Metal door: reviews, manufacturers, selection tips

Even with the fact that manufacturers of wooden doors are quite actively promoting their products, they are inferior in reliability and quality to metal options. But it should be understood that the latter are divided into subspecies, differ in the degree of protection, the term of operation and external signs. It should be noted that any model of a door made of steel will be extremely expensive. Before you purchase it, you should choose the most suitable model, which will have a minimum of extra options and additions. A metal door, reviews of which are positive in 90% of cases, is the topic of this article.

metal door reviews

general description

No need to say that iron equipment is liked by all its appearance. Of course, expensive models from Italy, and Russia too, look pretty attractive, but they can be counted on the fingers. But why are these options so popular? Owners focus on them because of the functional characteristics of the material used. Also, such a door leaf can be easily improved by adding a few more protective devices.

metal doors manufacturers

Features and purchase

Pay attention to all the characteristics that have been indicated by the manufacturer in official documents. In addition, it should be noted what features the frame and the door leaf itself received. Also, the potential buyer needs to pay attention to the mounted parts. The more they are on the canvas, the more difficult it will be for an attacker to get into the room.

Before buying, you should understand the limit of reliability that is needed. You must be aware that too high a figure will affect not only the cost. Quite often, too secure doors interfere with the usual life of the owners. Crab locks are certainly redundant. In the reviews, buyers write that such devices should be completely replaced in the event of a breakdown. Also jammed the upper crossbar. Because of this, the entire door is subject to replacement. In addition, with too reliable doors for children and the elderly will not be easy to manage. Additional systems, the frame also quickly break down, and the canvas begins to sag. All manufacturers of metal doors take this into account.

The design, its cost and weight are completely dependent on the quality and thickness of the materials used. You need to understand that when creating doors, pure iron is not used. In general, it is never used in this form - only its alloys. All models are made of sheet steel. This material is obtained after rolling hot or cold type.


Since we are talking about alloys, we should compare the properties of several options at once.

Hot rolled material is dark and cheap. As a rule, before selling it is coated with paint. Corrosion and rust appear rather quickly. When buying a door, you should pay attention to the names of GOST. If its number is 19 903, then this metal was used to create the canvas. The dimensions of the metal door are standard.

Cold rolled alloy is considered more expensive. It does not have to be processed - it has the usual color resembling galvanized steel. The canvas will not suffer from constant atmospheric problems. If we talk about the GOST number, then this is 19 904.

dimensions of metal doors


If a person wants to purchase a door for a long period, then he must pay attention to the quality of the hinges. Consider the standard options. How to choose the metal door to the apartment is described below.

There are hidden loops that cannot be cut even with a strong desire. There are also regular outdoor options. These will be cut off quite easily, but the doors themselves are almost impossible to remove. The canvas has special anti-removable devices - pins. They allow you to protect the structure and make it as reliable as possible.

Most often, in many models it is the second type that is used. This is due to the presence of an anti-removal system. Manufacturers of metal doors take this into account when creating.

How many hinges will be installed depends entirely on the weight of the door. If the standard is maintained within 70 kg, then two loops will be quite enough. It should be noted that the door should be used less than 50 times a day.

If you need to actively "slam" the door and constantly move around, and the canvas is bulletproof, you will have to install three or four hinges. All of them must have a special bearing. It will extend the already long life of the metal door. Reviews confirm this.

top metal doors


A metal door does not retain heat in the room. This is due to the fact that waves pass through the material. In order to achieve thermal insulation, it is necessary to lay special materials near the outer and inner door sheets: mineral wool insulation, polystyrene. The latter is used due to the fact that it does not support combustion. However, it should be understood that cold will still penetrate the room. But still with a heater it will be much better. These entrance warmed metal doors for the house are in demand.

