"Rex Duo" (fungicide): description, features of application and reviews

For many years, summer residents in the struggle for high yields use various substances aimed at eliminating diseases and pests. Today we propose to consider in more detail one of these drugs - Rex Duo fungicide: instructions for use, price, consumption rate.

Brief description of the drug

rex duo fungicide Price

Rex Duo fungicide is a remedy that is used to combat various fungal diseases that develop on cereals (barley and wheat), sugar beets, and peas. Also, this tool helps to slow the drying of leaves and prolong the growing season for a period of 5-7 days.

The composition of the drug includes two active substances: epoxiconazole (18.7% or 187 grams / liter) and thiophanate methyl (31% or 310 grams / liter). They have a different mechanism of action, but both are aimed at stopping the development of fungal disease cells.

The drug is a viscous solution of a tan color, with a rather specific smell. With proper storage, the fungicide is stable and does not decompose.

The average price of Rex Duo fungicide per 1 liter is about $ 20-30. The approximate cost of a ten-liter canister is about 28-30 thousand rubles. You can buy the drug from official manufacturers, in online stores and in retail outlets.

Operating principle

Rex Duo fungicide instruction

The drug shows its effectiveness during the fight against such common plant diseases as powdery mildew, various types of rust and spotting, as well as pyrenophorosis, rhinchosporiasis, septoria, ramulariosis and cercosporosis.

Two active components of Rex Duo fungicide inhibit the process of cell division of pathogenic fungi and the synthesis of ergosterol in them.

The main advantages of the substance

  • Fungicide is characterized by a strong prophylactic and therapeutic effect.
  • Rex Duo is effective in case of mixed infections, as it is able to fight most types of mycoses.
  • Due to the two-component composition, the possibility of the emergence of immunity of fungi to fungicide is reduced to zero.
  • "Rex Duo" begins to act instantly and after thirty minutes penetrates completely into the tissue of culture.
  • The consumption of the drug is small.
  • The substance can be used in all weather conditions, due to its special structure it is not washed off by rain.
  • The effect of fungicide lasts for four weeks.
  • Rex Duo extends the growing season and helps increase crop yields.

Preparation of working solution and its use

rex duo fungicide price instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, the Rex Duo fungicide must first be diluted in a small amount of water. The rate of consumption of a substance depends on the type of culture and disease. When the drug is dissolved, you can add more water to the required volume. The finished working solution is poured into the sprayer and used during the day. You can not store it, since then it loses its effectiveness.

Crops are sprayed only once per season. Sugar beets can be processed twice, but with a break of at least two weeks. Plants are sprayed at least twenty days before harvest.

It is best to cultivate crops early in the morning or evening in calm weather. The optimum air temperature at the time of spraying is from +12 to +25 degrees.

The consumption rate of the substance depending on the specific culture

rex duo fungicide instructions for use

To cure crops (barley, winter and spring wheat) from diseases such as septoria, rechosporiasis, pyrenophorosis, all types of rust and spotting, as well as powdery mildew, it will take from 0.04 to 0.06 ml of substance per 1 sq. m. Plants are sprayed once a season during the growing season. The substance remains active for thirty days.

Sugar beets from cercosporosis, powdery mildew and ramulariosis are sprayed as a preventive measure during the growing season. If repeated symptoms of the disease are detected, spraying is repeated. The consumption rate of fungicide per 1 square. m in this case is from 0.05 to 0.06 ml. The duration of the drug is 21 days.

To spray peas from ascochitosis and gray rot, 0.06 ml of Rex Duo per 1 square. m. Processing is carried out during the growing season. The activity of the substance persists for twenty days.

Compatibility and toxicity

rex duo fungicide

Rex Duo fungicide can be used for complex treatment of plants along with other protective substances and liquid fertilizers. The drug is considered compatible with others. Nevertheless, it is worth checking before using the product. To do this, take a little of each of the components and mix in one container. If a precipitate appears, then the substances are incompatible.

With regard to toxicity, the Rex Duo fungicide is assigned a third hazard class. This means that the substance is considered low toxic. It is safe for bees and fish. But fungicide should be kept away from children and pets, and working with Rex Duo should be in protective clothing using gloves, glasses and a respirator.

If the solution accidentally gets on the skin, the affected area should be cleaned with cotton wool or a piece of cloth without rubbing, and then rinse thoroughly with soap and water. If the drug got into the eyes, then they must be widely opened and washed under running cool water for fifteen minutes. If a person breathed in the vapor of the working solution, then it must be taken out to clean air, and if he swallowed a fungicide, then he should be given activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of body weight.

Storage conditions

They store the Rex Duo fungicide, like any other chemical substance, in dark places inaccessible to children and pets, where there are no food or medicine. Permissible storage temperature varies from -5 to +40 degrees. Shelf life is indicated on the packaging and is two years from the date of manufacture.

Gardeners reviews on the results of the use of the substance

fungicide rex duo price per 1 liter

Rex Duo fungicide is used both on large farmland and in small personal gardens. In any conditions, the drug proved to be quite good, for which it received a lot of positive reviews from both experienced gardeners and lovers:

  • A change in the state of plants can be observed already five days after spraying. Foliage is gaining strength again, becoming dense and bright.
  • The effect of the substance does not affect the taste characteristics of the crops.
  • The working solution is prepared quickly, the drug dissolves well in water.
  • You can not close the bees at the time of spraying plants.
  • It can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of diseases.
  • The effectiveness of the fungicide is manifested even in cool and humid weather.

The only drawback is the price of the substance. But it quickly pays off due to the high cost-effectiveness of spending Rex Duo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7534/

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