Anton Platov. The concept of runes according to Platov

Current science arrogantly ignores the theme of runes, referring them exclusively to the field of esotericism. However, numerous facts indicate that the runes, these ancient icons, strange for today's layman, affect the world around. It is believed that it was in the runes that the primary ancient writing was presented, which was common to all peoples.

It is characteristic that this writing took its roots back in the Golden Age, when our world was not saturated with lies and intolerance. Perhaps that is why the runopis keeps in itself an ancient charge of truth, taken from those times when people, perhaps, communicated with the gods.

Anton Platov Runic Magic

More than twenty years ago, the subject of the runic revival was carried away by the scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Anton Platov. Passion grew into a matter of life. Today it is one of the leading Russian specialists in runic esotericism. The scientist’s systematic approach and literary gift allowed Anton Valerievich to systematize scattered information on the Northern Sacred tradition and write more than a dozen thematic books demanded by fellow countrymen - adherents of ancient knowledge. His works touch upon areas such as northern mythology and runic magic; refer to the images of the Holy Grail, the Tree of Life and the Island of the Immortals.

At the same time, Anton Platov is a well-known practitioner and teacher who works a lot with people. This is a seeker of ancient knowledge, founder and director of the Nordheim School of Northern Tradition.

Anton Platov - scientist and runologist

Later, in one of his interviews, he will say that for the first time he felt that there was something unusual in his life surrounding him, like magic, being a fourteen-year-old boy.

The scientist, carried away by the knowledge that opens before him, realized that the Northern tradition is more than religion, faith, magic. This is even more than the lifestyle of the people. He defined the tradition as a certain state in which people of a certain ethnic group, a certain people can gain access to something big.

Anton Platov Slavic runes

As a researcher, Anton Valerievich discovered a discrepancy between the interpreted ancient history and the greatness of the ancient heritage, which was reflected in the many known runic artifacts found. Numerous sources found by him clearly testified to the presence of magic in the Northern tradition, and this magic, apparently, was associated with runes.

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Identified four ways to use the ancient runes masters Anton Platov. Runic magic was classified by him into four categories:

  • change of household items (Lund crest with a runic inscription);
  • creating your own magic items (runic rings are an example). A non-household item whose sole purpose is to be a bearer of magic;
  • magic tools (magic pole from Narsak, Greenland) creating magic (figuratively - tools creating amulets).
  • the implementation of a magical effect without using a carrier.

Gradually, from a number of generalizations, the great Northern Sacred tradition was revealed to the scientist, and still is revealed. He understood - this is what has been transmitted over the centuries: from ancestors to descendants.

It became clear to him that it was impossible to act within a tradition without being immersed in it, without understanding, from our own experience, where the knowledge that we are operating comes from. Thus, Anton Valerievich did not limit himself to the role of an observer, but became an adherent of the Northern sacred tradition in order to study knowledge inside the stream. Anton Valerievich felt on himself that truths often come precisely through meditation, through rune art.

It is not surprising that, moving along this path, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Anton Platov acquired the sacred name Yggvolod. His books, generated by his inspiration and involvement in Knowledge, summarized the milestones of this spiritual path, and also systematized the knowledge of the Northern sacred tradition that became available. Below is a list of them:

  • “Arctic hysteria ...”, 2012.
  • “In Search of the Holy Grail ...”, 1999.
  • The Road to Avallon, 1997.
  • "The Magic Arts of Ancient Europe", 2002.
  • Megaliths of the Russian Plain, 2009.
  • "Runic magic", 1994.
  • “Runic Art. Training Course ", 2012
  • “Runes: 2000 years of magical tradition”, 2010.
  • "Slavic runes", 2000.
  • "Practical Course Runes", 1999.
  • "Runes of the Slavs and the Glagolitic", 2010.

The concept of runes according to Platov

How does Anton Platov determine the runes?

In a broad sense, this is an ancient system of studying the world, cognizing it, as well as a system of certain actions aimed at our interaction with this world.

In a narrower sense, runes are a self-contained closed system for describing the world. Those. the runic alphabet contains a sufficient number of characters to describe any situation that may occur.

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Currently, several types of runic rows are known, each of which contains a different number of characters. But the most ancient and classic runic alphabet is most often used - it is Futhark, with 24 runes.

The very emergence of runes is associated with the legend of finding the runes of Odin. With their help, a mantik (prediction) is carried out. Thus, runes are an ancient traditional way of obtaining information, based on an understanding of the world and a person’s place in it.

The scientist's view of the runic art

Runic practice refers to rune-related activities that visually or invisibly change the world. Anton Platov identifies three areas of runic practice:

  • Runalor (doctrine of the runes). Mastering the runes, letting them in. This direction is not temporary, but carried out constantly.
  • Runamal (work with runic analysis (fortune-telling). An attempt to understand, a process of pure understanding.
  • Runagald (realization of intentions with the help of RM).

Let's consider these directions in more detail.


The doctrine of the runes and their system. The word “rune” itself is of Gothic origin, it is initially equivalent to the word “mystery”. Those. something with closed access or something that you can solve, explore. It is according to the second variant that the adherents of the Northern Sacred tradition perceive runes.

