Agate Bracelet: Features

Jewelry made from natural stones has always been popular with women. Yes, and men highly appreciate it is natural material, and not its substitute. One of the favorites among natural stones is agate, from which a variety of jewelry is made. In the article, we will consider in more detail how good an agate bracelet is, its properties and types.

Stone characteristics

Agate is considered a semiprecious stone, which is distinguished by its special density and bandedness. According to legend, the name of the mineral is due to the river Akhates, flowing in Sicily. It is there that one of the most famous and oldest deposits of agate is located.

Green Agate Bracelet

According to scientists, it was formed due to the intergrowth of minerals from the silica family. Agate most often has a layered structure, and the layers themselves can have a different degree of transparency. This fact leads to the fact that in the cross section of the stone is an interesting and unique pattern. Since ancient times, agate has been used for the manufacture of decorative elements and jewelry. Polished pebbles have a special mirror shine, so agate looks very nice in beads, bracelets, pendants, rings and so on.

Agate bracelets in antiquity

Since ancient times, people believed in the extraordinary agate and its inexplicable power, which positively affects the human body. For example, the ancient Egyptians wore a bracelet made of agate, whose properties included the ability to protect against negative energy. In addition, it was believed that this mineral protects against destructive thunderstorms. At the same time, the Romans believed that with the help of agate it is possible to increase the fertility of land and avoid drought.

There are many ancient legends that tell about the salvation of travelers in the desert with the help of this stone. Thirsty people put agate in their mouths and didn’t feel like drinking anymore. It was also believed that lovers will surely retain their feelings if they exchange jewelry or talismans, whether it be an agate bracelet, pendant, brooch and so on.

And small children wore small amulets and bracelets made of mineral to protect them from the evil eye, fear, danger, and also help them learn to walk faster. In some cultures, using agate, they fought bad habits, and in Tibet, to this day they put an agate bracelet on their hands or simply hold a stone in their hands in order to strengthen the effect of prayer and gain wise thoughts.

Multicolor agate

Magical and healing properties

In the modern world, there is little hope of "raising virgin soil" with the help of agate, but they believe in its healing abilities. After all, it was not without reason that he was always called the stone of "health and longevity." Agate helps clairvoyance to strong people, reveals intuition, and protects weak people from negative effects from the outside. The stone also exacerbates the sense of self-preservation and gives strength to quickly navigate in dangerous situations.

As was noted, agate perfectly "assists" in negotiations. So, putting on an agate bracelet, you can safely expect that it will be possible to reach an understanding and come to an agreement with your opponent. The presence of the mineral opens the gift of eloquence in a person and sociability.

It is noteworthy that in a company with copper, agate acts even better, since its strength is multiplied. Therefore, often masters of jewelry make bracelets with the addition of several minerals.

It is worth noting that the unique properties of agate vary depending on its variety. It helps only people with a high spiritual culture.

Agate Bracelet

Subspecies and colors of agate

As you know, agate is found in nature not only black, but also in other colors. Therefore, agate bracelets, photos of which are presented in the article, are distinguished by their diversity.

Researchers estimate that they now mine about 150 variations of this semiprecious stone. Often you can see the Brazilian type mineral with concentric stripes, a little less often - the Uruguayan version with straight stripes. In addition to these two, the following types of agate exist:

  • mossy (blotches resemble real moss);
  • magic (or black);
  • landscape;
  • bastion (with an interesting pattern in which you can see the outlines of the castle);
  • ocellar (the image on the stone resembles an eye);
  • tortoiseshell;
  • frosty;
  • fiery, etc.

The brightest types of stone are most widely represented, and gray-blue, white, colorless agate is also found. The bracelet, whose properties are described above, looks great from any kind of mineral. Particularly popular among women are items made of black, red and red-brown stone. The latter received its own name “sardonyx” from jewelers. A stone from multi-colored parallel layers is called onyx.

Black Stone Bracelets

Black agate deserved special attention. Jewelry made of this mineral is common among both women and men. As for the decor, the latter prefer amulets and bracelets. Black natural agate helps its owner to win a battle or competition. However, it is suitable exclusively for decisive people with a tight grip and leadership qualities. The energy of dark agate gives the owner confidence in his abilities, and also tunes in too strong a person’s energy for a stable positive wave. Thanks to this, it is possible to find the right and balanced solution.

Black Agate Bracelet

Brown mineral

Many women believe that if they wear a brown agate bracelet, they will be able to bypass a car accident and any other accident. The product with a yellowish-brown tint is more suitable for intellectuals engaged in scientific research. A bright yellow jewelry created for merchants, businessmen and businessmen. As for the golden agate, it patronizes talented people and helps create masterpieces. It is interesting that to raise the tone, men and women put on bracelets made of layered multicolor stone.

Brown agate

Eye Agate Products

Absolutely all people, regardless of age and religious beliefs, experts recommend paying attention to eye agate. The stone, the bracelet from which will decorate any woman, has amazing properties. Only for medical procedures, it is necessary to choose a natural mineral, without impurities. How to determine what the eye type is in front of you? If you look closely, then on the pebbles you can see concentric layers in the form of circles. This drawing is very reminiscent of the eye, where its name comes from. There is an ancient legend that says that it is the eagle's eye that has stopped and turned into stone. He fought with the black sorcerer, died and fell to Earth.

Why is this eye agate so good? According to lithotherapists, it has general strengthening and healing properties, positively affecting the entire body. Therefore, it should be worn in the form of a bracelet. It will not only “treat”, but also attract the attention of others to its owner.

Purple agate bracelet

Who is suitable for a horoscope?

Astrologers have come to the conclusion that almost all zodiac signs can be safely worn with agate jewelry. Only Aries and Sagittarius are not recommended to experiment, since the stone can add some nervousness to the behavior of these individuals. And this means that it will prevent them from achieving their goals.

Most agate is suitable for Gemini and Taurus, who can wear bracelets, beads, amulets and other jewelry made from this mineral. The bracelet, for example, will act on Taurus as a sedative, help focus and thereby complete the task faster. And the product from agate will contribute to Gemini creatively and will become an indispensable talisman in life.

Scorpions are recommended to wear black agate bracelets to evenly move towards the goal. It is better for Pisces, Libra and Aquarius to opt for a stone of a cold shade (blue, white), and Virgo is advised with warm, yellow-orange colors.


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