Payment of fines of the traffic police. How to check the fine by order number?

Drivers are often interested in how to check the fine by order number. Can this be done? In today's world, the population is offered a variety of opportunities. And therefore, you can learn about most debts without leaving your home, as well as by paying a visit to one or another authority. That is, the citizen himself has the right to choose. It is very comfortable. But what to do with fines of the traffic police? How can I find out about debt? For example, by order number. What will help in this situation and how to act in a particular case? About all this further.

At the STSI

The first option that can only be offered to citizens is a personal visit to the traffic police, who wrote a fine. This is not too popular, but a very effective way.

how to check the fine by order number

How to check the fine by the decision number in this case? Everything is extremely simple. You need to come to the traffic police, then present your passport and give the number of the decision. Next, an employee of the organization will check the presence of debt at its base and inform the applicant about it. This approach is convenient in that it will be possible to pay off the debt directly on the spot. Traffic police officers are able to print payments for certain fines. And after that, the citizen is paying.


But this is only the beginning. A somewhat similar answer to the question of how to check the fine by order number is a phone call. And, again, in the traffic police.

check the payment of the fine by order number

What is required in such circumstances? It is enough to get through to the employees of the body, and then call the number of the decision. In some cases, they may additionally be asked to provide their personal data. A few minutes of waiting - and they will tell by phone whether there is a debt or not. Nothing difficult or special. True, you will have to come and take in person for a payment system. Or you can ask to send it to your home address. Therefore, there may be some problems with direct payment.

Traffic police website

Now we can proceed to more modern methods of action. Each user is able to verify the payment of the fine by the order number. But to do this, you need to know what services to use.

The first of these is the traffic police website. It is official, safe and verified. You can trust him at 100%. It allows not only checking fines, but also paying them. It is enough to have a decision number.

check payment of traffic police fine by order number

What exactly to do in this situation? The user must go to, then look at the “Check fines” section. A few fields will appear on the screen. They enter the relevant information - and you're done. After a few minutes of waiting, the page will display information about the availability of debt. If not, then this will also be reported. Also, if you wish, you can print a receipt for payment directly from the traffic police website.

Government services to help

What's next? You can check the payment of the traffic police fine by the order number by other methods. The following scenario is mainly suitable for those who have a profile on the State Services portal. The thing is that this service helps to realize the task.

That is, with the help of Gosuslug you can find out about the presence of a particular debt. Moreover, it will not necessarily be associated with a traffic police fine. It is enough to go through authorization on the site, then in the search bar (to facilitate the task) type "Check traffic police fines." Further it is proposed to enter personal data, information about the vehicle, as well as the number of the decision. It's all. You can wait for the search result.

By the way, if you want to make a payment, then you can do it at the State Services. There is also the possibility of depositing funds, and a printout of the receipt. Attention: if a person has paid the debt, then the debt will be closed at the State Services only for the next day. Information on the portal is updated once a day. Therefore, immediately after depositing funds, it is not necessary to check the debt.

"Payment of government services"

What's next? It is possible to check the fine by the number of the resolution (with a photo taken by cameras for fixing violations or without them) it is not important). Several official services have already been said. But the list of offers does not end there.

check the fine by order number with photo

Another pretty good option is to use the service "Payment of State Services". Unlike the Gosuslugi website, this portal does not require registration, which greatly simplifies the process of finding debt. Also, this system is intended primarily to pay debts. Therefore, you can close the debt directly on the site and without any problems.

How to work with the resource "Payment of public services"? To check for a fine, the first thing you need to do is go to the official website of the service. The rest is simple. In the menu bar at the top of the page, select the "Traffic fines check" item. Next, the user will be prompted to determine the data by which the database will be scanned. How to check the fine by order number? Select the appropriate item on the service and collect the requested data. After that, click on "Find". If there is a debt, the relevant information will be displayed on the screen. Then you can already pay the fine.

Online wallets

But the following scenario is not suitable for everyone. It is intended for people who have a virtual wallet. For example, Yandex. Money. You can use it to find out and check whether the fine has been paid. Information can be obtained by order number or data on the machine - this is not so important. The main thing is that a citizen will be able to learn about debt or the absence thereof.

check traffic fines by order number

What needs to be done? Consider the solution to the problem on the example of Yandex. However, in all other wallets it is solved in the same way. First of all, the user must log in to the system and go to "Services" - "Traffic fines". Some wallets have a separate service "Check fines." After selecting the appropriate line, you can enter the requested information. Click on the "Check" button and the data will appear on the monitor. If the debt takes place, then with the help of an electronic wallet it will be possible to pay off it. Just click on "Continue" and confirm the transfer of funds. Easy and simple. By the way, if recently the fine was paid, then information about this will be entered into the system only the next day. In this regard, the situation is similar to the "State Services" portal. It is possible to check whether the fine has been paid by the decision number only one day after the transaction.


Check traffic police fines by order number is proposed using online banking. Every modern financial institution has a similar service, and therefore you can use it. For example, Sberbank Online. This service is most popular among the population. And it is on his example that you can consider checking debt for fines.

check paid traffic fines by order number

How to act? The first step is to register with the service. If you already have a profile (as a rule, it is available to all citizens of Sberbank), then you can skip this step. Next, the user logs into his profile with the username and password.

Once on the service page, you must select "Payments and transfers" - "Traffic fines". On the page that opens, mark the item "by decision number". The relevant data is entered below. You can click on "Check" (or "Next"). If there is a debt, the corresponding receipt of payment will appear on the monitor. Here you can see the accrued interest. Accordingly, the user can either print the payment, or continue to work with the Sberbank Online service and pay the debt.


But that is not all. The last reliable answer to the question of how you can check the paid fines of the traffic police by the decision number is to access the site of the bailiffs. Here appears information about all debtors.

check whether the fine has been paid by order number

Working with the site is quite easy. You need to visit the main page, then select "Debt Check" - "By Order Number". Corresponding information is entered into specially designated fields - and the job is done. If there is no debt, the system will report it. Otherwise, information about the debt and the debtor will appear on the page. Now it’s clear how to check the fine by the number of the decision and pay it if necessary. Not so hard as it seems!


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