insulation materials.
  5. The canvases are durable, do not need additional care, their use significantly facilitates the application of the finish coating.
  6. The use of slabs improves the water resistance of the building, preventing gas, steam, and noise from entering other parts of the buildings.

Application features

Overlapping plates multihollow sizes
PC panels are in demand today for the construction of facilities for various purposes. These are industrial and public buildings, residential buildings, loggias, balconies. Using multi-hollow floor slabs, you can create two structural elements at once. These are the ceiling and floor, which will also be almost perfectly flat.

Due to such characteristics as strength, fire resistance, thermal insulation, it is possible to use panels in the construction of building structures in areas with any climate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7468/

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