Cat meow - joy or punishment?

When purchasing a kitten, be prepared for the fact that, along with the beginning of the educational process in relation to a small pet, with all the chores associated with this, your fluffy lump will do the same - it will also closely deal with your re-education. Yes, yes, in fact, cats are very smart pets and they already starting, you can say from infancy, learn that mewing can achieve what you want. So why not take advantage of this for your own goals, while honing the behavior of the owners, making them obedient and quickly fulfilling any pet's wishes? Cat meow - what are the sounds made by our favorites in a wide sound range, ranging from 75 to 1550 Hz?

Each attentive owner of a cat or cat is able to distinguish what exactly he or she wants at one time or another. To help novice owners give a brief description, a kind of classification of what a cat's meow can mean.

Loud demanding "meow"

You don’t have to be seven spans in your forehead to understand the demanding call in a loud voice, which literally translates from a cat as: immediately give the required portion of dinner / let out for a walk / bring my tray in the proper form / just stroke my wool / yes play with me! Moreover, in addition to the demanding voice, the pose of an animal that does not tolerate the slightest delay is also quite eloquent.

The cat's almost inaudible quiet meow

It’s easy to interpret a gentle meow. A self-aware animal, not deprived of the love of its owners, in this way draws attention to its very outstanding and sweet person. In addition, a quiet voice can mean a neat, unobtrusive request for something that I really want, but not always, but even never can be obtained. For example, such a tender “meow” may sound during your family dinner. When the owners indulge their pet, the cat knows ahead of time that, in the end, your heart will tremble, and you will not resist the request so charmingly made and treat the pet with a tidbit.

Howl - cat meow, signifying danger, pain, extreme frustration

It is imperative to respond to such sounds immediately, as this can mean severe pain, injury, or very severe stress. When there are no symptoms mentioned above, and a cunning animal tries to attract your attention in this way, you should ignore this voice manifestation from the very beginning. Otherwise, your cat will continue to practice similar voice tactics, turning your life into an intolerable torture of howling, and in every way.

Battle cry

Such a sound is difficult to confuse with any other. How to interpret this? Why is the cat screaming during and before the fight? The explanation is simple - the animal, like a ninja, is trying to bring fear to the opponent with a loud oror. The evil meow of cats during the battle demonstrates aggression in the behavior of brawlers.


In such a straightforward way, the cat signals that at the present time it should not be touched, intruded on its territory and in general it is just necessary to leave it alone for a while. Usually, these animals react to dogs, other cats, or people who have tired of their excessive attention. Hissing is also a harbinger of a brawl. Neglecting such an expressive sign provides deep scratches and bites.

Kitten meow

The thin voice of a kitten looking for mom sounds loudly, plaintively and piercingly. Perhaps this meow is the most touching and few people indifferent.

If in the morning you hear a short “mur-mur” - know that such a charming creature welcomes you. For example, it’s pretty hilarious to watch a cat sitting on a window sill, watching turtledoves or other birds, make a sound “mmm”, characteristic of this case only, and at the same time his chin will shake so funny. The nature of cat sounds is very diverse. Be prepared to learn a variety of signals, as they are designed specifically for you - cats communicate with each other in a completely different range, which is not always heard by the human ear.


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