Countries with dual citizenship: list of countries, registration procedure, necessary documents, possible privileges

Recently, the issue of dual citizenship has become urgent for residents of Russia. After all, having two passports on hand, it’s much easier to travel the world, travel and grow your business. However, dual citizenship is not recognized in all countries of the world.

Dual citizenship or just two passports?

These two concepts are often confused, although they have completely different consequences and rights for their owners. If we talk about dual citizenship, then in this case a person is obliged to obey the requirements of the legislation of both states, regardless of which country he lives in permanently. For example, if a person served in the army in Russia, but still has the citizenship of another country, then he will have to serve there. You will also have to pay taxes in the two states. On the other hand, such a citizen is entitled to state assistance (medical or social) in the territory of both states.

If a person just received a passport of another country, he will not have to serve in the army on the territory of both states. Taxes must also be paid in the state where there is citizenship.

Dual citizenship can only be obtained if states have an agreement on this. But most countries adhere to the position that a citizen should renounce a second citizenship in favor of the state where the person lives permanently.

How are things in Russia

With which countries in Russia dual citizenship is possible? The international agreements of the government of our country are concluded with Armenia and Tajikistan. Not so long ago, the agreement was terminated with Turkmenistan. Although these are not the largest players on the world stage, there are still opportunities to obtain a second citizenship.

World map

Legislative framework

A person who has dual citizenship is called a bipatrid.

The legal foundations of this status are laid down in the Hague Convention, which was signed back in 1930. The document aims to resolve issues of dual citizenship at the international level and protect the rights of bipatrides. If such a person arrives in a third country, then he is considered as a citizen of the state with whom such a person has more connections and where he spends more time, the link may be on a constant income. Also, the concept of “effective citizenship” appears in the convention, that is, the bipatrid is regarded as a citizen of the country where he most often uses his rights and freedoms.

The constitution of our country considers bipatrides exclusively as citizens of Russia. If a person acquires the citizenship of another country, this is not a basis for the automatic loss of citizenship of our country.

Passport of another country

If a Russian citizen has dual citizenship, or rather, he has a passport of another country, he is obliged to notify the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about this within 60 days from the moment the citizenship or passport was obtained.

Such a notice shall be submitted at the place of registration of the citizen of Russia. If a citizen is in another country with dual citizenship with Russia, then he is obliged to notify the authorities after crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

If a person fails to notify his new passport within the indicated period, he will face criminal liability in the form of fines or community service.

No notifications should be submitted if a passport of Tajikistan or Armenia is received. Also, no documents must be submitted to persons who permanently reside outside of Russia.

Map of Russia

Benefits of Bipatrides

There are few countries permitting dual citizenship with Russia, but what advantages will a person have if he receives a second passport of any country in the world:

  • the ability to move freely around the world;
  • work, study and reside in the country where the second passport is issued;
  • if the country is “correctly” chosen, it will be much easier to officially immigrate to America and Canada from it.

Bipatrid problems

Most often, bipatrides are faced with taxation problems, work in government bodies and military service. This is due to the fact that such issues should be resolved at the level of heads of state, but in fact there are very few such agreements. For example, a conflict may even arise if a representative of a Muslim state obtains Russian citizenship. Muslims are allowed polygamy, and on the territory of our state is prohibited. Even more problems may arise if such a man has several wives and has property on the territory of the Russian Federation. How to share it between wives after death?

What country passport can a Russian citizen get?

In which countries is dual citizenship permitted? The following countries can be distinguished in the European part of the world:

  • Albania. You can obtain citizenship of this country without giving up your own, that is, become the holder of dual citizenship. To get a passport, you can marry a citizen of Albania or invest in the economy.
  • Hungary. Also, the country granting a second citizenship, but on condition that there will be investments in the economy.
  • Turkey. A fairly attractive country today to immigrate and obtain a second citizenship. You can get a second passport subject to marriage, by birthright, by origin and by naturalization. In this country, the same rule for citizens as in Russia: if you receive a passport of another country, you must notify the government.
  • Cyprus. Another attractive place on the world map from the list of countries with dual citizenship. But to get a passport without any delay, you have to invest 2 million euros in the country. In other cases, you will have to wait about 7 years to buy property worth at least 300 thousand euros.
  • Great Britain. The government of this country allows you not to renounce the citizenship of another country upon receipt of a UK passport. However, this rule does not apply to individuals who reside in the British Overseas Territories.
  • Ireland. This state at the official level declares that it is possible to obtain citizenship of a country through marriage, by origin, through naturalization and because of adaptation. However, in fact, many Russians who wished to settle in this particular country faced many problems (although these problems concern not only Russians).

In what other countries dual citizenship is allowed? These are Greece, Luxembourg, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Belgium, Macedonia, France.

