Dashun grapes: variety description and photo

Many gardeners and summer residents plant grapes on their plots. Every year, the assortment of species of this culture is replenished with new hybrid forms. Experienced winegrowers are advised to cultivate in their area grape varieties that have excellent qualities and good yields. One of these varieties is Dashun grapes. Many lovers can consider that the varieties Dasha, Daria and Dashun are one and the same. However, these are three different varieties. They differ in color, shape of berries and taste. In this article we will get acquainted with the variety Dashun.

Grade characteristics

Dashun grapes are a hybrid form. This variety was bred by amateur breeder N. Vishnevitsky, he crossed three types of plants: Kesha 1, Rizamat, Radiant cheshmish. The grape variety Dashun has excellent indicators:

  • The plant gives the first crop in the second year.
  • Berry ripening is achieved on day 110.
  • The variety is high-yielding.
  • It tolerates frosts up to –23 degrees.
  • Moisture resistant grade.
  • Vine is not afraid of diseases such as mildew and oidium.
  • Bunches are not afraid of long-term transportation, while maintaining their presentation.
  • One bunch of grapes can weigh up to 1.5 kg.
  • Harvest can be stored for a long time without loss in taste and appearance.
Grapes "Dashun"

The grape bush of Dashun is vigorous and is covered with large foliage with a rich green color. It is necessary to carry out an average pruning of eight eyes. The load on the bush is 30–35 buds. The plant has a female type flower. Therefore, for good pollination, pollinators should be planted that bloom simultaneously with Dashun.

Characteristics of a bunch of grapes

As you can see in the photo, Dashun grapes have a bunch of very impressive sizes. Its weight can reach two kilograms. The crop ripens very early. At the end of August you can enjoy delicious berries. The shape of the brush has a conical shape. The color of the berry is from pink to dark pink, with a slight red tint.

The berry is very large in size 29 x 30, round in shape. One grape weighs 13-15 grams. The berry is crispy, with a hint of nutmeg. The pulp contains a high percentage of juice. Bunches are not afraid of gray rot; they are well and long stored. With strong humidity, the berries do not crack, and the bees do not attack them.

A large bunch of grapes.

The benefits of grapes

Grapes are a very useful product for people. It contains useful vitamins, trace elements and macrocells. In grapes Dashun there are such useful elements as:

  • Vitamins A, C, K, R.
  • Potassium, which is necessary for good heart and kidney function.
  • Zinc, magnesium and bromine. These are excellent helpers for the good work of all human organs.
  • Essential B vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Lecithin and flobafen.

The berries of Dashun grapes favorably affect blood pressure, help get rid of edema, improve sleep and remove anxiety. Eating grapes is beneficial for people with kidney disease, anemia, and other illnesses. Grape juice perfectly tones and strengthens the human immune system. Dashun grapes will be of great benefit if consumed one and a half hours after eating.

Grapes "Dashun"

Landing Dashuni

After we have considered the description of the grape variety Dashun, you need to know some rules, how and where to plant it.

Grapes need to be placed in a place on the site where the plant will receive a large dose of sunlight. Young grapes should be planted according to the scheme of 1.5 to 2 meters. If planted more often, this will reduce the supply of nutrients. Seedlings should be immersed in a hole at an angle, this will help the shoots mature well. The vine will be supported by a garden gazebo, the wall of the house, or you can make an arch, which in the summer will serve as a shelter from the sun and will become an excellent decoration of the garden landscape.

Grape plantation

Take care of the grapes

To get an excellent harvest of Dashun grapes, you need to properly care for it. Like any plant, grapes require watering. The first two years, young seedlings should be watered abundantly and regularly. A more adult plant is enough to moisturize three or four times per season. Two weeks before Dashun blooms, watering should be stopped, as flowering can be damaged.

Experienced gardeners recommend Dashun grapes to be cut in the second year of life. This procedure should be performed in the fall with the help of a sharp secateurs. The cut is done at right angles. In addition to pruning, other work is carried out, such as:

  1. Garter vines. The clusters are quite heavy, so they need additional fixation.
  2. Top dressing.
  3. Proper irrigation.
  4. Prevention from diseases and pests.
  5. Weeding and harvesting fallen leaves.
  6. The vine is not afraid of freezing, so you do not need to wrap the plant for the winter. But it is necessary to create conditions for the delay of snow on the bushes.

Description of Dashun grapes will help many gardeners find such a culture and cultivate it correctly.

Harvesting cuttings

If you want your vineyard to become much larger, or plan to share the plant with your neighbors or friends, you can prepare the cuttings yourself. To do this, you need to do a little work:

  1. When pruning grapes in November, you need to select the vine with a little finger thickness and well-ripened.
  2. Cut it into pieces, which should be 2–4 kidneys.
  3. Soak cuttings in water for about a day. After drying a little.
  4. Wrap in moistened paper and place in a plastic bag. It should have openings for good ventilation.
  5. Packed cuttings should be stored in a cool place - in the refrigerator or cellar. You can dig in the ground to a depth of 20 cm. It is important to ensure that the place does not have stagnation of moisture.
Grape cuttings

In the spring, before planting, the cuttings should be awakened and rooted. This is a simple procedure and does not require special skills. It is necessary to carry out some manipulations:

  1. Secateurs cut off the ends of the cuttings and immerse for two days in water.
  2. You can add aloe juice, flower honey to the liquid, or purchase special preparations at the store.
  3. After this, we get the blanks and update the slices again and make longitudinal cuts along the bottom of the handle.
  4. After all the procedures, immerse the cuttings in a container, and after two weeks the first leaves will appear. And after three to four weeks, roots form.
  5. The plant is ready for planting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7517/

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