Masters of runic art are able to depict everything that happens in the runes. They perceive runes as identifiers of forces (gods) and with the help of runic art they interact with them. Those. when working with runes, communication with the gods occurs. Each rune is viewed from three positions. To enter the rune, it is important to perceive it in three aspects:

  • archetype - a stable image in our subconscious, materialized in the world;
  • mythologeme - a way of acting;
  • potency is what makes an archetype capable of functioning.

The priesthood of Futhark is affirmed in the principle of the sacredness of the rune sequence.


This is the use of runic magic for divination purposes. In the annals it is mentioned that regularly before the battles, German warriors were engaged in mantics. By the way, one should not identify banal fortune-telling, which presupposes an element of chance, and mantle, a systematic and purposeful definition of the future. This art, fortunately, was not lost in the Middle Ages. As a later example of prediction dating back to the 17th century, one can name fortune-telling dies from the island of Hiddensee, Baltic.

Anton Platov practical course of runic art

In the process of mantic, two principles work: synchronism (involvement in the flow of actions) and the involvement of the master (a certain field that organizes the actions of people).


The practical use of magic to influence the world:

  • Change of household items (Lund crest with a runic inscription - a household item improved by magic);
  • Creating your own magic items (runic rings, Britain 10th century) Item - a carrier of magic;
  • Creating magic tools (magic pole from Narsak, Greenland) We work with tools that create magic (figuratively - tools that create amulets).
  • The implementation of a magical effect without using a carrier.

Slavic runes

Anton Platov systematically illuminated this unique direction in the Northern Sacred tradition. Their kinship and common epistemological roots with Aryan runes, Futhark are obvious. Some of them are even visually similar.

It is characteristic that in the perception of the descendants of the Aryans and the descendants of the Slavs, the images of the Slavic god Veles and the Aryan Odin are quite similar. Like the Aryans, the Slavs appealed to the gods with the help of the runes. It doesn’t matter whether it is a Scandinavian or Slavic rune, the mechanism of their actions is the same: you should feel it in your heart, turn on an invisible tuning fork in your soul and feel its verbal reflection. Only then the rune will come to life, earn.

anton boards runes

The meaning of the runes in the Slavic and Aryan traditions also echoes. Take, for example, BelBog’s Slavic rune Mir, which is the image of God and Man. The rune itself symbolizes the Ancestral Tree, growing up. In Futharka, the rune Mannaz (the image of man) and the rune Algiz (the image of God) convey the meaning of this rune. The very Slavic image of BelBog is similar to Heimdal (White Asu).

Platov's books and the Nordheim school as a whole

One of the first in Russia to write a serious practical book on working with runes Anton Platov - “Runic art”. The book was created based on the lectures on runic magic given in Moscow in 1995 - 1998. Thus, the work contains not only a description of the laws of ancient runic magic, but also recommendations for adherents to comprehensively master all aspects of runic art.

Platov teaches the Runic Art course at Nordheim School as a leading subject. Andrei Valerievich is anxious about the Northern Sacred Tradition. He claims that each rune, figuratively speaking, is a reflection of a certain nuance in the state of the world. The rune master, therefore, comes to the sensation, awareness, understanding of the World, the Way and the place of Man in it.

Since it is impossible to convey a vision of the world in the light of the Northern sacred tradition without studying the mythology of the Scandinavian pantheon, it is also taught at the Platov Runes School.

Runic Art Workshop

It should be recognized that most serious domestic adherents of rune art agree that the basic book for entering it was an effective, concise book, which was created by Anton Platov - “A Practical Course in Runic Art”. Structurally, this training course (it is classified by the author) consists of:

  • Introductions, where the concepts of runes, magic of the inner circle, a story about the sacrifice of Odin are given.
  • "The course of the young fighter" (the name is ironic and conditional), where the rune system is determined, the Elder Runes (Futhark).
  • Grounds. Runic practice is any action that changes the world visibly or invisibly. Here, three categories of work of the Northern runic art are defined: Runalor (the doctrine of runes), Runamal (work with runic analysis, fortune telling), Runagald (practical use of magic to influence the world).
  • Section "Art". Characterized by eight skills Master Rune.
  • Runic mantle.
  • Runic magic (Elder Runes, spells, sacred words, appeals to the gods).

Consistency and logic of presentation allows people interested in runic art to come to an understanding of its main positions.


Anton Platov claims that rune art and Christianity do not contradict each other. Yes, they are different, but both of these are the traditions of the White Man who sees the integrity of the World as a system declaring everyone's personal responsibility for their own fate and the fate of the World.

Anton Platov Slavic runes

The runes themselves are a substrate, icons. For example, the outline of the Isa rune (ice) is similar to the Latin letter “I”, but the presence of this outline does not at all make the Latin text magical. The main impact on the surrounding world is carried out by the master with his personality, his involvement in the stream of being.

How did modern serious masters come to runic art? Basically in two ways. Some, having first encountered runes in encyclopedias in Tolkien's books, incomprehensibly felt the forces behind them. Others, when looking at these signs, had a strong feeling that once they already owned "this."


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