It is interesting: mnemonics in kindergarten

Do you know the term “mnemonics”? This beautiful word comes from the Greek mneme - "memory" and techne - "art". It means nothing more than the “art of memory", the methods and techniques that make up the whole technique of quick and lasting memorization of various information. Each of us faced the simplest mnemonic devices in our lives.

mnemonic techniques
We memorized the colors of the rainbow using the famous "Every hunter wants to know ...". We memorized cases through the meaningless "Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag the diaper." And the gypsy who came on tiptoe and poked at the chicken helped to master the difficult spelling of his native language. In the pre-war era, we memorized the phones of our acquaintances, mentally associating the numbers with the dates of their birth. So everyone has a primitive concept of mnemonics.

However, there are people who, by their nature of service, do not approach memory development spontaneously, from case to case, but methodically and purposefully. It is, of course, about teachers. The development of memory is one of the most important directions in the work of a teacher, psychologist, teacher, and additional education teacher . Mnemonics in DOW is of particular importance. If you do not develop the memory of the baby at a preschool age, already in the first grade he will have a hard time. After all, 50% of a child’s success in school is an excellent memory. Consider how mnemonics can be used in kindergarten.

Mnemonic tables

One of the most widely used methods is the so-called mnemonic tables. They are tablets, in the cells of which one or another graphic image is placed, helping to remember important information. There are a large number of ready-made mnemonics on various topics, but you can compose them yourself, or even better - with children. Inventing the most successful schematic coding of a particular concept, the child not only remembers the information, but also develops thinking, speech, creativity. If the teacher does not draw very well, you can choose the right image on the Internet.

Tables for young children (or at the initial stage of work) contain 4-6 cells, then the amount of encoded information can increase. How is such mnemonics used in kindergarten?

  1. Mnemonics in Dow
    To study a concept. For example, when studying the seasons, preschoolers are offered tables, in each cell of which a schematic representation of the phenomena characteristic of this pore is placed. Winter: snow, warm clothes, skis and skates, a sleeping bear and a hedgehog, a frozen river and so on. Summer: bright sun high in the sky, heavy rain, bathing in the river, shorts and sundresses, greenery of trees and flowers. Pictures in this case will be those “hooks” that will allow you not to forget the new material, remember it, put it in the desired memory compartment. With further work with the table, the kids will learn to make a coherent story about a particular time of the year. Mnemonics can be prepared on any topics studied: "Fruits", "Vegetables", "Animals", "Plants", "Clothing", "Sports" and so on.
  2. The same methods of mnemonics can be used when memorizing verses and preparing paraphrases of texts. In this case, a “talking” picture is selected for each line of the poem. Connecting visual and figurative memory allows you to memorize a particular text - a proverb, a riddle, a poem, a nursery rhyme.

A bit about other tricks

mnemonics in kindergarten

Of course, mnemonic tables are not the only memory development method used in working with preschoolers. Mnemonics in a kindergarten may include traditional methods used in adult education: rhyming, plotting narratives and mnemonic sentences, games “Memory”, “Snowball” and others. Children and eidetic techniques are well mastered (connecting figurative memory for memorizing words, letters, numbers, and indeed any information). The benefits of using such techniques in a preschool are undeniable. Paraphrasing famous words, we can say that mnemonics in kindergarten is not a luxury, but an urgent need.


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