Exercises for the development of speech of preschoolers, schoolchildren and adults

Active neuropsychic development in a child occurs in the third year of life. Speech formation is developing very noticeably. Almost all parts of speech are used, the child ceases to use the literal forms of words that he used earlier (“bo-bo”, “woof-woof”, “kup-kup”). He is already thinking about the correct pronunciation of words.

Game development

All exercises for the development of speech with children are carried out in a playful way. Only with this lesson is the bulk of the information remembered. Exercise will also be useful for a person of any age category who wants to improve speech.

The level of thinking reflects the child’s speech. Exactly how children represent the purpose of the objects surrounding their home is an indicator of the level of thinking in speech.

New items should arouse interest in the baby. Curiosity pushes the baby to determine the functionality of the thing. In this regard, parents should satisfy his questions: “What is this for?”, “Why?”, “How?”, “Why?”.

Cognitive development is very necessary for a child of three years of age. The appearance of complex sentences using various parts of speech indicates activity in mental activity. All exercises for the development of the child’s speech are held in the form of games.

Passive vocabulary as a basis

Verbal instructions for finding an object by a certain sign teach the child to recognize and remember objects. For example: “Where is the blue cube? Bring him. "

The child is accustomed to determine the location of objects in space. For this, exact requests are made: "Take the ball out of the box." Gradually, the tasks get more complicated. In everyday life, this may be one request from three points: “Take the ball, find dad. Give it to dad. ”

coherent speech exercises

Such complex exercises for the development of the child’s speech should be clear to the baby. A variety of games, images of animals, pictures will help expand the stock of words in a child.

From game to reality

Educational tablets.

Changing topics, teach your child to get used to real objects during the game.

In the prepared boxes, houses “live” different animals - domestic and wild. The task of the child is to choose a picture with the specified animal.

Help find a house. The slightly opposite task of the previous game. Now, on the contrary, taking the toy in hand, the child must pick up the house from the pictures that are located near the boxes.

What do we see?

Pictures are laid out in front of the child. Taking one, the child should talk about what he sees. If the baby is at a loss, then the adult helps him, prompting him to finish the said phrase to the end.

Find a pair

exercises for the development of speech of preschoolers

Excellent developmental exercises for the development of speech of preschoolers are embedded in the game with paired pictures. On the table, images are laid out in several rows. For starters, these are three or four rows of 4-5 pictures.

All objects depicted should be familiar to him. A simple question poses the problem: “Where else is such a picture?” or "I found a ball, but is there another ball?"

Active Speech Development

At an early stage of speech development, it is important to pay attention to the expansion of the active vocabulary, as well as to form a grammatical structure of speech.

Elementary skills - recognition of objects, phenomena, actions - will develop more actively during a child’s regular classes. Constant training, didactic exercises for the development of speech saturate the vocabulary of the child. He tries to build phrases, to give detailed answers.

exercises for the development of speech of the child

The passivity of adults also gives their results - a meager vocabulary.

To consolidate new phrases, individual words, it is important for children to “meet” them together with familiar definitions. For example, “a bear in a green hat, sits on a shelf, behind a book,” “a gray hare, lives in the forest, eats carrots.”

Describing a new toy, pay attention to bright details, say them: “a cockerel - a red scallop, golden feathers, a sharp beak, sharp-sighted eyes”. Show how the cockerel screams - “ku-ka-re-ku”. Involve all parts of the body according to the perception of the subject. You can add stories from fairy tales, as well as re-read your favorite books again (“The Cockerel is the Golden Scallop”).

Ask the child to tell what he sees, where else this character met, with whom he was there. It is important to ask specific questions, initially monosyllabic.

Unleash emotions

Some basic conditions are simply necessary for speech activity to advance in development. The need to speak out is one of the main rules of strengthening and the appearance of speech. This applies even to the smallest children. For them, this is an opportunity to show the feelings and emotions that they experience.

Some situations are created artificially in order for the child to prove himself. The utterance should be informative. The student must describe his perception in detail. The logical presentation of phrases depends on the literacy of the child.

Preschool speech development

The individual development of speech in all children proceeds in its own way. It all depends on the characteristics of speech.

didactic exercises for the development of speech

Problematic pronunciation of several sounds simultaneously is a fairly common occurrence. It is most difficult to cope with the sounds “h”, “c”, “w”, “w”. A speech therapist should be contacted when the problem is not resolved in the fifth year of life. Up to 4 years, partial “lameness” of sounds is considered the norm.

The child must master the speech at a preschool age. This is the longest and most difficult process in mastering speech. By school age (around the 7th year of life), language is a communication tool. The specialist selects complex exercises for the development of speech of preschoolers. The child should perceive them as conscious lessons. Preparing for school involves teaching writing and reading.

After the preparatory period, the program for older children includes exercises for the development of speech of schoolchildren. Sound speech is delivered when preschoolers are aware of the distinctive features of pronunciation.

Proven Method - Tongue Twisters

Simple tongue twisters will help to cope with the problem in a few exercises.