The capital of Great Britain

North and South America

There are not many countries that allow dual citizenship on this continent. These include: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Canada, Uruguay, Panama, Colombia and Chile. However, not all countries are so simple: to become a citizen of Peru, you must necessarily be a resident of Spain or Latin America.

It is easier to obtain the citizenship of Brazil and Mexico, but you can enter and leave countries only with an internal passport. The United States does not prevent its citizens from obtaining a second passport, but it does not have a single agreement on dual citizenship, therefore, it is not recognized at the legislative level. A single passport of a citizen of the country is a US passport.

Canada passport

African continent

This is not to say that this part of the world attracts our compatriots. However, the list of countries with dual citizenship is quite extensive, and it includes:

  • Zambia;
  • Morocco. However, there is a restriction for citizens of a country; obtaining a passport of another country is only possible provided that state authorities give permission to do so;
  • Angola
  • Kenya;
  • SOUTH AFRICA. In this country, there is huge potential for starting a business, as in the country there is a huge amount of unskilled and undemanding labor;
  • Ghana;
  • Tunisia;
  • Libya.
Passport of South Africa

Asian countries

This continent is attractive enough for both investment and second citizenship. After all, most of the countries here have a fairly developed economy, however, it is these countries that look rather critically at two passports per person.

List of countries allowing dual citizenship:

  • Jordan;
  • Pakistan;
  • Bangladesh;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Syria;
  • Palestine;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Lebanon.

For example, in the United Arab Emirates there is a strict ban on dual citizenship, and if a resident of this country receives a passport of another state, then he automatically loses the local document. The same situation in Singapore.

In the Philippines, citizens of our country and other countries will hardly succeed in settling with two passports. At the level of legislation, it is practically impossible for a foreigner to obtain a passport of this country, on the other hand, the government allows Filipinos to have two or more passports.

Russia and Pakistan

Australia and Oceania

Here, almost everywhere it is allowed to have several passports. Countries with dual citizenship, in which the easiest way to get a second transport:

  • New Zealand;
  • Australia;
  • Tuvalu;
  • Samoa
  • Barbados
  • Vanuatu;
  • Jamaica.

However, Fiji has virtually no such rights. It is considered normal practice if a young person leaves to study in another country and receives a passport there, he will automatically be taken Fiji citizenship.

Australia passport

In which countries will dual citizenship not be granted under any circumstances?

Oddly enough, but these countries are precisely those states where the multinational people live. Of the former countries of the USSR, this is Belarus. Also in this list: Germany, Malta, Japan, India, Poland, China, Estonia, South Korea, Croatia.

Famous people

Many well-known and talented people, many countries with dual citizenship offered their passport themselves. A vivid example is the great musician Yehudi Menuhin. The conductor and violinist was born in New York, but he built his career in Europe. And when fame came, several European countries offered him to accept citizenship, but he chose Switzerland. He later accepted British citizenship; as a result, at the time of his death, he was a citizen of three countries.

Another interesting case is when a second citizenship is obtained in order to hide from persecution. That person was Vince Kate, an encryption expert. Vince was born and worked in America, but at some point he moved to one of the islands in the Caribbean - Anguilla, and started his business there. After a certain period of time, he received the citizenship of Mozambique and officially renounced US citizenship.

How can I get citizenship in Europe?

It is no secret that citizens of our country are closer to citizenship in European countries of the world. First of all, it is close, and secondly, the mentality of the local population is more acceptable. Moreover, having a European passport, it is much easier to become a citizen of the United States, Australia or New Zealand.

In general, in order to legally become an EU citizen, you can officially get a job and eventually get a residence permit (residence permit). The basis for obtaining a residence permit may be long-term treatment at a local medical institution or marriage with a citizen of the selected country. Some countries allow descendants to return to their historical homeland. It is possible to obtain refugee status, although it is better not to hope for such a path, since according to statistics only a quarter of applicants pass through this program. There is a chance of reunion with the family, but it is necessary to have it outside of Russia. And the most common way is to invest in real estate and the economy of a selected EU country. However, even after obtaining a residence permit, you will have to wait at least 5-7 years to become a citizen of the country. If you do not invest in the host country, then you will still have to take an examination for knowledge of the language.

Depending on the reason for staying in the desired country, a list of submitted documents is formed. If we are talking about official work, then documents about work, place of residence are submitted to the migration service. If a person is on long-term treatment, then they are served, and so on.


Many countries are sensitive to their citizens and do everything in order not to lose them. Countries with dual citizenship attract residents of other countries. However, freedom of choice for each person is an important condition for survival in our world. After all, it is very important if a person can independently choose where to live and what laws to obey, where to build his business and raise children.

Another plus in dual citizenship is the ability to move freely around the world. Countries allowing their citizens to have multiple passports are improving international relations in general around the world. Dual citizenship benefits not only ordinary citizens, but also the authorities themselves. Indeed, in most cases, even if a person conducts business outside the country, most often he spends money in the country where he and his family constantly live.


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