Poles: character, national traits, culture. The mentality of the Poles

Poles - what are they? This is a large West Slavic nation, known for its vibrant culture and mentality. There are many different stereotypes about them, sometimes even contradicting each other: proud, puffy, scammers, smiling, simple, insincere. So what is their character really? What specific features does Polish culture preserve in itself, what traditions are peculiar to this country?

History of the people

Poland on the map

The first mention of the country of Poland appeared in the X century. Several principalities were united by the Piast dynasty into a small state. Throughout its long history, the country has experienced a period of feudal fragmentation, the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the decline of state power. It was united with such states as Lithuania, Livonia (modern Estonia), was known not as Poland, but as the Commonwealth.

The golden age for this country was the period from the beginning of the XVI to XVII. The independent existence of Poland was jeopardized by numerous invasions of the Swedes in the 17th century, but King Stanislav Poniatowski tried to prevent the collapse of the state through reforms. It was not possible to avoid the partition, the first one took place in 1772, the second one in 1793, the third one in 1795. From this year to 1918 it again became independent.

The First and Second World War caused great damage to the country. Entire cities were destroyed, about five million people were killed, part of the territories was lost. The country had to rebuild in a severe crisis. Revolts broke out and discontent grew. In the 80s of the XX century, a series of strikes took place that led the state to liberation from Soviet power. Democrats in power changed the economic course from planned to market, and in politics switched to pluralism.


Even in the Middle Ages, Poles were called "Poles", and the country of Poland was called Lakhistan or Lehistan. Initially, the word "lyakh" was neutral in nature, but in the period from the 18th to the 19th centuries, the Russian literary language acquired a negative connotation. This word was used in order to express contempt for the representatives of the nation.

At the moment, the correct forms of the feminine and masculine forms are “Pole” and “Polish”. By the way, until about the 19th century, the word "Polish" was also considered normative, but then it became contemptuous (Dahl's dictionary). Now this form is obsolete or colloquial (different dictionaries give different notes).

Polish language

About Polish

This is one of the largest Slavic languages. Belongs to the West Slavic group, the Lehitsky subgroup. In some ways, it may seem similar to Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian, but there are a number of nuances. The first feature - in Polish, deletion always falls on the penultimate syllable (with the exception of borrowed words). In the phonetics of the Polish language there are many unusual sound combinations that will be difficult for a beginner to reproduce. For example, letter combinations such as cz, sz, dz read like very hard h, very hard w, soft q and z together, respectively.

As noted above, Polish and Russian are quite similar. However, similarity can be misleading. There are a large number of words called "translator's false friends." Their peculiarity is that they are very reminiscent of the words familiar to the native speaker of the Russian language, but they are translated in a completely different way. So, for example, ogonek, similar to “light”, is translated as “tail”, dywan, which causes direct associations with the word “sofa”, actually means “carpet”. People learning Polish need to be attentive to the “false friends of the translator” so as not to get into an awkward or comical situation (after all, the “store” is sklep in Polish!).

National traits

So, the mentality of the Poles, what is he? Many note that one of the most important features is a smile on the face. Poles are smiling at a meeting, at communication, at acquaintance. There is a stereotype that she is insincere, but this is not so. These are really quite friendly people.

Poles with flag

They will smile in the store, in the hospital, even in the parking lot, but the tourist should not think that friendliness and goodwill indicate a desire to provide him with any privileges (they will not give him a discount in the store). Also, the Poles are quite trusting. People are used to being honest for this reason trusting each other. For example, a cashier in a store may allow the buyer to deposit money for the purchase later if he forgot them. And yes, the buyer will really bring them. Another opinion that exists about the Poles is that they are "scammers." In fact, they simply zealously defend their rights and respect the law. For example, if a neighbor makes noise late at night or litter at the entrance, they will most likely be reported to law enforcement agencies.

What else makes up the peculiarities of the national character of the Poles? Tourists and emigrants encountering the inhabitants of this country note that they are quite simple people. Even senior officials do not actively demonstrate their viability and position.

Finally, the Poles are a people who complain. They do it a lot and often. Almost everything can become a subject of discontent: government, roads, assortment in a store, and so on. Their complaints are passive: despite the fact that they are not happy with a lot, they are not going to change anything. These are the characteristic features of the Poles.

What do they say about themselves

They have a rather high opinion of themselves (that's why the phrase “puffy lyakh” appeared). Poles consider themselves a civilized, educated and cultured nation. Polish girls appear to be patriots who sincerely love their homeland, while they are ready to go on an insidious act. Of course, they are seductively attractive. A woman is perceived as an example for a man, placed above him.

How to offend a Pole

There are several rules that must be observed when communicating with the Polish people, otherwise they can be seriously affected. Away on the proposal to change shoes in slippers should agree. Failure can offend the Pole. Also, the owner will be very upset if the guest before dinner dines and refuses to eat his food. They can offer to take what is left after the feast with them; one should not refuse it. The character of the Poles, although friendly, but touchy.

