Striped aquarium fish: photo with names and description

Both adults and children love to watch the life of underwater inhabitants in a home aquarium. Today, specialized stores offer customers not only unusual and beautiful fish, but also wonderful decorations for their home. In this article we will present you photos with the names of striped aquarium fish, which always look very impressive in a home pond. This will help you choose the inhabitants for your tank.

Catfish platidoras

This striped catfish is very beautiful. Wide alternating white and black stripes run along his entire body. The color is especially visible in young fish, with age the stripes become not so contrasted. In nature, platidoras reach twenty centimeters in length, and in the aquarium - no more than sixteen.

The body of such a striped aquarium fish is an arrow-shaped cylindrical shape with a flat abdomen. Males are smaller than females, especially when viewed from above. Body color can be either black, dark brown, or with well-defined horizontal white stripes. The lower part of the head, as well as the anterior portion of the pectoral fins, is painted white. The older the fish, the less distinct the scale pattern.

Catfish platidoras

The head of these catfish is quite large, eyes are large. The mouth is wide, with two pairs of antennae. The following water parameters are required for the content of platidoras: temperature - from +23.9 to +30 ° C, pH - to 7.5. The minimum aquarium volume for catfish should be 120 liters. Platidoras is unpretentious to the conditions of detention - every month it is enough to change a third of the volume of water.

Botsia clown

Makrakanta (the second name of the striped aquarium fish) is one of the most beautiful in the family of loosers. She is loved for her bright color. This type of bots is very popular among experienced aquarists and beginners, as it always looks very impressive.

A feature of the bots are the spikes located under the eyes. They can be put forward in case of danger. The body of this striped aquarium fish is laterally compressed and slightly elongated. The mouth is framed by four pairs of antennae. In an elegant clown's booth, the body is painted in a bright yellow-orange color with three black wide stripes. One passes through the eyes, the second - near the dorsal fin, the third covers part of the dorsal fin and passes further behind it.

Botsia clown

True, such a bright color is characteristic of young fish, as the strip grows older, the stripe does not lose its attractiveness. This is a pretty hardy striped aquarium fish. However, experts do not recommend starting it for beginners, since it is quite large, active and needs stable water parameters. In addition, she has too small scales, which makes her very sensitive to diseases and medical treatment.

For the clown to fight, you need a spacious aquarium with a large number of plants and many different shelters. Loaches are nocturnal fish that are almost invisible during the day, but this does not apply to the beau clown. She is active all day, although somewhat shy. He likes to be in the company of representatives of his own kind, although he gets along well with other peaceful neighbors.

Sumatran barbus

Among aquarists, these striped aquarium fish are very popular. Barbs are very fast-moving flock of underwater inhabitants, which are interesting to watch. They get along well with peaceful and medium-sized neighbors, but can pinch weaker and smaller fish.

Sumatran barbus

Sumatran barbus is one of the most spectacular and popular species of the genus barbus. These fish should be kept in flocks, which makes barbs even more spectacular. In the aquarium, they grow up to five centimeters. This view coexists perfectly:

  • with gourami;
  • barbs;
  • catfish;
  • thorns;
  • tetri.

Keep barbs recommended in aquariums with a volume of 50 liters or more. At home they live about four years.

Gourami grumbling

Do you know the name of striped aquarium fish, the most common type of gourami? That's right, it’s a grouchy gourami - a very beautiful fish with a bright greenish-bluish or pearl color.

The body of the gourami is elongated, slightly flattened from the sides. The snout is pointed. It grows in an aquarium on average up to 6-7 cm. The main color is golden, whitish with a turquoise shine of the side. Two to four bands pass through the hull. Translucent fins are covered with greenish dots. The fish are peace-loving, although a little shy. They are usually kept in a common aquarium with peaceful neighbors. It is advisable that the flock consisted of at least 6-8 gourams, with one or two females per male. If the group of fish is smaller, skirmishes between them certainly occur, and because of this they have less time to grumble.

Gourami grumbling

In addition, it is impossible to keep several pairs in a small aquarium, because during spawning males jealously guard their territory and often inflict mutilations on each other.


Probably, only experienced connoisseurs of the underwater world know this name of a striped aquarium fish. The common macropod, or paradise fish, is unpretentious in leaving, but it is quite cocky and can beat its neighbors in the aquarium. This striped aquarium fish, the photo of which you can see below, was one of the first to be brought to Europe, only goldfish were ahead of it. Macropods first appeared in France in 1869, and already in 1876 it was introduced to Germany.

