Dota 2, Ursa: Hero Guide

"Dota 2" is one of the most popular multiplayer computer games to date, especially in the genre of the battle arena. The difference between this genre is that the fights here are very short-term, and the character that you choose from dozens of different options, you pump from zero to maximum every time. This approach makes you think much more about pumping tactics, as well as study your hero very carefully in order to be able to use it as efficiently as possible. Only in this way you can achieve a high result. However, the first step is to choose one of the many heroes, and in this article we will talk about such a character as Ursa. Hyde will tell you about the role this hero can play, as well as describe in detail all the skills of Ursa and their use. Naturally, you should not hope that immediately after reading this material you will become a master of this character. You will need a lot of time to hone the acquired knowledge in practice - only then you can become a full-fledged master, able to control such a hero as Ursa at height. The guide will give you the necessary information, but you will have to use it in practice.

the main role

ursa guide

So, where to start looking at a character named Ursa? The guide will first tell you about what you can do on the battlefield more globally. That is, now we will talk about the roles that a hero can take on. Naturally, first of all, it is worth considering Ursa as a Kerry hero, that is, a key character in your team who keeps clear of big battles in the first half of the game, gradually building up power so that in the second half he can deliver a crushing blow to the enemy.

Other roles

guides ursa dota 2

However, this does not mean that if the team has another carry, then one of the two will have to abandon the fight. No, Ursa can do well with other roles - for example, a jungler (or forester). This means that you can pump your character in the forest on creeps, thereby freeing up space on the lane, which gives other characters who are unable to actively function in the forest more experience and, accordingly, accelerated development, which benefits the whole team. Ursa can also be a tank, that is, a character who always goes to battle first and, due to good damage and excellent defense, collects most of the damage to himself, allowing mages and archers to carry out an attack much more calmly from behind your wide back. And of course, the skills of Ursa, which will be discussed later, allow him to become an excellent disabler, that is, a hero whose goal is to disable opponents so that your team gets a temporary quantitative advantage. Now you see how many different sides Ursa has. A guide will not teach you to be an expert in each of the roles, but it will tell you how to use one or another character’s ability to make it as effective as possible in specific situations.


guide to ursa from god

There are a wide variety of Ursa guides. "Dota 2" is a versatile game, so you can come up with a large number of effective tactics for each character, there is always room for imagination. And this guide will not take away your imagination opportunities - you can develop your own tactics, here you will be given only tools, namely detailed descriptions of skills. The first skill that this hero possesses allows him to deliver a powerful blow to the ground, which inflicts 90 to 240 points of damage to opponents that fall within the radius of the concussion. But the most interesting property of this skill is that all opponents affected by it slow down for four seconds - they lose 25 to 55 percent of their speed, depending on the level of skill. This skill is considered the main and most important by all Ursa guides. Dota 2 is a game in which camps and slows can become even better weapons than the damage itself.


guide ursa forest dota 2

However, a guide to Ursa from God, one of the most famous Russian gamers specializing in DotA, indicates that the second skill is no less important than the first. What is its essence? With this skill, you can increase your attack speed by several nearby attacks. That is, after using the spell, you get 400 additional units of attack speed for the next 3-6 strokes. This skill is a kind of buff that you impose on yourself in order to attack more effectively, and the result with the proper use of this skill can be amazing. But this does not end with a guide to Ursa. Dota is the first game in the genre of the battle arena in the world, and it was she who set the standards for a small number of spells, but they are not so few. In total, each character has four skills, one of which is called the ultimate and is the strongest. So far, only two skills have been considered - the time has come for the next two.

Furry swipes

Guide to Ursa DotA 1

This skill is passive, so you should use it wisely. Each attack on the same enemy gives you an additional 15-30 points of damage - but only if the subsequent blow was delivered no later than fifteen seconds than the previous one. With this ability, you can create incredible combinations. These are the main abilities that the hero described by this guide, Ursa, has. Forest (“Dota 2” has various locations, but “forest” refers to the territory where the armies of enemy creeps do not move, that is, you have less chance of colliding with the enemy), however you need to conquer other skills - in particular, the first one perfect for this.


Well, it's time to consider the ultimate character, that is, his most powerful ability. She is used by the character on herself, and after her activation, Ursa falls into a rage for four seconds. This period of time may seem very short to you, and that is why you need to know how to use this time. With an active spell, your character takes only twenty percent of the damage that is inflicted on him, and he himself can inflict several units of damage more in the framework of the previous skill. That is, you can use this ability to crack down on a very strong enemy, constantly increasing the damage that you do to him, but maintaining almost complete invulnerability. To be dexterous enough, then four seconds should be enough.


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