Professional Vacuum Cleaners: Features of Choice

Professional vacuum cleaners are a type of cleaning equipment used at industrial enterprises, in service centers and for general cleaning of premises.

Devices are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Professional washing vacuum cleaner.
  2. Dry cleaning equipment.
  3. A model with specific features.
  4. Appliances for industrial use.

Which models are most in demand?

The professional washing vacuum cleaner is the most versatile choice. It is used when cleaning offices, performing cleaning services, independent general cleaning of country houses and apartments, at enterprises and so on. It should be noted that industrial vacuum cleaners are often separated from professional models in a special category.

professional vacuum cleaners

The main criteria for choosing professional vacuum cleaners

  1. Power that can reach 2000-7000 watts, while good household vacuum cleaners have a maximum of 1600 watts. It should be noted that the instructions for professional vacuum cleaners often indicate the power of one turbine, of which there are several.
  2. Performance. Professional vacuum cleaners are able to handle 50-75 liters of air per second, which is important when working in large areas.
  3. The degree of depression (mbar). This indicator is higher for vacuum cleaners designed to absorb heavy dust.
  4. Tank volume and its cleaning mechanism. The capacity size in industrial models can reach 100 liters.

Classification of devices by their ability to absorb dust

Many people know such a vacuum cleaner operation parameter as power, but there is a basic and more understandable consumer criterion: the ability to absorb different fractions of dust.

Professional vacuum cleaners according to their ability to absorb solid particles are divided into 3 types:

  1. Standard L technology, capable of absorbing fine dust fractions, is used during construction and is equipped with nylon filters. Suitable for cleaning materials such as chalk, gypsum, plaster.
  2. Category M vacuum cleaners efficiently remove mid-range dust with a sophisticated filtration and airflow control system. The formation of medium-sized pollutants accompanies many industries associated with metals and minerals. Their suspension in the air is dangerous for the lungs. Medium-sized dust is a typical pollutant of nuclear substations.
  3. Standard H equipment is designed to remove high-fraction dust containing hazardous biological agents (bacteria, fungi, including mold, carcinogen agglomerates). Disposal of such components is carried out through the formation of briquettes. Vacuum cleaners designed to clean such components are equipped with a sophisticated filtration system and protection against the penetration of cleaned dust back into the environment.

professional washing vacuum cleaner

Universal professional vacuum cleaners, as a rule, are capable of absorbing medium dust. The degree of cleanliness of these models is lower compared to specialized ones, but they solve the problem of high-quality cleaning in ordinary rooms.

Professional Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers

Professional Karcher vacuum cleaners (Germany) are the most famous equipment in this category. Among the manufacturers of high-quality vacuum cleaners, Delfin (Italy), Delvir (Italy), Nilfisk Advance (Denmark), Starmix (Germany) are also especially distinguished.

Starmix technology is not inferior in quality to Karcher in many categories of professional vacuum cleaners. For example, models used in construction work. Vacuum cleaners of these companies have powerful suction turbines, a robust housing, high capacity and durability. It should be noted that when cleaning rough construction waste, Bosh and Metabo are slightly inferior to the German company in terms of reliability.

professional Karcher vacuum cleaner

Read more about Karcher vacuum cleaners

This manufacturer produces the following categories of washing vacuum cleaners.

  1. Standard class. Suitable for cleaning large volumes of garbage and liquids. The company offers models with a 35-90 liter waste bin. The best option for cleaning companies using vacuum cleaners for professional cleaning.
  2. Safe. With a special system of protection against the emission of minute dust particles into the air. Good equipment in hazardous industries. The volume of their waste bin varies from 14 to 80 liters.
  3. Ap class. Technology with increased power, universally removes coarse and fine dust. The volume of the dust bag is 14-75 liters. A good option, suitable for companies involved in decoration.
  4. Tact class. They are characterized by high suction power and stability during continuous operation. Suitable for construction companies and craft enterprises. The volume of the dust bag is 35-75 liters.
  5. Special High temperature resistant models. Used, for example, in bakeries. The volume of the dust bag is 55 liters.

vacuum cleaners for professional cleaning

Any professional Karcher vacuum cleaner is marked by the manufacturer with the NT mark. By designation, they can be easily distinguished from household models of the K and PUZZI series. In addition to the above characteristics, professional models of this company are notable for quiet operation and auto shut-off when filling the volume. Cleaning the filter does not require disassembling the vacuum cleaner and occurs in an independent mode.

professional vacuum cleaners karcher

Optional accessories for professional vacuum cleaners

The use of professional vacuum cleaners without disposable accessories does not make sense. Especially this point concerns the need for disposal of hazardous components of garbage. Bags for a professional vacuum cleaner are produced by manufacturers for their own models. For example, when purchasing professional Kercher NT equipment, it is recommended to purchase a set of three-layer convenient and durable bags. The manufacturer also offers plastic recycling bags for some models and membrane replacement filters. Starmix also manufactures filter bags for its vacuum cleaners and various optional accessories.

bags for a professional vacuum cleaner


Thus, the choice of a professional vacuum cleaner depends on the purpose of its application. This technique may be needed in domestic conditions. Due to the high suction power, such devices cannot be replaced by a conventional stationary vacuum cleaner with a capacity of 250 aerowatts. A professional appliance is indispensable, for example, for high-quality cleaning of upholstered furniture and general cleaning of premises or a country house. For these purposes, manufacturers offer professional models with relatively moderate power, small dimensions, weight and volume of the tank. For example, Karcher NT 14/1 Ap is a good combination of power and mobility among washing vacuum cleaners, since its tank volume is only 14 liters. The Starmix TS 1214 RTS model has the same parameter. Washing professional vacuum cleaners will cost more compared to those for dry cleaning. The price of a model without special requirements starts from 5000 (for knapsack models) and from 12 000 rubles (for floor categories with high power).


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