Hanukkah is ... Jewish holiday of Hanukkah

There are a lot of jokes about stereotypical images of Jews, but for some reason things rarely go beyond that. Not many people know well what the behavior of an Orthodox Jew should be like, what features kosher food has, what kind of holiday is Hanukkah. Postcards, congratulations - how much is all this relevant to friends?

Religious meaning

Judaism and Christianity are completely different religions, so Hanukkah, despite the fact that it roughly coincides in date with Christmas, is not its analogue. Moreover, this is a completely different holiday with a different meaning. If Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, then the Jews remember their spiritual values ​​for 8 nights. In Hebrew, Hanukkah is "sanctification." And this holiday began with a religious miracle, when after the restoration of the Second Temple - an important Jewish shrine - the menorah, a special seven-barreled candle, burned for 8 nights, although there was only one oil in it. Therefore, another name that Hanukkah bears is the Feast of Light. Of course, this miracle is worth remembering, but do Jews really celebrate it? It will soon become clear that everything is much more complex and multifaceted.

Hanukkah holiday


So, when is Hanukkah celebrated? In general, the date is fixed, but only relative to the Jewish calendar. There it falls on the period from 25 Kislev to 2-3 Tevet. But the fact is that the generally accepted chronology is based on several other principles, so for most people Hanukkah falls all the time on different dates. Usually it falls on November-December. This is probably another reason why the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah is so strongly associated with Christmas.


Of course, one of the main attributes of the holiday is Hanukkah - an unusual lamp that is hardly seen in a Jewish house. Perhaps it is precisely the fact that candles are used as one of the main symbols of Hanukkah, and is misleading to many. The fact is that they are also used by Christians as decorations for the Christmas tree or they are placed on the windowsill. This tradition has its roots going back centuries, during the Reformation in England. Catholics were being persecuted at that time, so Irish families, if they wanted a priest to visit them on Christmas, had to somehow signal this. A candle on the windowsill was one of the signs.

Hanukkah greetings

Hanukkah is very similar in shape to a menorah, but has two additional candlesticks. Initially, she looked completely different and was very comfortable to be hung on the wall. Now they almost do not do this, but it is still prescribed to place the lit Hanukkah in a prominent place. In addition, after lighting candles, it is customary to read a special prayer, and about half an hour after that, women should refrain from any work. If the flame burned for less than half an hour, the rite is not considered performed, and it is necessary to conduct it again.


Since Hanukkah is a celebration of light and fire, it is not surprising that it is accompanied by the lighting of candles. But even this simple action in this period is full of meaning. Every evening during sunset or immediately after it, one Hanukkah candle is lit, and the next one is joined by the second and so on. It is important to know that the fixtures must be placed from left to right, and lighted in the opposite direction. So by the end of the festive period all nine candles are burning, including a shamash located in the center.

jewish holiday Hanukkah

Despite the fact that it is not one of the main Jewish holidays, Hanukkah is a period when the whole family gathers together. Everyone congratulates each other, playing with Dreidel - a special tetrahedral top, singing songs. By the way, as for the game, it has become associated with Hanukkah relatively recently. According to historians, the prototype of this entertainment first appeared on the lands of modern Germany around the 16th century.

There are also traditional dishes: the Jews in this period are very fond of cooking latkes, that is, special potato pancakes with onions and salt, with apple sauce and sour cream. Also, during Hanukkah, custard donuts in powdered sugar become very popular. Many Jews also consume a lot of dairy products throughout the holiday week, honoring Judith, who saved the whole village from the Syrian conquest. In addition, a lot of oil is added to any food during this period. These are the traditions of Hanukkah.


The festival of light also has the meaning of gaining freedom of religion, spiritual self-determination. Of course, congratulations to Hanukkah will be pleasant to any Jew, including from friends of other religions. The simplest is to say: "Hag Hanukkah Sameah." This simple wish for a happy holiday will impress or at least touch any Jew for whom religious traditions are important.

