Air recuperator: advantages, varieties and features of manufacturing

Recovery is the recycling of already used air using a special device. This process can significantly reduce energy costs. An air recuperator is a very useful device that has certain advantages and performs several functions depending on the time of year.

Advantages of the device

air recuperator
So, the presented device has such advantages:

- profitability (air recuperator consumes significantly less energy than air conditioning);

- high efficiency;

- small size (it all depends on your needs), for industrial use you can choose large models;

- the possibility of use in private and apartment buildings with centralized ventilation;

- the possibility of using the apparatus in winter (for heating air) and in summer (for cooling it), while no additional energy sources are required;

- low cost;

- the possibility of independent construction of the unit;

- the recuperator provides both inflow and outflow of air, that is, you get additional natural ventilation of the room;

- good sanitary and hygienic indicators.

Varieties of recuperators

To date, the market for electrical goods can offer a large number of device models from which you can choose the right device. So, there are such types of recuperators:

- rotary;

- roof;

- water recirculation;

- lamellar.

What materials are needed to make the apparatus?

DIY air recuperator
If you want to make an air recuperator for the house yourself, then first you need to collect the necessary materials and tools. It should be noted right away that you will not need any expensive accessories. You can build the structure from improvised materials.

So you will need:

- sheet metal of small thickness (can be galvanized);

- strips of technical cork (for the frame);

- neutral sealant;

- MDF (for the construction of the apparatus). For the same purpose, you can use a regular tin box of a given size;

- flanges for pipes.

Of course, you also need to prepare tools: scissors for cutting metal, screwdrivers and bolts with nuts, self-tapping screws or other fasteners.

Device manufacturing technology

plate air recuperators
From this article you can learn how plate air recuperators are made. They are the easiest to use and produce. In addition, the source materials that will be used in the work are of low cost. So, all actions must be performed in a certain sequence:

1. First of all, you should decide on the dimensions of the device, since it depends on what width and length the plates will have. Before starting work, it is advisable to draw a drawing of the apparatus on paper and make all the necessary calculations in advance.

2. Now proceed to cutting the plates. The standard sizes of each element are 20 * 30 cm. If there is no metal at your disposal, you can use textolite or cellular polycarbonate. Please note that all sides of the inserts must be perfectly even, so do not rush during the cutting process. If this procedure does not work out correctly with scissors, use an electric jigsaw with a hacksaw for metal. In this case, you do not need to align the edges.

3. Next, a frame is made, which will be installed between the plates. The thickness of this design should not exceed 3 mm. Note that between the plates you need to leave small gaps (about 4 mm).

4. At this stage, the air recuperator can be fully assembled. To fix the elements, use a neutral type sealant, since only it will not contribute to rust and corrosion of the metal. After the fastener is completely dry, place the device in the prepared case. Please note that for more effective operation of the device, the inner surface of the box walls must be covered with a heater (mainly mineral wool).

home air recuperator
5. In the case, it is necessary to drill holes in which flanges will be inserted to connect the device to the air ducts. All slots must be treated with silicone sealant.

Useful Tips

Now you know how to build an air recuperator with your own hands. However, it should be used correctly. For example, a device that operates on the basis of plates can freeze if the air temperature drops below 10 degrees. In order for this problem to be easily fixed, try to install a special sensor inside the unit that will record pressure drops.

In order to isolate the noise of the working device as much as possible, attach fiberglass or mineral wool inside the box . These are all the features of the manufacture and use of the presented devices. Good luck


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