If you need to get rid of drafts or odors, you should use a rubber sealant. Many manufacturers specifically use two rows of this material to provide maximum insulation. However, buyers and specialists note that one will be more than enough.

metal entrance doors for the house


It must be understood that there are no locks that cannot be opened. Therefore, each buyer should know what distinguishes a reliable and unreliable option. The difference between the two is how much time the attacker needs to open. You also need to know that too complex castles can harm the owner himself, so you should not get carried away with abstruse and super-reliable options. Neither sellers nor manufacturers themselves advise this. The size of the metal door must match the lock.

An excellent option is the installation of two lock systems at once. However, they must be of a different type. This is advised by both buyers and manufacturers. It is best that the main lock has crossbars in order to provide maximum reliability, and the auxiliary option will simply perform an additional function.

metal doors to the house

Important purchase options

You need to pay attention to the loops. You should not choose those products that have less than three options. It is also important to notice the angle of the door opening: 90, 120 and 180 degrees. The higher this indicator, the better.

The door should be made of a one-piece profile. The thickness of the material also plays an important role. It should not be less than 4 centimeters. But it should be understood that with a minimum parameter, the door does not have any protection. Only such metal doors get good reviews.

The canvas should be thick. Then the protection will be as reliable as possible, and the thermal insulation maximum. If a person lives in conditions of constant frost, then models with a thickness of 8-9 cm should be chosen.

Sheet thickness also plays an important role. It should be about 2-3 mm. Less than 0.5 mm should not be chosen, since such doors are easy to wrinkle, they have a short service life. The box should be twice as large, then it will be possible to fix the fittings. Such canvases can be classified as "the best metal doors."

The door has vulnerabilities that must be sealed with ribs. Due to this, it is possible to increase the characteristics of the device, and deformation is completely eliminated. If the canvas has an armor plate, then it is immediately worth taking. The model must be selected with anti-cuts (they should be installed where the loops are) and special ball loops. The metal doors of the Guardian receive excellent reviews.

If the structure is tight, then it is immediately worth paying attention to. This effect can be increased with a double-circuit type sealant. This is necessary so that odors do not get into the apartment and drafts do not stretch. Such a door will retain heat. Crossbars should have a diameter of at least 18 mm.

how to choose the metal door to the apartment

Additional factors

If we talk about secondary factors, then design and design should be selected by each person, based on their tastes. Finishing can be made of plastic panels. They are distinguished by the fact that they protect the canvas from impacts and allow to increase the service life. Metal doors in the house use the most beautiful.

If desired, the door can be coated with polymer paint. Then the door will receive a new color and will have additional protection against damage. Varnish will increase stability. Wood is the most environmentally friendly finish.

If we talk about the selection of colors, then you should choose the most successful models, starting from the taste of the buyer. Dark options are prioritized because they are better preserved. Ideally, all hardware should be created by one company. If a manganese plate is added, then the best metal doors cannot be drilled.

Russian manufacturers

The cost of goods from Russian manufacturers, as a rule, varies from 10 to 12 thousand rubles. At the moment, the most famous among the companies are Condor, Le Grand, Sentinel, Torex and Guardian. All of them create products only with the help of European innovative technologies. However, you must understand that all the important nuances: resistance to hacking, thermal insulation and durability - fully comply with Russian realities.

Polish manufacturers

All metal products of this group boast a high level of popularity among Russian buyers. Why? They have small prices and good quality. All models are equipped with a good standard of locks and fittings. The most popular firms are Galant and Novak.

Chinese manufacturers

Chinese doors have no special advantages. They are created from dense foil. Such options are not in demand, they are easy to crack. Such options should be installed only where the door is intermediate, for example, set during construction work.


If we talk about which doors are better to choose: beautiful or reliable, then you need to choose the second option. However, it should be understood that the opinions of people differ as much as possible, therefore it is impossible to speak generally.

You can advise door blocks that have anti-vandal coating. It will protect the canvas from deformation and other mechanical damage. You also need to understand that this coating can be applied independently. The metal door receives excellent reviews - it is reliable and has a high-quality alloy.

Before buying, you need to determine the reliability, then measure the doorway, and then look for a suitable option in stores and markets.


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