How to teach a child the composition of a number? Games for teaching children

Children are very curious, it is easy and pleasant to teach them something new. Caring parents rely not only on kindergarten teachers, but also on themselves in teaching a preschool child. One of the questions that mothers and fathers are asked is how to teach a child the composition of a number. The learning process should take place in the form of a game, because it will simply not be interesting for another kid. Today we will share practical tips for teaching children in the game the composition of the number. This is very entertaining!

Tips for Parents

learning to count

The composition of the number is up to 20 - the study of just such a quantity will be required at the initial stage of teaching a child to count and remember numbers. This will require the right method for teaching preschool children, which will help to quickly and fruitfully master the score. The main components of the learning process are the game form and many illustrative examples. Acquaintance with the numbers in the account is the initial stage of development, there should be educational games, for example, children's cubes.

What should dads and mothers remember when practicing with a child?

  1. Learning the composition of numbers up to 20 should be started as early as possible, the process will go easier and faster. No need to go in cycles on the account until 10, the child will simply lose interest, he needs to be given more and more knowledge.
  2. The indicators of the number of children should be remembered by all possible receptors: hearing, touch and vision.
  3. Teaching children the composition of numbers is as simple a process as learning animal names and letters of the alphabet.
  4. The participation of parents in the process of studying numbers and their composition is a prerequisite.
  5. Remember: our kids are much more logical and smarter than we think. Therefore, do not think that the child is still very small to study the numbers.

Learning conditions

Thinking about how to teach a child the composition of a number, one does not need to “reinvent the wheel”. Teach your child in a playful way in any conditions and situations: when shopping in the store, on a walk, in the queue at the clinic. Cards on the composition of the number will help - the number of objects with a number.

For example, in a store bought 5 apples. Have your child show a card with the same number of items. Or in line: see how many people are standing in front of you and after you. Ask the baby to show cards with a number corresponding to the queue. It will be very interesting for the kid!

At what age should children be taught how to count and composition of numbers?

how many learn to count

Toddler counting should begin to be taught from infancy. Simple games will help. For example, bending fingers: one, two, three, four, five, went to the bunny for a walk - and so on. Show the kid on his fingers how old he is, some are already a year old with the question "how old" confidently show one finger!

From the age of three, the baby needs to be trained not only in counting, because this is a simple sequence of numbers, but also in the composition of the number. The child must understand the difference between the number 5 and the number 12 - show on sweets, children's blocks, buttons and so on.

How much to learn to count?

number composition for children

As a rule, up to ten children learn very quickly, especially if you learn to count from infancy. Many children go to school, being able to keep track of up to a hundred and in the reverse order. Do I need to go beyond ten?

The most optimal way is to teach counting to 20 and in the reverse order. A child before school should learn the principle of the appearance of double-digit numbers, so it will be easier for him to master the further account. Show on an example how two-digit turn out:

  1. Write numbers from one to ten on paper. Pay special attention to the number 10. Show that she has one in front and a zero at the end.
  2. Tell us that double-digit numbers are formed from each digit. For example, when writing the number 11, you need to replace the zeros with one; when writing 12, we change the zeros to two, and so on in order.
  3. Next, show the number 20. Explain that now we change the first unit to two, and in the future, you will need to change the zero to other numbers.

Write with your baby. Make up double-digit numbers, he should know them not only by ear and in quantity, but also visually perceive numbers.

How to explain to the baby what the composition of the number is?

numbers for games

The simplest example of a child's acquaintance with the concept of exactly the composition of a number is a graphic one. All family members will help in this. Stay in the room with the baby, ask how many people are in the room now. He will say two. Then you need another member of the family to enter the room, and then the baby will say that now there are three of them. Etc. Next, you need to set an example for decreasing, that is, one person or two should leave the room, the child should be able to not only add, but also subtract.

Another example: ask three boxes to put 4 sticks. There will be 2 options: either 1/1/1/2, or 2/1/1/1/1 - so the baby will understand that in three places at the same time it is impossible to put 4 objects in the same amount.

