Strip paper applications: interesting ideas and recommendations

Children in preschool and primary school age in the classroom make interesting applications in different ways. This is the cutting and gluing of whole parts, the execution of volumetric figures and elements, folding paper in half and cutting lace products, fabric crafts and applique from paper from strips.

In the article we will consider one of the fascinating methods - this is composing a composition of thin, separately cut strips. They can be located inside the picture, from them you can make separate elements, weave rugs and baskets. Also, through the use of paper strips, it is possible to give the figure volume.

Christmas tree

This is a flat, but very original applique made of paper (stripes). To make such a New Year tree, you need to cut a lot of the same thickness of strips of different colors. A great option would be to use quilling material. On sale there are sets in which the same strips of different shades are collected. You don’t even have to spend time cutting. Only a piece of a square-shaped barrel remains to be prepared - black or brown. For the top, using a stencil, an asterisk is cut out.

stripe paper applique

Begin work on the application of paper from strips by folding them into stacks of parts of the same length. So the child will be easier to pick them in size. Then stick the trunk. Then lay out and paste strips in descending order. The first is the longest, the second is shorter, the third is even shorter, etc.

You can place the stripes evenly, or at an angle, turning a small distance either up or down, as on this sample. Such a Christmas tree can be made in kindergarten to parents as a postcard.


In order to make such voluminous flowers, you need to cut strips for the petals of the same color, two yellow centers and make a stalk. On the first circle, loops from half-folded strips are glued. The second circle is glued on top.

volumetric applique from paper strips

If the application is on paper, then the stalk is glued to the sheet, and then the finished flower is already attached on top. If it is made on a stalk-stick, then it can be glued on the back to tape.


Preschoolers will not be able to make such a fish, but for a younger student, creating such an application from paper from stripes will be possible. First you need to draw a large, round fish and cut it along the contour. The main color may be different. Now the most critical part of the job. It is necessary to draw dotted lines on the body of a fish 1 cm in size. Then, in a checkerboard pattern, cut with a knife along the lines of the slots for paper strips. This is best done by placing the blank on a kitchen wooden board. Then the table will remain intact.

colored paper strip applique

Then strips of different bright colors are cut out, 1 cm wide. In turn, each of them is inserted into the slots on the body of the fish. Segments that look beyond the contours of the body are cut at an angle, simulating fins. The remaining sections of voids on the body of the fish are decorated with various small details. It can be circles, rhombuses, squares or trapezoid. Remember to make an eye.

Finished work can be pasted on a contrasting background. Then it will look very impressive. Such applique from strips of colored paper can be brought even to the exhibition of crafts.

King of beasts

Such a voluminous picture can be made by children 4-5 years old. The head of a lion can be circled under a stencil that is drawn and carved by a caregiver. This will take a lot of time, so the preparatory work for such an activity can be done in the evening on the previous day. Strips of several colors can also be cut in advance. For a lush mane of a lion, red, orange, yellow, brown, beige and even black are suitable. The more different shades, the more spectacular this work of art will look.

volumetric applique from paper strips

Again, you can use ready-made wide strips of quilling. On the day of the lesson on the application of paper strips for children, it remains to collect a picture from the parts. The contour of the lion is also applied to the background so that the children see the borders of the head. Then the strips are glued and twisted in different directions. To do this, holding the glued edge with your hand, draw a finger or pencil along the strip. When the mane is ready, the lion's head is glued in the center. All is ready!

Paper Hedgehog

The application of such a sweet creature is held in the middle group of kindergarten. The teacher prepares the details himself, and the child can assemble the composition. Older children can do everything on their own. Preliminary work is carried out before the lesson. Children can cut out a bunch of stripes from brown and black double-sided paper in the evening. These are hedgehog needles.

paper strip applique for children

Still need to prepare the head and legs of the animal. The head is encircled with a simple pencil. Glue strips folded in half in a semicircle. It is not necessary to break a coil. The loops should surround the head circumference in a semicircle.

When all work with the strips is completed, the paws are glued. The last detail on top of the rest of the work is the hedgehog's head. Small parts on the head can be glued in advance or at the end when all the main ones are attached.


Such volumetric application of paper strips is done in a combined way. Two types of artistic activity are used. This is application and drawing. First, a circle is drawn on a sheet of blue paper according to the template in the upper central part. The middle is cut out along the contour with scissors. A hole remains on the sheet, around which strips of paper will be placed. A paratrooper in a basket and slings are drawn with paints, wax crayons or colored pencils.

paper hedgehog applique

Strips of paper are glued from the wrong side. The beginning and end of the strips are attached to the opposite edges of the hole. The rest of the line of colored lines freely bends forward, forming the dome of the balloon.

Children begin to work with cut pieces of paper in the younger group of the kindergarten, with age, the requirements of the program expand, and the children learn to make hair from princesses, mane to horses, and tentacles of octopuses. Bookmarks for books, rugs, towels, baskets with mushrooms are made of stripes of different colors. You can fantasize with details in this way with each plot picture. Making grass, crown of trees. Create and connect children to art!


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