Pattern blouses for beginners

Many girls want to wear beautiful, and most importantly - original clothes. Only in the modern world to realize such a desire is not so simple, because the same thing can be bought by any other buyer. To avoid such disappointments, you can sew clothes yourself. In order to make any thing with your own hands, you will need a pattern. You will learn how to do it correctly in this article.

An example of a finished blouse

What is a pattern?

This is a fragment or element of any part of the clothing that is cut out of cardboard or thick paper. It is created only on the basis of already taken measurements and serves to ensure that it is possible to correctly and accurately make clothes, cut parts of the product from fabric.

Most often, patterns are indicated by several lines. The main line shows the exact size of the future item of clothing. Dotted - the stock that must be left in case of illiterate taking measurements or other unforeseen situations. The pattern can be cut out of cheap fabric, tracing paper and other improvised means. In sewing, a pattern is called a pattern or just a pattern.

How to do it right?

We will consider the manufacture of patterns on the example of a blouse. A pattern for a blouse can be found ready-made on the Internet or done independently. For beginners, the best way is to download the finished version and not spend a lot of time on the independent production of the template. Next you need to follow the points:

  • To get acquainted with such concepts as: tuck, armhole, chest line, thigh line, waist line.
  • Understand that a pattern for a blouse is in any case a rectangle. And if your layout does not connect to this figure at all, then it’s clearly worth starting to worry and try to understand what the error is.
  • Take measurements. The height the blouse will have. Semi-circumference of the chest, waist, hips, neck. Dins of the shoulder, back. The width of the back. Measure the center of the chest.
  • Take a large sheet on which you will draw your pattern. Draw a large rectangle. Its height is the height of the blouse that you need.
An example of a pattern for a blouse
  • The width of the rectangle is the width of your future blouse.
  • Divide the rectangle into three parts. They are also called zones. These are the zones: armhole, back, chest.
  • In the back part, draw 2 lines. These will be the lines of the shoulder and the neck. You need to know that the shoulder line should go at an angle.
  • Mark the line of the chest. Draw armholes of the back and front.
  • Divide the pattern for the blouse on the back and shelf. More specifically, on the left side and on the right side.
  • Draw the line of the hips and the line of the waist.
  • Draw side bends and waist tucks.
  • It is necessary to expand the hips and round the bottom of the future blouse.
An example of a pattern for a blouse

Choosing a blouse style and materials

When you already have a clear idea of ​​how to make a pattern for a blouse, you need to decide on the style that suits you best. In this matter, experts advise to proceed from the level of complexity of the product. By the way, you can choose a pattern for a simple blouse, but at the same time it will look no worse than complex.

Focus on the materials that will be needed when sewing. No need to choose those that will be difficult for beginners to work with. So, experienced seamstresses do not recommend using the following fabrics for the first experiments:

  • Chiffon. This material slides, can stretch and move. To work with it you need neat lines.
  • Do not grasp for natural and artificial skin. Due to its density, each seam leaves a strong imprint on the product. If any error occurs, the fabric will already be damaged.
  • It is difficult to work with the materials on which you need to combine the drawing (cell, strip).
  • And finally, beginners should not take velvet. Because of his villi, he creates difficulties in the manufacture of the product.
Blouse Styles

What tools will be needed?

When your pattern for a beginner's blouse is ready, you can take care of additional tools, without which no product can be sewn. The means at hand include:

  • Scissors. Desirable, sharp and large in size.
  • Chalk or a bar of dried soap. With its help, marking will be made on the fabric.
  • Threads. Choose the color matching products. Their thickness should depend on the material chosen.
  • Needles. Their thickness also depends on the fabric chosen.
  • Centimeter.
improvised materials

Main mistakes

Beginners have many questions when sewing a blouse with their own hands. The pattern for the product is most often done correctly, with the exception of the sleeves. If your blouse is a sleeveless jacket, then you will not encounter a similar problem.

The following will list the main errors when creating a blouse pattern with a sleeve:

  1. Many do not take into account the length of the sleeve, measuring exactly as much as necessary. This is the mistake. In the manufacture of sleeves, you should always leave small stocks that can be tucked up during trial fittings. Thus, reworking of this entire part can be avoided.
  2. When making a blouse pattern with a sleeve, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are several basic types of the latter (tight-fitting, tight-fitting, loose, very loose, extended and semi-tight). Each type requires a different amount of increase. The wider the sleeve, the greater the increase. Many do not take into account the type of sleeve and make the same increase in each case. This is a mistake.

Tips for beginners

If you adhere to the advice from experienced seamstresses, you can make a beautiful and accurate product the first time.

  • The pattern is best done from dense materials so that it does not bend much. When transferring patterns to fabric, it is better to attach it to thin pins to the fabric so that it does not move.
  • After creating a pattern, you can take a test inexpensive fabric and create a test layout for a future blouse. Try it on, remove defects or make sure that everything is done correctly.
  • You should use a sewing machine, and not try to staple everything with your hands. This saves time and the seams are even.
  • Care must be taken with the fabric to avoid puffs or holes on the fabric.
  • For the first job, you do not need to choose a lined blouse. Its sizes will be slightly different, which will only confuse a person who has just started sewing.

If you correctly make a pattern and follow all the tips, the product will turn out to be neat and beautiful!


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