Dog for duck hunting: review and characteristics of the best breeds

Duck hunting is a very exciting activity. It is no secret that the dog is an indispensable helper for this type of hunting. A novice hunter may have many questions before buying a mustached friend. Which duck hunting dog would be the best choice? What qualities should she have? Which breed is better to choose?

Features of hunting with a dog for game birds

Hunters often use dogs to hunt ducks. The main task of the dog is to give the owner the shot prey, to search for it in the thickets and on the water, where the owner himself will not be able to get. Also, a trained dog should be able to drive the birds out of the shelter directly under the hunter's shot. The dog must search the area, looking for a duck, while not leaving the reach of the shot. Smelling the prey, the dog must stir up the bird so that it takes off. The dog must find and bring the killed bird to the owner, giving it to his hands or laying it at his feet. She must pursue the wounded prey and carefully bring it.

Dogs often involved in duck hunting can visually detect changes in prey behavior. They track the landing site of a black bird. For duck hunting, do not use cops with a stand on a wounded bird. In the thicket, the dog is often not visible, so there is no need for this. In addition, ducks often do not stand up and try to escape, while the dog rushes in pursuit. In this way, the dog's skills are lost. Therefore, for hunting ducks, they use either dogs that are not very good at standing, or experienced adult dogs that are obedient and reliable.

Important qualities of hunting dogs for duck hunting are their love of swimming, the ability to feed game and good obedience. Experience is also important: too young or old dogs, sensing the excitement of hunting, can drown.


Duck hunting

All dogs of hunting breeds possess the necessary abilities and instincts, but still different breeds have their own characteristics and specifics.

There are universal breeds of dogs that can be used not only for hunting ducks. Among them can be distinguished such as:

  • German Drathaar;
  • Like
  • Terrier and Yagdterrier.

But there are dogs that are best suited for bird hunting. The following dog breeds can be distinguished for duck hunting:

  • pointer;
  • English setter;
  • Irish Setter
  • Russian hunting spaniel;
  • English Cocker Spaniel;
  • Russian-European like.

German Drathaar - the universal assistant

German Drathaar

Drathaaras are suitable for hunting game birds, as well as for hunting wild boars. If game is found, they stand up and wait for a command. They are able to track down the game, purposefully pursue it, get it and pass it to the hunter without damaging it. This is a classic breed for hunting, bred in Germany. They have a very developed instinct for tracking and stalking, but because these dogs can react to street cats and birds as prey.

German Drathaars are very friendly dogs, get along well with other pets. They are disciplined, well amenable to training. However, due to their high energy, they need constant loads. These dogs are not suitable for living in an apartment.

Laika - Hardy and Vocalist

For duck hunting, Russian-European husky is most often used . This is a medium sized dog. She is very hardy and smart. Can hunt in the cold in the snow. It can be used for hunting game birds, martens, hare, wild boar, squirrels, ermines. During the hunt, the Russian-European husky is well oriented on the terrain, mobile and fearless.

This dog is not suitable for keeping in an apartment: it has a long coat and a rather specific smell. Very energetic, and therefore needs long walks. The dog is quite wayward, prone to shoots. Aggressive to other pets and suitable only for hunting. Laika is quite vociferous, which can become a problem during maintenance. Loyal to the owner and his family, but distrustful of strangers.

Terrier or Yagdterrier - dare and fearless

German Terrier

Another universal breed for hunting can be called a German terrier or ag terter. This dog can be used for hunting game birds, wild boar, fox. She is good at hunting burrowing animals. The yagd terrier has an instant reaction. He has strong jaws and strong teeth, which contributes to a firm grip.

Jagd terriers have a rather complex character. Hard to get along with other pets. They are stubborn, fearless, brave, alert. They are very energetic, they need long walks. It is best to have a dog in a private house, where she will have enough space for free walks, otherwise you will have to devote several hours a day to walking the pet on the street. These dogs are loyal and playful.

Poynter - hardy and smart

Pointer in the rack

The hunting dog pointer is very smart and friendly. This is a strong, beautiful, agile dog, with instant reaction. She is very energetic, hunting skills are laid genetically, therefore she needs a special approach to training and education. Active and hardy in hunting. Clearly performs all the commands of the owner.

