Rosa Grandiflora: description, the most popular varieties

Which gardener does not seek to decorate his garden with at least one rose bush? These flowers are striking in their amazing beauty, pleasant aroma and variety of varieties, among which the rose of Grandiflora stands out.


Obtained by crossing a hybrid tea and Floribunda, the Grandiflora bush has much in common with both species: long, straight stalks, inflorescences in the form of a brush, having 4-5 buds and very plentiful flowering for several months. It differs from other species in its growth, sometimes reaching a height of 1.5-2 meters, and large flowers. The plant is quite strong and hardy, resistant to low temperatures and fungal diseases. Bright, varied in color terry buds have a diameter of 10-15 cm and have up to 40 petals. The most common flowers are red, pink or white.

grandiflora rose

Landing and care

Rosa Grandiflora belongs to the category of photophilous plants, therefore, when planting it on a site, it is necessary to choose a side well protected by the sun, protected from the wind. If there is not enough light, the shoots may not bloom. The soil is preferably loamy, enriched with humus. If the first buds, which are no larger than a pea in size, are removed, the number of leaves and new shoots will increase significantly.

Periodically, it is necessary to trim the plant in order to form a bush. The rest of the Grandiflora rose requires the same care as most garden crops: watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, removing weeds and shelter from frost.

Watering the bush should be plentiful, depending on the weather, on average 1 time per week. After watering, loosen the soil around the plant thoroughly and deeply. As top dressing, special mineral and organic fertilizers are used. The main part of them is brought in the spring, when the growing season begins, and during flowering. For winter shelter use needles and film, sprinkling it lightly with earth.

To control pests, it is recommended to use insecticidal treatment. If the rules for caring for roses are not followed, the plant can be affected by diseases such as powdery mildew or gray rot, which covers the rose.

Grandiflora rose

Grandiflora Rose

This group includes plants that are very diverse. Each has its own advantages, but there are real favorites among gardeners.

  • Queen Elizabeth This is the founder of the whole group. It is quite simple to grow it, because an unpretentious plant is able to take root even in a darkened area, it is very resistant to diseases and various weather conditions. Pink inflorescences consist of 5-10 buds with a diameter of up to 10 cm.
  • Stella Warm pink flowers with a reddish border around the edges of the petals. Large buds (up to 12 cm in diameter) are collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces. Straight shoots reach 90 cm in height and are covered with very large spikes, so cutting flowers without gloves is not recommended.
  • Komsomolsky light . The velvet-red flower with a golden center, despite its very large size, has no more than 20 petals and is therefore considered to be low-double. It winters very well and is resistant to disease.
  • Love The bud, resembling a glass in its shape, has a unique color: the petals are painted in bright red on the inside and silver-white on the outside.

Landscape design application

Due to its decorative qualities, the Grandiflora rose is used both for group plantings and for cutting. It is a real garden decoration, successfully combined with herbaceous perennials. It is used as a border, hedge and any other option for the design of the site, which contributes to the long flowering period of this plant, as well as the presence of rich green mass.

grandiflora roses description

Especially good for cutting Grandiflora roses. The description and characterization of this species confirms the possibility of growing it both in greenhouses, greenhouses, and in garden areas.


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