Cultural diffusion - history, classification and interesting facts

Cultural diffusion is the process by which cultural traits spread from one society to another. This penetration is happening all over the world: from food restaurants to new technologies.

Crossing social and geographical boundaries leads to interaction with each other, and these relationships contribute to cultural diffusion. At the same time, they can use new ideas from foreign countries in accordance with the needs of the people of this state and vice versa.

Mix of cultures

world integration

Cultural diffusion, examples of which are quite common in our world, is important for the development of civilizations, as it allows cultural heritage to improve depending on what they learn from others.

For example, a woman living in Moscow can not only buy prayer beads used by Buddhist monks, but also learn how to use them. However, she does not have to go to the Asian regions where Buddhist monasteries are located.

The mix of world cultures across different ethnic groups, religions and nationalities has only increased thanks to advanced communications, transport and technology. People living in Australia can chat daily via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with someone living in Russia. This enrichment allows us to discover new knowledge and learn new technologies.

Common cultural differences

Let's expand our horizons beyond daily tweets with some examples of cultural diffusion in modern society:

Cultural differences
  • In New York City's Chinatown, you will find the largest concentration of Chinese in the western hemisphere. Here you will find restaurants with some of the most delicious Chinese dishes in America.
  • The spread of music throughout the world also illustrates the interplay of cultures. For example, jazz began in the USA as a mixture of African and European musical traditions. Now it is distributed around the world, taking on many different variations and genres.
  • In Russia, due to the mixing of multiple cultural values, the influence of small nationalities on the general culture of the country is noticeable.
  • Many people in European cities and former colonies speak their own language and English.
  • Japanese culture often fascinated foreigners. The popularity of sushi around the world, a traditional Japanese dish, illustrates the spread of Japanese culture and cuisine.
  • About 300 years after its founding, the French Quarter in New Orleans still demonstrates a lot of French culture thanks to its architecture and cuisine.
  • Due to the large number of Mexicans, people in the United States are celebrating a holiday that means Mexico’s victory over the French Empire. In fact, this day is a more important holiday in the US than in Mexico itself.

Religion and Culture

religious traditions

For many nations, religion has always been an integral part of life. And this is the true beauty of cultural spread, this is an expansion of the mental and spiritual horizons. Through a friend or acquaintance from a different faith, we acquire knowledge about a foreign culture and even use some that we consider interesting for ourselves.

Let's see what cultural diffusion and acculturation are in religious circles:

  • Christianity began in Israel, but now it is practiced throughout the world, originally widespread in the Roman Empire.
  • During the Han Dynasty, Buddhism spread from India to China through Emperor Wu at the opening of new trade routes.
  • Like Christianity, Islam is no longer contained in one region of the world.
  • An example of forced diffusion is the Spanish, French, English and Portuguese expansion, during which representatives of a religion alien to the indigenous population of America were forced to become Aboriginal Christians.

Technological diffusion

Knowledge is said to be power. And when one group of people develops an important element of technology that can benefit people around the world, it's nice to see that information sharing is taking place. Of course, today it can happen at lightning speed thanks to the Internet.

Let's look at technological diffusion over the years:

  • The paper was first made in China, eventually spreading to the Middle East and Europe.
  • Gunpowder also appeared in China. Later it spread throughout the world and became well-known.
  • The fax machine was invented by Scottish inventor Alexander Bane, but, of course, did not stay in the UK.
  • Anti-lock braking system was developed in the United States.

Economic diffusion

Cultural Diffusion in Art

Even before the Middle Ages, when merchants traded goods traveling from region to region, the advantages of borrowing knowledge and cultural diffusion were obvious. If in one region it was not possible to produce the necessary goods, then another was produced and exchanged for the right one.

Let us look at the economy that underlies the spread of culture.

  • Trade has been a means of cultural diffusion for centuries, starting from the Silk Road and onward, when caravans traveled and exchanged goods between Europe and Asia.
  • Today we can use the opportunity to participate in various study programs abroad. Students can spend semesters anywhere from Ireland, Greece to Japan. When you immerse yourself in another culture, you will definitely bring along the components of this lifestyle and, possibly, inspire someone else.
  • People in other countries learn about new products, such as personal computers or mobile phones, demand is growing, the product is becoming more affordable, and then distributed around the world.

Exchange of ideas, increasing knowledge

After all, diffusion can be a change in life. As a person living in Russia watches YouTube videos on how to make their own sushi, he is reaping the benefits of the healthy lifestyle offered by Japanese culture. One post in the comments could introduce him to a Japanese chef. A new friendship is created and knowledge is exchanged.

They say that travel broadens our horizons and brings us into undiscovered worlds. Today, cultural diffusion in sociology is not only a constant exchange of knowledge and ideas, but also the continuous interaction of representatives of different nations. Learning opportunities continue as entire communities of people interact with each other, share goods and knowledge.

Impact on culture

Cultural diffusion may result in one country being able to influence the culture of others through trade, travel, or immigration.

The first impact on culture is trade. Different countries of the world sell their goods to many states, while they can become attributes of their culture and be taken into everyday life.

diffusion in food

The second impact on culture is travel or immigration. When people want to travel or migrate to another country, they often bring their customs with them.

Exposure through food

Many do not understand what cultural diffusion is. It’s not difficult to give examples for perception. So, one of them is the cultural spread of Chinese cuisine in American society. As the Asian population grows throughout the United States, more Chinese restaurants are opening all over the country.

One of the reasons that Chinese cuisine has become so popular is because Americans love its taste. Another reason is that they like how fast food is cooked in Chinese restaurants. In addition, many Americans believe that it is more beneficial to eat in them than in American fast food.

Asian diffusion

As Chinese food expands in America, American food also spreads to other parts of the world. For example, McDonald's is in Vietnam, the same China and other major cities around the world.

Negative effects

The penetration of civilizations can have both positive and negative consequences for both cultures. Many nations have benefited from cultural exchanges, but there are those that simply disappeared from the face of the earth. For example, the destruction of the Inca or Mayan civilization. The main thing that impedes cultural diffusion is religious divisions.

Knowing and understanding other beliefs and traditions helps people recognize that there are other religions in the world that are different from their ideas about God. It is important that the interaction with each other among representatives of different cultures and beliefs proceeds with greater tactics and respect.

The undoubted advantage of cultural diffusion is new technologies around the world, such as computers, the Internet, transport and scientific discoveries, which have a great influence on how people live in all corners of the world, how they develop.

World diffusion

Now more than ever, people use technologies such as laptops, iPads, smartphones and BluTooth as communication devices, which has forever changed the idea of ​​socialization. However, cultural diffusion may also have disadvantages, such as a loss of identity, a departure from tradition, and a lack of knowledge of the mother tongue.

Diseases such as smallpox, bubonic plague and AIDS killed millions of people as they spread from one country to another. Cultural diffusion occurs every day and will continue due to the fact that new technologies have made our world become interconnected and dependent on the integration of the economy, knowledge and traditions of different countries into each other.


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