Differs in great devotion to the owner. This is an intelligent and affectionate dog. She is not aggressive towards other animals, gets along well with cats or other dogs. He gets along well with the children and patiently puts out their attention. In relation to strangers, he can behave wary, but not aggressively. Needs long walk and long walks.

English Setter - Performing and Obedient

The hunting dog is an English setter - very calm at home, but active on the hunt. She has a good instinct, great stamina and intelligence. This is a very balanced and polite dog. The English Setter is the most trained and executive dog among all the cops. She literally catches every word of her master. English setters have a great sense of smell; they are agile, courageous and quick. These are medium-sized, strong-built dogs.

The English setter is suitable for keeping in an apartment, but needs long (at least two hours a day) walks. The dog is very sociable, needs constant contact with the owner and begins to yearn for separation. It is well socialized, not aggressive towards young children.

Irish Setter - handsome and elegant

Irish setter

The hunting dog Irish Setter is one of the most beautiful and active hunting dogs. Thanks to the dark red coat that shimmers in the sun and the elegant stance, this dog is quite popular. This dog is loyal, playful and sociable. This is a smart and active hunter.

The dog is not aggressive, it is smart and quick-witted. Due to its good nature, it gives a minimum of inconvenience to the owner. According to the assurances of some owners, this dog may well live in an apartment, but do not forget about the need for long daily walks. The Irish Setter is quite friendly with other pets. Loneliness is contraindicated for him. This dog is not aggressive towards children, it has a light and predictable disposition. However, the guard from the Irish setter will not work: this dog is too friendly to everyone around. However, the popularity of this breed and its beautiful appearance played a cruel joke - many dogs have lost some hunting qualities, as they are used more for exhibitions than for hunting. Therefore, for duck hunting, it is worth picking up a dog from working parents-hunters.

Russian hunting spaniel - ideal for duck hunting

Russian Spaniel

Russian hunting spaniel - a dog ideal for duck hunting. This is a hardy and persistent dog that swims well and can even dive after a wounded bird. She has a strong physique, thick long coat. Russian Spaniel has a keen sense of flair.

This dog is extremely obedient. She is suitable not only for hunting, but can be an ideal companion. This dog treats children well. She is playful and active. Get along well with other pets. However, you should not leave small animals alone with her: such as hamsters, because the hunting instinct can prevail. A Russian spaniel can live in an apartment, but he will need long active walks. In crowded and noisy places the dog should be kept on a leash, as it can jerk behind a bicycle or a cat that has run.

English Cocker Spaniel - Loud and Active

Cocker Spaniel

English Cocker Spaniel is a medium sized dog. She is very active and energetic. It is characterized by high intelligence, ability to concentrate and quick response. The Cocker Spaniel is playful, sociable and initiative. These dogs are obedient, all commands of the owner are executed. They have a good sense of smell; they easily track prey. Sometimes they can be too noisy, but good education plays an important role here. Sometimes females can try to dominate the host.

For children, Cocker Spaniels are patient and not aggressive. They are very demanding of communication with the owner. These dogs can live in an apartment. They are not only wonderful hunters, but also good companions. Due to its attractive appearance and good nature, this breed is very popular. However, it is worth noting that cocker spaniels are not very good guards.

Labrador is a friendly companion

Labrador Retriever

Labrador is a good-natured and non-aggressive dog. Can prey on waterfowl. Easy to train. Its main advantage over other breeds is the natural instinct for the search and supply of prey. These dogs can work in the most disgusting weather conditions: they are not afraid of water and cold. This dog has an excellent temperament: she is obedient and patient. Labrador is not shy, easily overcomes obstacles. It has good eyesight and a sense of smell. Able to bring exactly the game that the owner points to.

Labradors are bad guards, as they are completely non-aggressive. They get along well with children and other pets, except that they can be dangerous for birds due to their hunting instincts. They are an almost perfect companion. Labradors adore their master and do everything to please him. They are playful, easy to learn. Labrador is a fairly active and large dog, so you should think carefully before starting it in the apartment.

There is a fairly wide selection of dog breeds for duck hunting. All of them have differences both in appearance and in character. Before buying, you should decide: do you need a universal hunting breed, or clearly specialized. It is also worth considering the living conditions that you can offer the future pet: not all breeds can get along well in the apartment. Do not forget that all hunting dogs are quite active, which means that they need either a large space for walking in a private house, or long walks with the owner on the street. In any case, any hunting dog needs training and constant practice.


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