How to distinguish a rose from a rosehip by leaves and flowers? Saplings of roses and rose hips: photos

Experienced gardeners "on the dogrose" can not be fooled. They instantly recognize the rose in front of them or its ancient ancestor. Yes, the pedigree of "cultural beauty" (cultivated roses) originates precisely from this modest plant from the family of the Pink order Rosaceae. It is no coincidence that novice florists often puzzle over the question: how to distinguish a rose from a rosehip? By leaves and flowers, some other signs?

how to distinguish a rose from a rosehip

Millions of years - like a bush

Paleobotanists claim that dogrose appeared on Earth long before the first person walked on it. Inquisitive scientists found characteristic leaf prints in the deposits of the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era. And this, whatever one may say, is 65 million years old - like from a bush! Pink, of course ...

It is believed that the birthplace of rose hips is Asia. It is difficult to specify the place more precisely - there is not a single southern people whose history at least once did not flash a mention of a rose (meaning rose hips). Cultivars were grown in Babylon four millennia ago.

In 1279-1213 years. BC e. the Egyptians wrote about the queen of flowers on papyrus scrolls. Imagine, this is about the times of the great pharaoh Ramses II. Unfortunately, the name of the first gardener, who received from the wild rose hips a marvelous fragrant "fairy of dreams", history has not preserved.

roses photo

Legends of roses

It is known that roses have long been used for cosmetic and even culinary purposes. Legends were made about them. Here, for example, one such about the origin of rose oil. Allegedly in India, one lord ordered to fill the moat with delicate fragrant petals. A strong infusion was formed. So for the first time people got a wonderful ether mixture.

And here is one of the legends of the Western nations: walking in the evening in the garden, admiring the flowers, the prince found out that one beautiful girl was turned into a rose by a sorcerer. To save the unfortunate, it was necessary to determine exactly which plant is not just a bush, but an enchanted beauty. Young Romeo pointed to a single flower not moistened with dew. And I was not mistaken! All this is very interesting, but back to the sinful earth: how to distinguish a rose from a dog rose?

Without transformations

Every year, breeders from different countries display new varieties of beautiful roses. But wild rose hips are not forgotten. This is due to the fact that its fruits are rich in life-giving vitamin C. Not only doctors, but also ordinary people have long known about the healing power of plants. In the XVI century there was a saying: "The dogrose of seven doctors stands." It was a very expensive medicine.

Let's practice to distinguish the decoration of the rose world from the healer of the wild rose. First we will learn for ourselves: they have one type, but these plants are different. (For comparison: the mother is single in children, but children are each “on their own”). You can often hear: "My rose has turned into a wild rose." Now you understand that this cannot be.

But a more resilient relative is quite capable of “sowing" a sissy with her own growth, all the more so since grafting on a stock is considered to be one of the most common ways of propagating a rose (replanting thoroughbred buds on a dogrose or plants of the same genus - a dog rose, rose canina). Taking as a basis rose hips, rose seedlings get excellent quality.

how to distinguish a rose from a rosehip by leaves

The right haircut

How to distinguish a rose from a rosehip? The one who bought a seedling with an open root system probably noticed a thickening with shoots above the roots. It looks like a vaccination. To get the desired result in the form of a blooming rose bush, a vulnerable spot when planting is buried in the soil by 8-10 cm, if necessary, additionally sprinkled with earth, use covering material.

In the spring, the upper part is cut to zero, but the green mass quickly grows in the summer, the bush blooms lushly. An important rule: spring pruning must be done very carefully, promptly removing the root shoots of wild rose. Often, "strong" sprouts far from the rose: such a shoot must be constantly eliminated.

To correctly “chekryzhy”, you need to know exactly which shoots and leaves are to be removed, that is, understand how to distinguish a rose from a rosehip by leaves. It is believed that the young leaves of many roses are painted in a reddish color. The stock of rootstock (wild rose) is green, the leaves are small, there are more than 5 pieces on one branch.