Finally, since the Poles are quite religious people, they can be seriously offended by visiting the temple in an inappropriate form (shorts, short skirts) and attempts to photograph or film the service.

Cultural Contribution: Literature

Polish literature begins its history in the 16th century. Its founder is the writer Mykola Rei. His works, written in a journalistic style, have a sharp socio-political orientation. In a rude but saturated language, the author defended the interests of the gentry and ridiculed the Catholic clergy. The first national poet is considered Jan Kokhanovsky. He was educated in Paris and Italy, and although he wrote in Latin, he went down in the history of literature as an author who perfectly composed verses in Polish. He wrote on love and political topics, one of his most famous works, Tren, was written under the influence of personal tragedy - the death of his daughter.

The most famous not only Polish, but also a world poet was Adam Mickiewicz. His most famous work is the poem Pan Tadeusz, which recreates in detail the historical picture of the nobleman's life. Mickiewicz is a leader, a leading author of Polish romanticism.

Of the modern authors, the most famous are Janusz Leon Wisniewski, who wrote a book about virtual love “Loneliness on the Web”, which became a world bestseller, Andrzej Sapkowski - the creator of the “The Witcher” universe, the author of many works in the fantasy genre.

Cultural Contribution: Music

The first most famous Polish composer is Nikolai Radomsky, who lived in the 15th century. Known for writing polyphonic music. A century later, European appeared in Polish national musical motifs. This happened thanks to Diomedes Kato, who lived in this country. Around the same time, works by composers such as Vaclav from Shotul and Luca Marenzio appeared. The most famous Polish composer is the great Frederic Chopin.

Frederic Chopin

He is the author of many musical works: Polonez, Waltzes, Mazurkas. It was he who became the founder of the local national composer school.

Pole traditions

Some of them will seem familiar to a Russian person, but others may surprise.

  • Burning stuffed Slavic goddess Majanna. This rite is somewhat reminiscent of burning a doll on Shrovetide. On the first day of spring, a scarecrow is made from straw, decorated with ribbons, beads, shreds. First, the doll is set on fire, and then stoked in a pond. It is believed that this custom will accelerate the onset of heat.
  • Popravina is an event that takes place on the second day after the wedding. Walks continue until the third day.
  • Christmas traditions. Since the Poles have a rather religious character, Christmas is a very important and significant holiday for them. On this day, it is customary to lay straw under the tablecloth, and put an additional device on the table. Straw symbolizes the circumstances of the birth of Christ, and an extra plate indicates that this nation is friendly and hospitable. The guest, the path of even the unexpected and uninvited, is always happy to be met, invited to the house and fed.
  • migus Dyngus is an Easter tradition that involves watering passers-by with water. This is done from water guns, plastic bottles or bags. This non-standard custom is explained by the fact that water is an indispensable element of baptism.
Schmigus Dyngus

National dress

A mandatory element of traditional clothing is bright embroidery: flowers or patterns are depicted on the fabrics. The Polish girl’s national costume includes: a skirt (striped or embroidered), a white shirt (sometimes with colored patterns), a corset, an apron, a hat, shoes (boots or boots with lacing on a small heel). The colors of the women's costume are mostly bright: green, blue, red, brown shades. Headgear depends on the status of the polka. Unmarried people wear bright colored shawls and wreaths decorated with flowers. Married women put a cap on their heads. A very important part of the costume is jewelry: large earrings, massive bright beads.

Girls in national costumes

Poles men are more restrained in colors: brown, black, gray and white prevail. Their costume consists of a white shirt, vest (usually embroidered), belt, black or brown pants, boots and headgear. Usually this is a hat with a fur trim.

Polish cuisine

It abounds in meat dishes, sausages, pastes, pickles (mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables). The cuisine of the Poles is hearty and varied. The most famous first course is the zurek soup, which is brewed on kvass. They add mushrooms, potatoes, smoked sausages, hard-boiled eggs. Season it with a lot of spices. If you want to try something more unusual, you should pay attention to the soup called blackberry. The composition includes such an unusual ingredient as goose blood. In addition, goose offal, dried fruits and vegetables are added there.

One of the most famous second courses is, of course, bigos. The standard recipe includes meat (pork) and sour cabbage, but rice, dried fruits or vegetables can be added in different variations.

National dish bigos

Another popular dish of cabbage and meat is cabbage rolls (in polish - gołąbki). Rice, cereal or potatoes are also put in the filling. This dish is served in tomato sauce.

Fans of sweets should definitely pay attention to Kolaczki cookies. These are shortbread dough envelopes filled with jam or cottage cheese. You can buy these at a baker or in a supermarket.

National dances

Polonaise used to be performed at balls and special occasions. Now this dance is an obligatory part of the prom. This is a dance procession with graceful and elegant movements. He is very suitable for the character of the Poles.

Mazurka is a dynamic, temperamental dance. It is one of the most difficult due to the quick change of movements. Mazurkas composed such composers as Frederic Chopin and Karol Shimanovsky.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F753/

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