A miniature, but very beautiful fish played an important role in popularizing aquariums around the world. Macropod is quite unpretentious in content, has excellent appetite, which allows beginners to start it. In nature, these fish live in different biotopes, from ditches and slowly flowing rivers to large rivers and backwaters. Accordingly, they tolerate different conditions, for example, aquariums without heating, and in the summer they can live in ponds.

Striped Macropod Fish

The macropod has a strong elongated body with pointed fins, the tail is bifurcated and rather long - up to 5 cm. Like most labyrinths, it is able to breathe the air that it swallows from the surface. The macropod has a special organ that allows the use of atmospheric oxygen and transfers its low content in water.

These striped aquarium fish feed on various types of feed. They get along well with neighbors of the same size, but it should be borne in mind that the males fight each other to death. They should be kept alone or with a female. But in this case, she will need shelter.


Keeping these little striped aquarium fish is not as easy as it might seem to an inexperienced novice. Through careful selection, many species of guppies were bred. At present, it is rather difficult to classify them, since more and more new species appear every year.

These schooling fish are highly survivable and are considered the most enduring of all schooling aquarium inhabitants. A group of 15-20 fish fills it with bright colors due to the beauty of their caudal fins. These striped aquarium fish can be kept in a common aquarium, while the neighbors should not be quick swimming.

Guppy aquarium fish

The container should have dense thickets of plants, including small-leaved species that reach the surface of the water. It is better to give preference to limnophile Indian and glitter, floating plants with drooping roots, as well as riccia, where usually fry find shelter.

Guppies are undemanding to the volume of the aquarium. But the temperature of the water must be monitored carefully. It must be maintained in the range from +20 to +26 ° C.

Danio rerio

In nature, these fish are widespread in Southeast Asia, in bodies of water with a weak current. The length of her body does not exceed 4.5 cm. The body is elongated, flattened laterally. Along it pass alternating white and blue stripes. They start from the gills and end on the tail. The anal and caudal fins are also striped, and the rest are colorless and transparent. These are very playful and active small schooling fish that prefer dry or live food. Their size reaches five centimeters.

Danio rerio

Unfortunately, their excessive mobility is dangerous for them: quite often zebrafish jump out of their pool, therefore closed containers are more suitable for growing. These striped fish are clearly visible in the aquarium: longitudinal black stripes cross their black body.

Blue neon

Speaking of the smallest fish, one cannot help but recall the neon, well-known even to beginners. These underwater inhabitants are famous for their amazing color, or rather a luminous neon strip passing through the whole body. These are schooling fish, so you should settle them in groups of 10-15 pieces.

Blue neon

Classic neon has a red-blue color, sparkling in the light, it was because of it that the fish got their name. They can be kept even in small aquariums with a capacity of 10 liters or more.


A small dark silver fish can be seen in many home aquariums and in any pet store. It is unpretentious in maintenance, easily divorced, has a peaceful disposition, and therefore it is recommended to start it for beginners.

Ternetia is often called the black tetra. Her silver-black color is complemented by vertical black stripes running throughout her body. Due to its peaceful nature, it can be kept in a common aquarium with the same calm neighbors. Watch the temperature of the water. It should be between +21 and +24 ° C at Ph 7.0.

Aquarium fish

Siamese algae eater

Do you know the name of the striped aquarium fish, which is an excellent helper in the fight against algae? Of course, algae eater. This fish is found in natural waters in water bodies of Malaysia and Thailand. In the true Siamese, the black strip passes through the whole body and passes to the caudal fin; for the false Siamese it breaks off at the tail. In nature, this fish grows to 16 cm, at home much less. Algae eater lives in the aquarium for about 10 years.

Siamese algae eater

It eats almost all types of algae, including Vietnamese. The following requirements apply to water:

  • temperature +26 ° ;
  • pH 6.5.

Haeckel Discus

The graceful and elegant representative of the discus among his relatives stands apart due to the unusual color - in the figure, three pronounced, dark vertical stripes are clearly visible.