Although the same number of leaflets can be found in an overgrown scion, the external difference is still visible. Dogrose is cut close to the root. If the pruning is regular and timely, there will be no “transformations”! Look at these roses (photo below). How beautiful they are!

rose turned into a dog rose

Thorns and roses

Fix the topic. When buying seedlings, focus on the color of the "fresh" shoots and buds.

rose seedlings

Dark red? Are the thorns thick, sharp, sparse? This is a rose. Later, the vegetative organs become green, stiff (stiffen).

Shoots and buds are pale green, spikes in small loose? This is a wild rose.

rosehip seedlings

So, we figured out how to distinguish a rose seedling from a rosehip. It's time to talk about flowers. Rose in the prime of life looks gorgeous. Flowers with many petals, large. Somewhere in their depths, a core “hid”, which can be seen only after the rose “falls off”. The color of beauties is very different - scarlet, pink, tea, white, etc.

Rosehip can not compete with a rose by the number of petals on a flower - there are only five of them. Although many have seen cultivated species of this plant, dotted with lush fragrant "hats", cute, but small. Wild rosehip has a delicate pink color. Garden can be white, cyclamen (bright pink), yellow. The core of rose hips is visible well.

Flexible beauties

And here are the roses. The photo shows how diverse they can be! These are climbing specimens - number one in vertical gardening. Any forms are obtained from them: magnificent arches, slender columns, wonderful pyramids. The balcony twined with flexible plants seems fabulous.

rosehip seedlings

Seedlings of climbing roses are capricious, they do not tolerate severe cold. A climate is suitable for them, in which winter shelters are not relevant. In central Russia, such a climatic luxury "is not found." But flower growers of the steppe and forest-steppe zones do not intend to abandon the "curly" rose gardens. They successfully grow climbing specimens in the garden, in the country, wrapping sprouts in bad weather, like their own children.

Flowering in the species is staggering in abundance. For a whole month in the first half of summer you can enjoy a lively cascade on overwintered shoots. There are winter-hardy representatives of the species.

climbing roses seedlings

Care for climbing roses

In the course of crossing (for example, with tea-hybrid roses), varieties with shoots 4 meters long ("climbing roses") were obtained. They bloom more than ordinary climbing roses. These flowers love sunny places with good ventilation.

Support for "lovers to climb higher and higher" is better to establish in the south-west and south exposure. In the southern growth ripens faster. The first year of cultivation is rather difficult, but then care becomes easier: it is enough to water, trim, and feed occasionally. To stimulate flowering, faded branches are pruned.

How to distinguish a rose from a rosehip? When you admire the “curly fairy tale”, the question seems rhetorical: it is clear that it cannot be confused with the simple and unpretentious (although useful) ancestor.

That roses did not die in the winter, they need to be prepared in advance for the "minus" period. Already in the last month of summer there is no need to loosen the soil under them, to water. But you can’t cover early - in the "greenhouse" the flowers sprout and vypryvat. When dry weather sets in with a temperature of minus six degrees, it's time to hide the curly roses.

how to distinguish rose seedlings from rose hips

Knowledge frees from mistakes

Many have heard that there are also park roses. At the same time, some gardeners believe that these are not listed in the garden classification. However, flowers are widespread. In fact, these are cold-resistant rose hips.

For the ceremonial flowerbed, they, of course, are too modest, but perfectly decorate the garden corners. Park roses in Russia include rosehip varieties that are resistant to winter cold. So to abandon the pot when choosing seedlings is not worth it.

When thinking about how to distinguish a rose from a wild rose, or choosing varieties of roses for your garden, remember: knowledge of special rules, conscientious care of plants will relieve you of responsibility for neglected greenhouses, dead seedlings, degeneration of varieties. Before planting a tender sprout, decide: can you take care of it competently, diligently and carefully? Then success is guaranteed to your flower-growing enterprise.


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