Why does the imperial grouse not bloom? Main reasons

Grouse imperial is one of the most beautiful plants decorating flower beds in spring. It looks great both in group and in single plantings, therefore it gives the gardener the opportunity to show imagination and create unusual compositions. Like all flowers, it requires special care, otherwise you can’t wait for the flowering period to go. Many gardeners in May appear only green panicles, which dry out in June, it is clear that this beauty is not enough. What is the problem, and why does the imperial hazel grouse not bloom?

why does the imperial hazel grouse not bloom
First of all, you need to pay attention to the soil. The plant loves loose and nutritious soil. In no case can you add fresh manure to the place of planting, but humus and other fertilizers will come in handy.

It is recommended to plant the bulb on a pillow of coarse sand, it is worthwhile to provide good drainage, because although the plant loves moisture, watermelon (flower) does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of water .

Growing a plant requires proper handling of the bulb. Every year it should be dug up after the leaves turn yellow and slag. For two months, the bulbs warm up at a temperature of 30 Β° C, and then move to a cool place with a temperature of about 18 Β° C.

This is done to form roots and plant flower buds. The bulb is planted back in the ground in the fall.

The reason why the imperial hazel grouse does not bloom may be too small bulbs. If they are already planted, you will have to wait until they grow to the right size. It is recommended to buy strong and healthy bulbs with a diameter of more than 5 cm, some can reach a weight of up to 0.5 kg. Such giants in the first year will please with large inflorescences, and the panicle will grow up to one meter high. When growing plants from seeds, you will have to be patient - they will bloom only after 5-7 years.

grouse imperial photo
Due to rodents, the imperial grouse can also be severely affected. Photos of pitted bulbs are not uncommon; some gardeners face this problem every year. In winter, rodents have nothing to eat, so they go to gardens where they regale themselves with bark of trees and bulbs of various colors, and the hazel grouse fits them perfectly. To save the flower, daffodils should be planted around it, the smell of which repels the mice.

The reason why the imperial fritillary does not bloom may be overmoistening of the soil. A flower loves moisture, but its excess can lead to rotting of the bulb, in which case the plant simply dies. For the winter, you should take care of reliable shelter of the flower, although it is cold-resistant, but still severe frosts and a small amount of snow can lead to freezing. For this, you can use dry foliage, spruce branches.

hazel grouse flower growing
The reasons why the imperial grouse does not bloom can be a huge number. Do not throw the plant if it does not bloom for several years in a row. Careful care, changing the planting location, moderate watering, drying in the summer of bulbs can be a significant impetus for the appearance of beautiful and large flowers next spring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7515/

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