Bianchi's Orange Neck: Read a summary to understand the meaning of the story.

The Orange Neck is a work written for children. The story, which formed the basis of the famous Soviet cartoon, tells readers about kindness and responsiveness. We forget about these qualities, guided by completely different ideals. The fairy tale, which was originally intended for a children's audience, can also teach a lot to the adult generation, who forgot about really important life values. Read the summary of the "Orange Neck" Bianchi can anyone in this article.

Bianca Orange Neck Read Summary

What a story

The summary of Bianchi’s story “The Orange Neck” is laconic, based on important points in the plot. It is important to note that the work is small, so you should read it in the original version. A good tale of friendship, miracles that occur around - this is what awaits the reader when meeting with this work. Dangers, losses and difficulties - without this it is impossible to imagine life. However, not everyone manages to cope with all the difficulties that are encountered on the path of life. But the heroes of this tale are not at all like that - they are kind, sympathetic, always ready to help.

So, a summary of the "Orange Neck" (Bianchi), anyone interested can find below.

Who is narrated in the work

If we consider the summary of The Orange Neck (Bianchi) for the reader's diary, a few words should be said about the heroes of the story.

In the center of events there are several birds - partridges Podkovkina and Brovkina, which the author, as in many other stories, humanizes, as well as the Lark. Bianchi describes the main characters as if they are able to think and reason like people.

bianca orange neck summary

The main character, the Cockerel, helps friends create their own nest and asks for nothing in return. On the way to their goal, birds encounter many difficulties, but thanks to their stamina and courage, they manage to go through all the difficulties and achieve success.

More about the plot: where does the story begin

Now you should read the summary of the Orange Neck (Bianchi) in a more detailed version. A small analysis of this work will be presented below.

So, in the village the Lark awakes. From this event, we begin to read the summary of The Orange Neck (Bianchi). Having brushed off its wings, the bird soars into the heavenly blue and sings a beautiful song about the arrival of spring. By singing, the Lark not only wakes up all the villagers, but also warns comrades about the danger.

summary of the story orange neck of the bianca

Meet the heroes

The Lark arrives to visit familiar partridges - to describe the summary of The Orange Neck (Vitaly Bianchi), this event is important, because it serves as an impetus to the development of the plot. Families of birds live next door to the Lark. The cockerel - the head of one of the families - is called Podkovkin. He found a worm, which is very proud and pleased. Such a reaction to the prey found is a little surprising to the Lark. But Podkovkin’s emotions are very easy to explain: the worm is an extremely rare prey in these places. In addition, the Cockerel will be able to pamper his beloved wife, Orange Neck, and the kids.

main character

Reading the summary of The Orange Neck (Bianchi) is much faster and more convenient, however, the original work will be able to more clearly describe the events that happen to the characters.

The Orange Neck is a special chicken. She is very responsible, smart and understands that he and Podkovkin need to quickly build a nest for chicks. She knows that particular language in which partridges teach and raise their babies. Together with her husband, the cockerel Podkovkin, the Orange Neck grows little chicks. Children already know at what sound you need to hide, and when to run to your mother. In addition, parents try to teach the kids how to escape correctly in case of danger, take care, feed them.

vitaly bianchi orange neck summary


What else to include in the summary of the Orange Neck? Further, a dramatic event occurs: the Fox found a family of partridges. The Lark wants to warn friends about the danger, but is late: The Cockerel has already fallen into the clutches of the merciless Fox. The cockerel is limping, trying to escape from the cunning beast, but the red cheat is chasing him. The Lark tries to distract her, but understands that he can’t help a friend. Full of confidence that Podkovkin died, the Lark flies away. But after a few hours, the Cockerel meets absolutely healthy, which is not surprising for him. The cockerel explains to a friend that he simply pretended to be in front of the Fox in order to lead the predator as far away from the nest as possible. Thus, he managed to save his beloved wife and children.

The noble act of a hen

But the summary of Bianchi’s “Orange Neck” does not end there - another predator invades the forest in order to attack the family of long-suffering partridges. Now it's the Hawk. As a result, the close friends of the Orange Neck and Podkovkin - the Brovkin family - die, leaving their children orphans.

vitaly bianchi orange neck

After some time, the Lark flies to visit her friend and sees that the chicken is sitting surrounded by a huge number of small chicks. When he asks where so many came from, Orange Neck explains to him that she could not leave the chicks of the deceased family. She brought them up and loves just like her kids.

The main idea of ​​the story

What conclusion can be drawn by reading the summary of The Orange Neck? Bianchi, as mentioned above, humanizes birds and animals in the story. They exhibit the very best qualities that people often lack. This is the main idea: to help one's neighbor is the most important purpose of a living being. In addition, the tale teaches the younger generation to steadfastly overcome difficulties, not to leave comrades in trouble. The Lark and the Cockerel heroically showed themselves in the name of the good of friends and family.

But in the center of the plot - the main example to follow - a bold chicken, who was not afraid of circumstances and took other people's chicks into her family. She loved kids, worried about their fate, brought up. Despite the fact that raising children, especially strangers, is a very difficult matter, Orange Neck successfully coped with the task, demonstrating all the best qualities.


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