On the threshold of summer: how to weave a wreath of dandelions

Dandelions are wonderful spring flowers, so similar to a good, bright, hot sun. Little girls of all generations, inhabitants of villages and cities wove wreaths of them in childhood. We will also discuss how to do this.

Once a flower, two flowers - dandelions wreaths

how to weave a wreath of dandelions
For those who do not know how to weave a wreath of dandelions, we will describe in detail several ways. We’ll clarify right away: when you are picking flowers, try to vomit with long stems. They are easier to weave, connecting in a wreath. The first option is this: take 3 flowers and bandage them at the cup with thread. This will be the basis. Working with her, you will understand how to weave a wreath of dandelions. Now we shift the stems of the associated flowers as if weaving a pigtail. We make several bindings and report another dandelion, twisting its stalk with the rest. After a couple of peroxides, we add more, and so on until the end. Try on your creation from time to time so as not to make it too big. Just try so that the ends of the stems do not stick out, otherwise your decoration will become like a green hedgehog. At the last stage of our training lesson "how to weave a wreath of dandelions" you need to connect both ends of it in a circle. Put the edge from which you started work at the end of weaving and tie it tightly with a string (green or yellow). Now put on your head and enjoy your health!


how to weave a wreath of dandelions
Decoration can be done in a different way. For some, this method, how to weave a wreath of dandelions, will seem easier, but for some it will be more convenient for the first one, already described. But let's get started. Again, take a few flowers. Then one more, we put its head close to the previous ones, only parallel to them. And we wrap the stem twice around their stems and lower it down to the existing ones. We take the flower again and repeat the whole operation again. If you haven’t done this kind of work before and don’t know how to weave a wreath of dandelions, you will have to make some efforts so that it does not crumble. Try to make the weaving tight, flowers as close as possible to each other. The ends are connected in the same way as described in the previous method. Admire how elegant a wreath of dandelions is! The photo will return you on wonderful summer days!

Ribbon weaving

dandelion wreath photo
Just like from dandelions, you can weave wreaths of daisies and other wildflowers. But we will return again to our little suns. And we will offer another way of weaving - with a pigtail, but with a ribbon. Take a silk ribbon (not wide, a centimeter and a half) or decorative lace, long enough. Color pick red, pink, blue, blue - any that goes well with yellow and green shades. Throw it in the middle part through the flowers-base and then weave along with the stems as in a real braid. Imagine that stalks are strands and work. Why is such a wreath better than those described above? In it, the floral elements are fastened more firmly, they will not crumble, even if you turn your head sharply or throw the wreath up. A bright ribbon will become an additional decoration, thanks to which such a wreath will look spectacular, festive, and will bring joy to you or the one for whom you wove it.

These are the summer fun of childhood!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7469/

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