How to lubricate the trimmer gearbox? Trimmer lubrication points

Proper maintenance is the key to continued and reliable tool operation. Primitive care operations include timely lubrication of the gearbox and cleaning of the trimmer filter. And how to lubricate the trimmer gear, every user should know. Cleaning is carried out in several stages:

  • After removing the casing, the element is removed.
  • Then it is washed with gasoline and dried (naturally).
  • The place under the filter is cleared of the remains of oil and dust.
  • Check the bar for rotation during operation.

gas trimmer gear

Is it possible to lubricate the trimmer gear with solid oil if there are no other means? No, for a long service life, machinery manufacturers recommend using specialized lubricants. Some manufacturers are developing care products that are tailored directly to the branded tool. To lubricate the working steam, it is only necessary to unscrew the plug and pour liquid into the container.

Gearbox Prevention: Frequency and Order

First of all, prevention is carried out immediately after purchase. This is due to the fact that many manufacturers lay the minimum amount of lubricant, which is only enough for the duration of the break-in.

If the trimmer is used at home (the amount of work is small), it will be enough to add grease at the beginning and at the end of the season.

calm trimmer grease

In severe operating conditions, the gas trimmer gearbox must be lubricated every 20-50 hours of operation. Indicators for urgent prophylaxis are increased node noise and overheating. If a lack of lubrication is found, it should be completely replaced.

Often manufacturers produce multifunctional car chemistry. This means that grease for gasoline gears is also suitable for processing hoses and gears of any garden equipment and components that operate under high loads.

Gearbox lubrication process

A gearbox is a mechanical device that is designed to transmit torque from the engine to cutting equipment. Located at the bottom of the trimmer.

litol 24

Immediately before maintenance work, remove the electric cap (or plug from the plug). Do not overturn the trimmer to prevent fuel leakage. To replace grease, disassemble the device.

The disassembly process consists of the following steps:

  1. The side screw is unscrewed.
  2. If there is no trace of grease, then it should be added (3-4 grams).
  3. Next, the gear is scrolled manually. This is done to evenly distribute the material across the gears.

The operation is performed several times. The assembly should be tightly greased. At the end of the operation, the screw is put in place and tightened tightly.

To lubricate the trimmer gearbox, it is necessary to clean the plug and the area around it from dirt, and then unscrew it. Benzokosa fits on his left side. By rotating the gearing, grease is simultaneously added to the gear housing until it is full.

How to choose the right lubricant

During operation, the nodes of the mechanism are loaded with contact forces on the teeth, resistance reactions in the event of debris, as well as dynamic and shock loads. Depending on the characteristics of the load, you should choose how to lubricate the trimmer gear.

In the selection should take into account such factors:

  • brand of the manufacturer;
  • lubricant viscosity (selection of this parameter depends on the torque of the shaft);
  • adhesion to the surface of the parts of the site;
  • the intensity of lubricant consumption (the ambient temperature, type and amount of work should be taken into account).

how to lubricate the trimmer gear

In the absence of the necessary lubricant, you can use the universal. The latter should contain some components:

  • antiwear additives (no toxic lead);
  • highly refined mineral oils (inorganic);
  • solid lubricants with graphite or molybdenum disulfide.

Varieties of lubricants

To care for the nodes of the mechanism, greases of different consistencies are used:

  • Semi-fluid. Such formulations contain a variety of additives and additives.
  • Plastic. They are the most versatile option. Most often used for gears and helical gears.
  • Solid. Plate suspensions in their original state.

Special gearing composition refers to a semi-fluid system.

Lubricant for the Calm trimmer is popular. Thanks to the special composition and components, wear is significantly reduced and corrosion resistance is increased. The main properties of the grease of this brand are:

  • oxidation resistance;
  • high penetration;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • high adhesion.

Calm grease is suitable for brush cutters and trimmers, as well as for all transmissions with a closed housing.

Faults and solutions

  1. Strong (or fast) heating. The main reason is the lack of lubrication. If such a malfunction is detected, add lubricant and run the tool in a gentle mode.
  2. Increased vibration, staggering gear. The reason is mechanical damage. It is eliminated by tightening the housing or replacing it.
  3. The presence of knocking, play or jamming when rotating the shaft. The causes of the malfunction are bearing destruction, anther damage. To prevent the occurrence of such defects, the trimmer gearbox should be lubricated. How and at what frequency to lubricate is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer.
  4. Jamming of the trimmer knife at high loads. The reason is tooth wear. This problem cannot be fixed. A complete replacement of the mechanism is required.

Trimmer lubrication points

For smooth operation and durability of the mechanism, a thorough inspection and care should be carried out. An important point is the lubrication of moving parts. In most cases, these are:

  • place from the transition from engines to a straight shaft;
  • straight shaft joint with flexible;
  • transition of a shaft with a landing head;
  • gearbox.

Popular among users is the multi-purpose waterproof lubricant Litol-24. The range of operating temperatures is from -40 to +120 degrees. This grease is used in friction units and is effective at elevated temperatures.

Trim Grease Properties

In the production of lubricants, special substances are used that must meet environmental norms and standards. After development, they decompose without causing harm to the environment.

The consistency of the material initially has a high level of viscosity, and in the process, this parameter decreases. This factor provides complete penetration and reliable protection of working pairs under heating conditions.

trimmer lubrication points

Long-term use and smooth operation are ensured by timely and proper care. A variety of materials are used to carry out the care operations. Well-known manufacturers are developing their own branded care products. These include: grease for trimmers "Huskvarna", "Champion", "Makita" and others. Grease is added to the gasoline trimmer gearbox every 8-10 working hours.

Lubricant user reviews

Experts advise to use only original materials, the characteristics of which meet the requirements of the manufacturer. If there are none, you should clarify how to lubricate the trimmer gear. Experienced users do not recommend the use of solidol, because this material is not suitable for the temperature and speed characteristics of the unit, as well as for consistency. Also, the given material does not have antiwear properties.

Is it possible to grease the trimmer gear with solid oil

The range of operating temperatures of a solid oil is from minus 40 to +65 degrees, but even with these parameters, the density of the material increases during heating and the lubricant becomes coarse. In case of urgent need to process the tool, you can use "Litol-24".

Gas trimmer maintenance

Most motokos and trimmers have a flexible shaft in their design. Its condition must be checked at least 1 time for 50 working hours. To perform this operation, you need to remove the tip of the rod, pull out the shaft and inspect it, then grease.

Husqvarna trimmer grease

In order to care for the shaft, inexpensive materials are suitable, it is more difficult to choose them for the trimmer gearbox. How to lubricate this mechanism - depends on the manufacturer of the tool. It is best to use materials that contain molybdenum disulfide. The latter provides smoothing and filling of cracks on the working surface, therefore it is especially appreciated among users.

Important: the use of a large amount of grease with a high density leads to overheating of the mechanism, increased friction of working pairs and fuel consumption. Therefore, the process of selecting materials and prevention should be treated responsibly.


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