What is the difference between a cheetah and a leopard: description and differences of predators

Many people do not know the difference between a cheetah and a leopard, because at first glance these two representatives of the cat family are so much alike. They are beautiful, graceful, have almost the same color, magnificent teeth, claws and similar predatory habits. But it turns out that these animals belong to a different genus and are rarely located next to each other. Therefore, they have not only external differences, but also a difference in lifestyles and their environment.

Cheetah Description

This predator is endowed with a muscular and slender body, in which there is practically no fatty deposits. At first glance it may seem that this animal is quite fragile, with a small head, high set eyes and small ears. The description of the cheetah indicates that the growth of this predator does not exceed 140 centimeters, it can weigh a maximum of 65 kilograms, but such small dimensions do not prevent it from being a fast and dangerous hunter.

what is the difference between a cheetah and a leopard

This feline is fed by his legs. After all, it is not for nothing that he is the fastest mammal on earth. This predator can reach speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour in just a couple of seconds and is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Therefore, if you ask yourself: “Who is faster - a cheetah or a leopard?” - then the answer will be unequivocal - the first. Its habitat is Africa, India or Central Asia. Cheetah hunts mainly in the daytime, and selects medium-sized artiodactyl animals as its victims .

Leopard Description

This predator is a representative of the cat family. He has a fit, athletic and dense physique. It got its name due to the fact that in ancient times it was customary to assume that this animal is a hybrid of a lion and a panther.

The body of the leopard is quite slender, flexible and slightly flattened from the sides. He has not too long but strong legs, a small head with a convex forehead. This predator has various sizes depending on its habitat. The length of this animal, taking into account the tail, can sometimes reach three meters, but males are always twice as large as females.

The leopard lives in West Africa and the Far East. This predator preys mainly on deer, roe deer and antelopes.

who is faster cheetah or leopard

Way of life

So all the same: what is the difference between a cheetah and a leopard, except for their external differences? The first of them is considered one of the most peaceful feline representatives. There were few such cases when he attacked a person, unlike a leopard, which is considered a freedom-loving and vindictive predator, completely resistant to any training. Therefore, even in the circus can be found only cheetahs.

These predators also have a different approach to hunting. This is even understandable based on the answer to the question: “Who is faster - a cheetah or a leopard?” The first of them, being the fastest predator in the world, always tries to catch up with its prey. But since such a tremendous speed consumes large amounts of energy, a cheetah can stop its pursuit if it does not manage to quickly overtake an animal running away from it.

A leopard never runs after its prey, but waits for it in ambush or sneaks up on its prey, after which it jumps on it and strangles it. Therefore, these feline representatives, unlike cheetahs, hunt in the dark, so that no one can notice them in any secluded place.

cheetah description

Predator comparison

There are many other factors that can show how a cheetah differs from a leopard. Based on the description of the appearance of the animals, we can conclude that the body of the first predator is more elegant and fragile in appearance, while the second is massive.

Another difference is their patterns on the wool, as well as their paws. Thus, the color of the leopard is spotty. The cheetah is spotted, and its claws are only partially retracted, unlike all other representatives of the cat family, and these predators go hunting in packs, which can not be said about leopards.

What is the difference between these big cats?

Despite the fact that these animals have much in common, they are very different from each other.

For example, a cheetah has no habit of pulling its prey onto a tree, unlike a leopard. The first feline has long legs, and the second is considered short-legged. You can immediately recognize the cheetah by its face, as it is endowed with peculiar tear stripes of black color that go down from the inner corners of the eyes to the nose itself.

leopard color

Leopard does not have this feature. The skin of the fastest of these predators has a pattern consisting of black messy spots, and at the second point on the wool are collected in a rosette with a dark background inside. And of course, their main differences are the habitat, hunting and killing methods of their victims, as well as their different sizes.

From all of the above, it becomes quite obvious that a lot is what distinguishes a cheetah from a leopard.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7523/

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