How to clean the iron from scale inside at home

Having bought a new-fashioned iron, you can read in the instructions that the manufacturer claims to have a self-cleaning function and you do not need to worry about how to clean the iron from scale inside. But think for yourself: hard water from the tap, synthetic clothes and inept handling can lead to the fact that cleaning will have to be carried out at home. You may notice rust on the sole of the appliance that threatens to spoil your favorite item, or salt streaks on clothing. The use of tap water causes scale formation. Remember - the surest way to prevent it is to use distilled water and no other! Although some expensive brands do not recommend pouring such water. It is important to carefully read the instructions before scaling the iron inside.

how to clean the iron from scale inside

Self-cleaning iron

How to clean the iron from scale inside (we are talking about a steam iron)? Just fill the container with water, set the highest temperature and turn on the device. After a while, he will disconnect himself.

How to clean the steam iron by immersion?

You can get rid of the precipitated sediment in this way. To do this, find dishes that can be heated. In size, the bottom should be wider than your iron. Place the appliance in the dishes on the stands so that there is a gap between the sole and the bottom for air circulation. Steam holes must remain free. Make sure the appliance is turned off. Pour hot water into the dishes so that it covers the sole, not higher. Elements made of rubber, as well as mechanical and electrical parts, must not fall into the water! Add citric acid to the dishes and leave the iron to acidify in this unusual “bath”.

How to clean the iron with vinegar?

how to clean a steam iron

Similarly, just dissolve the vinegar in hot water. Put the dishes with the appliance "cook" for no more than 10 minutes. If you have no time to watch how it boils, just pour hot water with vinegar and leave it in this position, of course, the dissolution time of the scale will be longer. But it is better not to use this method, since rubber elements can deteriorate and leakage is broken.

How to descale iron inside without dipping

To do this, dilute a packet of citric acid in a glass of hot water . Pour this mixture into the water tank. Set the maximum temperature and turn on the appliance. When it heats up and then turns off, press the steam supply button several times or apply a “steam boost” (function in modern models). Keep the appliance over a sink or bathtub, as all scale will come out through the steam holes. Wash citric acid, rinse from the inside and wipe with a soft cloth.

Good work for a long time

how to clean iron with vinegar

1. Timely clear it from the inside of scale, do not wait for it to begin to fall out of the openings intended for steam. In this case, the proper operation of the device will please you for a long time.

2. Iron clothes from different fabrics at a certain heating temperature. Do not use heat for silk and synthetic products.

3. Do not clean the iron with metal objects or abrasive materials - this will ruin its surface.

4. Do not leave the water tank for long periods.


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