Dwarf Japanese pinscher (miniature pinscher): breed description, photos, conditions, nature, feeding

Owners of Japanese pinschers note a tireless character, an interesting gait resembling a horse's gait, activity, lovingness and suspicion of these dogs. These are small pets who are always ready for communication. Pinschers can be very loud and mischievous, which often causes inconvenience to the owners, but all problems can be eliminated in advance if you do not spoil the dog and raise it from a very young age. In this case, the dwarf Japanese pincher will grow obedient and active, become a real member of the family.

Breed description

Japanese dwarf pincher (see the photo of dogs in the article) is suitable for a dog breeder with experience that will cope with the nature of the animal. Dogs of this breed are rated as energetic, fearless and very active. A peculiarity is an extravagant gait: the Japanese pincher, while walking, raises the front legs, bending them in the wrist. The dogs are decorative, but each animal, according to the owners, is completely confident in its impressive size. Hence the remarkable courage on walks and at home with the appearance of strangers. A characteristic feature of the breed is curiosity, so you need to hide all easily accessible things, including pharmacological preparations.

japanese pincher feeding

In the description of the Japanese pincher, it is often mentioned that it is a family dog. With fearlessness, the miniature dog will protect its owner and his family from potential intruders. These dogs cannot cause harm, but sometimes they behave very loudly. Pinchers are affectionate and complaisant, but sometimes impudent behavior is manifested, which does not at all commensurate with the size of the dog. The breed is stubborn, so the owner will have to make an effort to raise a dog. Most miniature breeds are relatively difficult to train at home. Training should begin from the first days when the puppy came to the new owners.

Standard: type, weight and height

The dwarf pinscher belongs to service dogs. Initially, the ears and tail were cropped to the animals, but lately the ears of the Miniature Pinscher have been stopped less and less. The body of the Pinschers is muscular, you cannot call them fragile and weak, although the miniature size creates just such an impression. What does a Japanese pincher look like? The paws are quite high and strong, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front. The head is strictly proportional to the body, the transition from the forehead to the nose is visible. The neck is moderately long and thick, the eyes are oval, the hair is short. Smooth-haired dwarf pinscher, according to international standards adopted back in 1880, should weigh from four to six kilograms, and growth should not exceed 30 cm. Dogs can be black-red or red.

Japanese pinscher conditions

Origin history

Dwarf pinschers appeared in Germany in the early Middle Ages. It is believed that this is a smaller version of the Doberman, but in reality the breed appeared about two centuries earlier. There is speculation that dogs were bred in the Württemberg area at the beginning of the fifteenth century by crossing a German pinscher, a dachshund and a Manchester terrier. Be that as it may, these dogs quickly won love. The Pinschers lived in stables, they were considered talismans on the road, because they frightened off the robbers and averted danger with their loud barking. Over time, they began to be used to hunt small game. Later, the dwarf Japanese pinscher gained popularity in the countries of Scandinavia. The breed was registered by the American Kennel Club in 1925. Three years later, a club of Pinscher lovers appeared, and a year later the breed was re-qualified (before that, Pinschers were called terriers in the USA).

Pinscher character

Dwarf Japanese pinscher - active, inquisitive and fearless. These dogs are funny and courageous, they become real family members. Pinschers love to participate in family outings, long walks and active games. They are very attached to the owners and prefer to always be near. If the pinscher feels the danger, he will fearlessly protect the person, although the insolence of character is completely incommensurable with the size of the animal. This is a companion dog that must live under the same roof with the owner and be a full member of the family. Unacceptable living dwarf pinscher in the yard, in the garage or in the aviary.

Pinchers get along well with children, but do not tolerate careless handling. Due to their small size, these dogs are vulnerable and need personal space. With other animals in the house, as a rule, they easily find a common language, but they can be aggressive towards other dogs. Usually they get along with those dogs that they know from an early age. By nature, animals are very suspicious and prone to excessive barking. Therefore, in public places pinschers need to be kept on a leash, and at home they should be accustomed to a quiet reception of guests.

pincher dwarf

Dogs of the Japanese Pincher breed are simultaneously cheerful, loyal, active and demanding, strong-willed. Negative traits can be dealt with in a timely and persistent manner. Pinschers are smart enough and love to learn. The dog will be happy to do what the owner wants, as soon as his authority is recognized. The main thing in communication with the animal is not to spoil the pet. An animal can be masterful if not educated with it since childhood. The rest of the pinscher adores the whole family and seeks to please the owner.

The character of the Japanese pincher cannot be called complaisant. They can bark loudly and for a long time, tear pillows, packages with medicines and sweets, tear boxes and try to "dig" the floors, chasing cats and rodents. All these problems are relatively easily resolved in early childhood. The main thing is to educate a miniature pinscher from the moment he gets into the house. Pinschers like to be near the owner, but can be quite independent, so they need supervision.

japanese pincher description

Maintenance and care

The ideal conditions for keeping the Japanese pincher are a city apartment or a private house. Dogs should be protected from the cold and kept on a leash in public places. Pinchers and high temperatures are difficult to tolerate, so you need to take care of the free access to fresh water in the heat. Animals need movement because they are prone to obesity. So, it is important to provide the Japanese pincher with regular physical activity. Free range is possible only in a fenced area. In this case, you must ensure that there are no holes in the fence through which the miniature dog can choose to the street.