There is a reverse situation when the Jews wish their friends of a different faith in happiness in honor of the holiday. Do not take congratulations on Hanukkah as a bad joke. This holiday is open to all, and one of its meanings is the desire to bring joy and light to the world. So, in 2003, for the first time in the Catholic Vatican, Hanukkah candles were lit. Generally speaking, one should not react sharply to congratulations. You just need to politely thank and wish happiness in return, because it's just Hanukkah. Congratulations are quite appropriate.

Hanukkah greetings


Despite the fact that, in terms of attributes, Jewish Hanukkah is almost a Christian Christmas, there is a serious difference between these holidays. It is not typical for Jews to make gifts during this period, of course, if we are not talking about children. Adults, however, present surprises to each other, as a rule, these are just pleasant, simple little things. If Christmas in recent years has become strongly associated with crazy spending and expensive gifts, then Hanukkah is a holiday that has managed to avoid this for now. By tradition, only children are brought sweets and nuts, as well as special money - geld.

Other holidays of Judaism

Hanukkah is simply a period when Jews recall their spiritual values ​​and hardships that their ancestors had to endure. They think that, despite all the difficulties, they managed to survive and come to today's prosperity. Nevertheless, this is far from the main holiday in the Jewish calendar. Moreover, almost always all adults work during this period, although children often do not attend school.

Hanukkah greeting cards

In general, there are three main holidays that most Jews celebrate. Firstly, it is New Year, or Rosh Hashanah. It falls around September and marks the beginning of a new life cycle. Secondly, it is Purim, symbolizing the salvation of Jews from extermination. At this time - usually March, everyone exchanges sweets. Finally, the most important holiday is Passover, or Passover. But if in the Christian tradition this is the day of the resurrection of Jesus, then the Jews have a completely different meaning. Their central holiday is dedicated to the exodus of Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. And still, among the non-Jewish population of Europe and the USA, Hanukkah is perceived as the most important holiday. Perhaps, in a sense, it is, although formally, of course, Passover is much more important.

Modern tendencies

The information age leaves its mark on religious holidays. Instead of getting everyone together, relatives and friends simply send each other messages and pictures. Few now study the Torah during this period. Perhaps only Orthodox Jews remain faithful to these traditions, and all those living outside of Israel do not always remember what Hanukkah generally means. Nonetheless, many send out or distribute postcards. There is also a tendency to exchange gifts, but, as a rule, this does not go beyond the family and is practiced only in Western countries.

when Hanukkah is celebrated

Role in parenting

Congratulation with Hanukkah is, of course, wonderful, but this holiday, among other things, allows you to play the formation of the spirituality of offsprings in a playful and ordinary way. On the edges of Dreidel there are four letters that symbolize the phrase "a great miracle was there," and inside Israel, the last word is "here." In addition, during this period, parents have the opportunity to chat with the children, tell them about the traditions of their people and what they mean. Thus, Hanukkah is also the days of unity of generations. Well, playing with Dreydles during periods of persecution helped Jewish children learn writing.

Hanukkah is

The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah is amazing and multifaceted in a philosophical sense. At first glance, this is just a recollection of a military victory, but if you think about it, then everything is much deeper and more interesting. Probably, for the children of the Jews this holiday is indeed a kind of analogue of Christmas, albeit with a completely different meaning. In any case, one should not underestimate the atmosphere of spiritual unity, which is filled with Hanukkah. Postcards, conversations, refreshments, meetings of old friends - all this is designed to draw people's attention to the true meaning of the holiday. And it consists in bringing people together.

Features and security measures

Judaism provides for many trifles that may seem extremely funny to a modern person, nevertheless, many Jews of strict views still adhere to the traditions of their ancestors and do not forget about them even during Hanukkah.

So, on one of the days of this holiday period, you should be especially careful and light candles before the Sabbath. In addition, it is worth remembering that you can’t blow out menorahs and Hanukkahs without special need - they must die out to the end. If there is a need to leave your home for a long time, you can put out the candles. In order to avoid a fire, it should be borne in mind that any open flame sources must be kept out of reach of children, as well as on stable and preferably non-combustible surfaces. For greater safety, you can put Hanukkah on a sheet of foil.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7546/

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