Simple game - count in steps

step count

How to teach a child the composition of a number? A simple and understandable example is to measure in steps the distance to the house. For example, take 20 steps.

When going out for a walk, to a kindergarten, a store or any other place, count 20 steps from the porch with the baby, put a mark, for example, in chalk. The account must begin with one. Next, show that there are three more steps, and there will be 23. Upon returning home, find the mark you set, and count the steps already from 20 - in the reverse order. That is, you moved away from home by 20, and now 20, 19, 18 and so on remain at home. The child will quickly understand what it means from home to home, and this is the composition of the number.

Set the table

the child sets the table

If you are planning to have dinner or lunch with the whole family, ask your child to help set the table. The child knows how many members there are in the family; tell him to put on the table an equal number of spoons or forks, plates and mugs.

If he starts to put it like this: dad, mom, brother, and so on, stop and ask to name the number of people in numbers, help to count if the child finds it difficult. Next, ask people to supply cutlery in an equal amount.

Counting sticks

counting sticks

There are many interesting and active tasks for children. The composition of the number does not always want to be studied by jumping, running, laying the table. Sometimes you just need to spend time in a relaxed atmosphere, but productively. Counting sticks will help.

If the child is less than 4 years old, then start with the simplest examples. Put one stick on the table, tell me to add as much as possible to get three. Then say that you need to remove the sticks so that it becomes two, and so on. Complicate examples, the child should not use the ability to count, to make up the composition of the number. There should be no such examples: one wand on the table, add so that it becomes two, and now three.

Construction game

cubicle house

They will help to study and understand what the composition of the number is, houses from ordinary game blocks. This should not be a “Lego”, the baby can easily get confused in small details.

Say that today there are plans to build a house of 9 floors. As soon as the building is ready, say: "Too high, you need to leave only 5 floors." The kid must remove the excess.

Then you can compete, who will get the highest house. The composition of the number is studied with such a game with a bang. At the end of construction, ask to count how many floors in your house, and how many in it. Ask: who is higher and how many floors.

Sharing sweets

You can treat sweets to children on the street, or family members. Tell your child what everyone needs to give two candy. For example, there are five people in a family. The kid should give everyone two candies, and then count how much was distributed at all.

Before that, put 20 candies or more in a vase. After everyone has received their treats, ask the child to count how much is left in the vase. Then explain that there were 20, of which 10 were given, each got 2 candies. That is, one composition of the number can be divided into several.


cards for account

Make the number composition cards yourself, or buy them at the store. The main thing is that there are two sets. In the first set, on each card, objects should be drawn from 1 to 20. In another set of cards, the cards should be decorated with numbers from 1 to 20. Separately, make the signs "+" and "-".

Put a card with the number 5 on the table, give the child the task of finding a suitable set of objects on the card, and then vice versa: show the card with the quantity, ask for it with the corresponding number.

The second lesson is a little more complicated, but it is also necessary when studying the composition of the number. Make an example of two cards with pictures. For example: 2 apples + four apples. The child should not find a card with apples in the amount of 6 pieces, but with a number. Next, make an example minus.

Again from the second task, just make an example of numbers, and ask for an answer in a picture that will correspond to the received number.

The third task is the most difficult, but you cannot do without it either. Make an example based on cards with numbers and figures. For example: 2 + three apples (picture). Or "Ten apples (figure) - 4". The kid must find both cards - with a picture and a number.

The fourth task is no more difficult than the third. Now offer the child a card with the number of items in the form of a picture. He should make an example with + with numbers to get the same number of apples. Then an example for the answer in pictures. Then vice versa - show the number, and the kid should make the correct example on + from cards with pictures, and then with numbers. Repeat the same, with only minus examples.

We talked about how to teach a child the composition of a number. There are many examples and games, we have provided the most interesting, simple and more complicated, but all of them will certainly come in handy at home lessons.


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