Em Kalinin: biography, poetry, musical activity

Em Kalinin was born on January 6, 1988 in the city of Cherepovets. His real name is Michael. Known as a poet, musician, singer and video blogger. He was the founder of the projects "Bydlotsykl", "I Love No One", "Milien Torment" and "Refining". It can be recognized by many pseudonyms, including: Leo Pechenyev, Mr. Bydlotsykl, Misha Rain. Mikhail Kalinin is one of the most versatile personalities of our time.

Biography of Em Kalinin

From childhood, Mikhail was a creative person. He began to write music and poems from school, publishing his first release in grade 9.

In September 2005, the first collection of poems was released under the very pseudonym Em - "Buttercups in the Trench." In 2006, the second and final collection appeared - Punch and Fireworks. In the same year, the writer graduated from high school and moved to Vologda.

Young em

In 2006 he entered the State Pedagogical University as a journalist. Student years Em Kalinin associated with the founding of the musical group "AIDS". At the same time, he released three albums: “Victim of Art”, “Etc, etc.,” and “Not an Album”. In 2008, he was awarded the literary Elijah Prize for his poems.

By 2011, he graduated from the university and moved to St. Petersburg, where he lives to this day. In October of the same year he became a participant in the poetry contest “Listen” named after Velimir Khlebnikov. Having become the winner there, Em Kalinin decides to found a musical group. He sets aside one year for this, and in case of failure, the project would be closed forever.

The author begins to make music, writes poetry and opens his first YouTube channel. On the Internet you can see a large number of poems by Em Kalinin, performed with expressive acting and soft musical accompaniment. The last of the network projects was the channel "Mr. Bydlotsykl", on which the author performs his works with a guitar.

Em in the image of an OAR


Despite his talent as a songwriter, musician and poet, Em Kalinin did not receive much popularity. Basically, he is known on the Internet as the author of satirical songs under the pseudonym "Cattle."

Over the years, Mikhail strove to create his own serious project, not tied to an Internet audience. Finally, in January 2015, the "Refining" team was founded. The group to this day performs deep and poetic works on topics of love, friendship.

Throughout his career, the biography of Em Kalinin is closely intertwined with three people. These are Sasha Om, Alexander Koryukovets and Sergey Sergeich. It was they who became participants in this project. The assembled team for a long time professionally engaged in music in various projects. Their association occurred only with the move to St. Petersburg.

Group "Refining"

Em Kalinin gradually, gradually begins to gain popularity, receiving more and more reviews for new releases. The latest album, released in 2018, was mentioned on television and radio.

Opinion of music critics

The music and poems of Em Kalinin are distinguished by originality and original sound. For the most part, it can be said that music critics have a positive attitude towards the work of Mr. Bydlotsykl. Although sometimes negative reviews come out. This is usually associated with the excessive complexity of the text or a pile of musical instruments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7479/

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