The position of the body should be conducive to the perception of information and programming pronunciation. In a sitting position, keep your back straight, hands on your knees. The breath is calm, arbitrary.

To eliminate the barrier in the pronunciation of the sounds “b”, “p”, the phrases will help: “the white-headed ram overcame everyone”, “the ram kicked the drummer”, “the beavers run into the burs, they are kind”, “the beaver is kind”.

To perfect the sounds “c”, “p” will help training with the text: “the crow brought the crow to the gate”, “Varya believes in kindness”, “goalkeeper Vova, like a crow”.

The phrases work on the sounds “r”, “r” - “legs go along the road”, “all the mushrooms are bitten by rodents”, “a hump grew up in Gorynych, he crashed from the mountain to the head”. They say with the sound “g” - “the dzhigit has two visits”, “the toad saw the airship with greedy eyes”, “the giraffe looked pityingly at the scarf”.

Speak over the problematic "w" and "w" - "legs ran along the curve path."

The sounds "h", "r" are corrected with the pronunciation - "bunny, sharp-toothed bunny, your tracks are everywhere here", "where the storm threatened to be there, we won’t bring water there."

Phrases practicing the sounds “h”, “c” - “there was a slanting goat with a gray goat”, “an incident came out of the decree”.

Children's intuition

Children easily recognize the pattern of words and phrases. At the age of 3-5 years, speech is perceived as a “perceived” reality. The meaning of words spoken by adults is sometimes used by children in their own way, but they always feel the connection between the subject and the meaning of the phrases spoken.

speech therapy exercises for the development of speech

Everyone can recall childhood immediacy - slightly distorted definitions addressed to an object or thing. But this ability is called by experts a very serious skill - the creation of words.

A small collection of wonderful childhood thoughts is collected from K.I. Chukovsky in his book. Children's word-writing is compiled from various examples, for example: “The bald man has a barefoot head”, “From mint cakes in the mouth a draft”.

School essays - a lesson in the development of fantasy

Exercises for the development of coherent speech are the main part in the education of elementary school students.

The works that are included in the teaching methodology are didactic exercises for the development of speech, stories, school essays. Communication with peers also contributes to the formation of the child's correct speech.

Competent exercises will help the student develop the concept of the correct expression of thoughts. Younger school age is the same period when the presented information is firmly accumulating.

The children are given the concept that there can be several means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, language. Exercises for the development of coherent speech include practical exercises with subjects, reading, independent stories about the material read.

"Baby" pronunciation in adults. The work of specialists

If a child’s incorrect pronunciation is attributed to age, then in an adult it develops into a psychological complex. Therefore, to pronounce the sound correctly, without burr, lisp - the rule of good taste and work on yourself.

Very often, serious problems torment adults. Educational institutions have long been behind, children's games will no longer help. Specialists in this field, speech therapists, take up the matter.

language exercises for speech development

The task is the development of speech in adults. The exercises are aimed at eliminating not only the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, but also the excessively fast pace of speech, delayed pronunciation.

Speech therapists will select exercises for the development of speech, correct lisping, burr, nasal, stuttering. And some need to correct the inability to pronounce words in the exact order.

Excitement under control

Some people feel their problem when they enter into communication with an unfamiliar interlocutor. Speech changes beyond recognition, those around it do not understand.

Restoring breathing will help correct the situation. Therefore, the main rule is always for this type of patient to calm down. Experienced professionals will help you find motivation to do everything right.

Diaphragm exercises for the development of speech and daily training work very positively:

- Take a deep breath, inflating your stomach. As you exhale, draw in your stomach. Before the meeting, the entire text must be read. During the conversation you need to control your speech, keep calm and try to keep pace.

If you feel that you are starting to accelerate, take a deep breath.

- The formation of articulation will help special myogymnastics three times a day.

Water is collected in the mouth, which must be held for at least 15 seconds.

Nausea in the voice can occur when the nose is not involved in voice formation. In addition to an ugly defect, the issue of treating a disease is solved, in which difficult nasal breathing is eliminated.

adult speech development

Polyps can cause an ailment, curvature in the nasal septum. The consequences are expressed in distortion of the voice, incorrect pronunciation of the sounds "m" "n". Practical exercises with a specialist relieve patients from nasal.

Tighten the image

The general impression of a person is created by facial expressions during a conversation. Proper management of your emotions will help to keep the style of conversation. This is especially important in public speaking. Speech therapy centers practice group exercises that contribute to better absorption of the material.

Doctors recommend using exercises to develop speech for proper speech breathing. A breath is taken through the nose. Exhalation is through the mouth.

Proper speech breathing is an additional prevention of colds. Articulation of sounds provides the correct diction.

Fuzzy sounds are produced when the mouth "does not work at full strength." Namely - it does not open well. In this case, speech therapy exercises for the development of speech are work with the mobility of the lower muscle in the jaw.

Lip immobility affects vowels and consonants. The correct development of speech is influenced by the work of the language.

It is especially difficult to pronounce words where there are many consonants. Regular training, including language exercises for speech development, will provide good pronunciation. The main rule is that all words are spoken out on one exhale.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7496/

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