At home, this species began to be kept in the middle of the XIX century, so it is considered one of the oldest in aquariums. However, this did not affect its popularity. Hekkel's discus is not easy to maintain, and breeding it causes problems even for experienced aquarists. The vast majority of fish on sale today is still caught in the wild.

Aquarium fish discus

The color in these fish is manifested only in sexually mature individuals, juveniles, as a rule, are painted in a nondescript brown shade. There are hybrid varieties that have a very bright colors: blue, red, turquoise, etc.

If in a large aquarium (400-500 liters) you start a flock of such fish, then the reservoir will sparkle with new colors.

Striped cichlid

Many fans of watching the underwater world are interested in predatory striped aquarium fish. The behavior of such inhabitants, their exotic appearance fascinate. They are very active and zealously guard their territory. Caring for predators in the aquarium has some features.

Striped cichlid

Aquarium striped fish cichlids in captivity do not exceed 9 cm in length. They have a tall, slightly elongated and narrow body. This is a large family of fish, which includes more than ten species. These gray striped aquarium fish have a purple tint. Eight black stripes run across the body. On the abdomen of a female you can see orange spots.


South American cichlids fascinate with the beauty and elegance of sailing fins. They, like wings, support them in measured weightlessness. No wonder they are called angels abroad. These flat striped aquarium fish can have different colors, but they are all united by the shape of the body - it resembles a triangle.

These fish favorably belong to not very large and peaceful neighbors. Unlike other types of cichlids, scalar aquarium plants do not uproot from the ground. It is better to keep them in a small group of fish of a similar size. Another difference from many cichlids is the absence of aggression. They rarely offend even small, peaceful fish and even live-bearers. They get along well with the red swordsmen, thorns, zebrafish, all kinds of catfish, laliuses and gouras, and other non-aggressive cichlids.

Aquarium fish angelfish

For a pair of scalars, you need to choose an aquarium with a volume of 40-50 liters. Given the body shape of this fish, the aquarium-picture or a screen with a depth of about 60 centimeters is most suitable for it. The water temperature for these fish should be maintained in the range from +22 to +26 ° C. Scalaria tolerate a short-term decrease in temperature to +18 ° C. To treat fish from various diseases, the water temperature can be raised to +33 ° C.

Angelfish are very beautiful fish in a freshwater aquarium. Their owners should not be afraid if the fish refuse food for several weeks. This is normal and does not entail any negative consequences.

Striped Aquarium Fish

One of the most popular representatives of the cichl family. This is a small, unpretentious in content, with a sophisticated, beautiful color fish. At home, it does not grow more than 15 cm. Despite the not very large sizes, these black striped aquarium fish have a very inactive character - they quickly attack any fish that had the imprudence to swim into the cichlazoma.

cichlazoma striped

It is more expedient to keep them separately in a spacious aquarium so that each inhabitant has his own corner in which he will feel protected. The cichlazoma tolerates a rather large range of water temperatures: from +20 to +28 ° C. This type of aquarium fish is easily bred. Even a novice aquarist does not experience any problems.


One of the most spectacular labyrinth fish. In natural conditions, it lives in the water bodies of Indonesia and India, Bengal and Bangladesh. The water-lilies are unpretentious in terms of water quality, since in natural conditions they live in well-warmed, shallow streams and rivers, sometimes quite dirty.

The body is flat, painted in a greenish-blue color with transverse red and blue-blue stripes. Near the gills, the abdomen is blue. Lalius fins are covered with red spots. These fish show sexual dimorphism. The male is much larger, painted in bright vertical red and blue stripes, and the female is small (about 6 cm), modestly painted in a silver shade.

In males, as they mature, the ends of the anal and dorsal fins develop. The fish is very shy. It is advisable to keep it in an aquarium with peaceful and calm neighbors in small groups of 3 pieces: so they feel more confident. Lilyus live no more than three years. Like most representatives of this family, they breathe not only gills, but also using a special labyrinth organ, with the help of which they capture oxygen from the surface.

In the aquarium there should be soil, preferably dark. You should not contain several males in a small aquarium - they will compete for the territory, so you should choose a tank of sixty liters or more. In addition, it is necessary to provide the fish with shelters: plant plants, and the males themselves will divide the reservoir into sections. There should be more females than males.

We talked about some types of striped fish that are likely to decorate your home aquarium. Before acquiring a new tenant into it, carefully study its features, conditions of detention, compatibility.


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