Combing your pet is enough two or three times a week, once - wipe it with a damp towel. Japanese pinchers shed very weakly, because their hair was short and smooth. Bathing dogs as needed. It is advisable to use special shampoos that do not harm the coat. Sometimes veterinarians advise you to buy dogs with dermatitis using ordinary brown laundry soap, but you should not do this with regular practice. Pinschers often have dental problems, so you need to brush their teeth as often as possible. A special paste is used. It is enough to trim the nails once every two weeks, but if you regularly walk the dog on the street, they will grind naturally, which will facilitate grooming.

pinscher dwarfish smooth-haired

Feeding pinscher

Japanese pinscher should eat small meals. The basis of the diet (at least 40%) is meat. Puppies are better fed with a bird, adult dwarf pinchers are more suitable for beef or horse meat. A third of the diet should be plant foods, that is, fresh and stewed vegetables, another third - cereals. It is advisable to feed buckwheat, oat and millet cereals to pinschers. In order not to have problems with nutrition, it is better to accustom your pet to the regimen from an early age. Sometimes you can give salads seasoned with sunflower or olive oil. A small amount of cottage cheese will not hurt.

As for puppies, the first lure is administered from 3-4 months. Kids can be given porridge in goat's milk, a little later, minced meat and vegetables can be added to the diet. Two-month-old pinchers need to be given food six times a day, four-month feedings are enough for six months, then the food becomes two-time. Many owners decide to switch adult dogs to dry food. It is possible, but only extra-class or special food is needed.

miniature pinscher ears

Training and training

The dwarf pincher (photo of miniature dogs of this breed is presented above) is easy to learn, but you need to start training from childhood, because adult dogs are difficult to educate. Pinschers learn with enthusiasm, are ready to perform any tasks, but can become spoiled and know how to achieve what they want. For many owners, training becomes a real challenge, but it is possible to train a pet. An experienced, consistent and demanding person, endowed with leadership qualities, should deal with a dog. Classes should be short. It is important to remember that all the efforts of the pinscher in training completely negate the rude or aggressive attitude.

Health and Disease

Japanese pinscher is a long-lived dog. The average life expectancy of these loving pets is 13-15 years. The main health problems can be glaucoma, cataracts, urolithiasis, diseases of the intervertebral disc, hypothyroidism, dislocation of the patella and shoulder joint, progressive atrophy of the eye. Dogs are prone to obesity, poorly tolerate cold and heat. Allergic reactions are usually not observed. It is not necessary that the pet manifest any of these diseases, because the essence of all problems usually lies in improper care. So, if you provide the dog with proper care, then the pinscher will live a long, healthy and happy life.

dwarf pinscher adult

The first vaccination of Japanese dwarf pinscher puppies is done at the age of one to two months. Vaccination should be carried out only by an experienced veterinarian who will monitor the condition of the puppy and the body's response to the vaccine. Each vaccination should be stamped in the pet’s passport. The next injection is given after a tooth change, that is, about six to seven months. A few days before the procedure, you need to give the puppy an anthelmintic drug, although allergic reactions are rare. All other vaccinations are done after a year. In this case, overcooling and physical overstrain of the pet in the following days is unacceptable.

Knitting process

The mating is very simple, does not cause trouble to the owners or the dogs themselves. Representatives of both sexes of the dwarf pincher practically do not differ in size and weight. The temperament of dogs is such that mating can be carried out independently and technically successfully, even without supervision. As with any other animal, there are cases of complex pregnancies and childbirth. But this does not happen more often than other dogs. In order to avoid complications, it is better to postpone the mating until the third estrus. Childbirth usually takes place naturally. Intervention by medical personnel is not required. Puppies are born strong and hardy. When breeding, special attention should be paid to the proper nutrition of dogs and vitamins, so that bone and muscle tissues are properly formed.

Interesting Facts

Dwarf Japanese pinschers hunt rodents well, so they can attack small animals that are perceived as prey. Dogs are very active and suitable for families with children, but they can be stubborn, aggressive if something goes wrong the way the animal wants, so sometimes the pincher can harm a very small child. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by curiosity, so the owners need to look after the pet and not leave sweets, medicines, things that may interest the dog in easily accessible places. The dwarf pinscher with pleasure will drag everything around the room and taste it.

Puppies cost

How much does a Japanese pincher cost? In Russia, the cost of a puppy of this breed is about 30 thousand rudders. If future owners are ready to buy a dog without a pedigree or with a breeding marriage, then the price drops to 10 thousand rubles. About 20 thousand. You need to pay for a puppy with a pedigree, which is contained in the kennel. The highest price is for dogs of titled parents who are the winners of exhibitions. It is better to buy a puppy from the breeders. It’s not worth buying a pincher with your hands (even if the cost is very attractive) - a puppy can grow up and have nothing to do with this breed.

japanese pincher character

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a dwarf Japanese pinscher, it is important to pay attention to the puppy's activity. These dogs do not like monotonous rest in a convenient place all day. The ears, nose and eyes of the future pet should be clean. Green or brown pollution usually indicates some kind of disease or improper care. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the paws: the puppy should not stretch them or limp. This indicates weak bones and joints. In adulthood, such a dog can show serious health problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F749/

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