How to make threads with your own hands. Creative Ideas

A new trend in the world of needlework is nitkography. It would seem that there is nothing surprising in creating paintings from threads. From time immemorial, needlewomen and hostesses embroidered a variety of patterns, ornaments and drawings on fabric. Now the techniques for making pictures of threads have gone further - they can be performed without using a needle. The main thing is to know the rules of work and use them.

do-it-yourself thread picture

Pictures of threads are perfect for a person who wants to make an original and beautiful gift. And a do-it -yourself mural will have the highest value. Another positive effect of the production of paintings will be the development of imagination and imagination.

But in order to make a picture out of threads, you need to know some rules and techniques for their implementation.

Types of thread patterns

Today it is not so difficult to make a panel of threads. Craftsmen offer a variety of ways that everyone can use. The most common techniques include:

  1. Pictures made using applique from threads of various lengths.
  2. Pictures of nails and threads (this technique is also called isonic).
  3. Applique technique using very small threads.
  4. Embroidery on the fabric.
  5. Embroidery in isonic technique on cardboard.

multi-colored threads

All of these techniques are beautiful in their own way. You can choose any one that will be best suited to the interior and the nature of the person. In addition, these methods of creation are simple and do not constitute any special difficulties in their implementation. The main thing is that there is a desire to create something beautiful and individual.

Where to start creating a picture

First you need to decide on the technique of the future masterpiece. Carefully inspect your interior and decide what is closest to you in temperament. If you need to give a picture, it is best to know the personal qualities of a person. In particular, his tastes and preferences, as well as his favorite colors and objects. This is important to do so as not to make a mistake in the technique of creating a picture from threads.

Well, if there is inspiration to search for an idea, but if it is absent, then you need to find its source. Even when the abstract and absurd idea came to mind, one should not be afraid of it. It’s best to record it somewhere in a conspicuous place.

Materials and threads are recommended to be put aside in a separate box, which will help in the future when creating a new masterpiece.

After all the ideas are collected, you can begin your work and create a panel of threads. It is also advisable not to lose sight of what is most enjoyed doing. If sewing is preferred, then it is good to make a picture using the embroidery technique. When there is no desire to tinker with a needle, you can perfectly use glue and make an application of thread.

DIY painting

Do-it-yourself thread painting can be created in many ways. Let's look at one interesting technique called phylumics. Translated fΔ«lum means "thread" or "fabric". Phylumics is interesting, and so many needlework masters give it their preference.

What is the way to accomplish this technique? First of all, it is possible to use not only individual threads, but also a variety of shreds, pieces of fabric.

thread and glue paintings

To create such a picture, threads for floss, yarn, silk and even threads drawn from pieces of fabric are used. All this wealth will give the product a peculiar charm and sophistication. And in combination with lace, the picture will become simply irresistible.

Phylumics as a technique for creating paintings with their own hands is not too common, but its popularity among needlewomen is growing. Thread painting helps to create amazing paintings for every taste.

DIY painting using phylum

In order to create a picture using the technique of phylum, you will need threads and pieces of fabric. It is very important to follow the instructions.

  1. First of all, you should choose a picture and its size, as well as choose a suitable frame.
  2. When a drawing is selected, it is recommended to determine the material. If there are multi-colored threads and shreds of fabric, you can begin to work.
  3. A drawing of interest is applied to the selected fabric background with a simple pencil.
  4. After that, PVA glue is applied to the drawing. If these are small sewing or fabric threads, then they are very easy to set on the surface.
  5. It is recommended to gently and slowly glue the threads on the picture. Also, do not forget that a large amount of glue can spoil the background, and in general the whole picture.
  6. When the threads and shreds are glued, the panel is placed for several hours in a dry place.

pictures of woolen threads

The whole stage of creating a picture in the described technique takes several hours. Of course, the production time also depends on constant practice.

Thread and glue paintings

You can also draw with threads in the technique of nitkography. It differs from phylum in that the threads, like felt-tip pens, draw every stroke of the picture. For this method of creating a thread from a picture you will need:

  1. Thick sheet of cardboard or fiberboard.
  2. Woolen threads, floss or yarn.
  3. Glue (it is recommended to purchase building).
  4. A simple pencil, ruler, toothpick or gypsy needle.
  5. Scissors.

When everything is prepared and the pattern for the picture is already selected, you can start creating the product. It is required to put a drawing on a cardboard or fiberboard with a simple pencil. Subsequently, the image will be filled with threads. For those who are just starting to make paintings with their own hands, it is better to choose acrylic threads. But if the yarn is fluffy or twisted, the effect of the picture will become even more interesting. Another important point is that the threads have the same thickness.

After the threads are selected, glue should be applied to the drawing. The glue is applied with a toothpick over short distances. The thread should be glued to still dry glue and gradually pressed with your fingers. And so, in turn, fill the whole picture with threads. The main secret in creating such a picture: large parts are immediately glued, and then small ones are filled.

Colored applique made of threads

Pictures of woolen threads look great using the applique technique. If it is possible to create a panel of colored threads, then you should adhere to certain rules.

For starters, it is recommended to cut the threads very finely. It is also important to be patient, because the technique requires a lot of time and perseverance. But the results will be inspiring, the pictures will be fantastic. To begin to implement the idea, you should stock up:

  • construction glue or PVA;
  • threads of various colors;
  • scissors;
  • thick cardboard;
  • with a brush and a simple pencil.
    pictures from threads master class

After preparing the cardboard and applying a pattern on it, the threads should be finely chopped. It is best to arrange them in colors in insulating containers. When all the preparatory work has been completed, you can proceed to the main stage.

It is recommended to apply glue with a brush to the desired area. After this, sprinkle abundantly with chopped thread and press by hand. Next, carry out the procedure with the whole pattern and, after waiting for the glue to completely dry, squeeze out the excess thread trimmers. Such an application will appeal not only to children, but also to the most fastidious adults.

DIY embroidery

Embroidery in the picture looks like drawn. This makes the product even more attractive. Known embroidery methods are cross and surface. But in order to embroider a picture on your own, you need to have special skills.

For beginners, manufacturers provide kits that help to complete the picture with threads, patterns of future embroideries. They are convenient in that even a novice needlewoman can create a beautiful panel. To do this, you only need:

  • scheme of the picture;
  • needle;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • scissors;
  • decor.


It is important to remember that when choosing threads, you should acquire similar colors and shades. Then the picture will be with smooth and concise transitions.

Isonity Technique

Sinking makes it possible to make paintings voluminous and deep. It uses not only threads, but also nails. To create a picture of the thread in this way, you need to have a little experience. Sinking is a rather painstaking and long-lasting technique, for it you will need special materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • an awl or a large needle;
  • scissors;
  • floss;
  • compass and pencil.

Cardboard must be tight. Velvet paper is also allowed. The drawing is applied in the form of geometric shapes: triangle, circle, oval. Further, holes are pierced along the edges of the figure at the same distance. Threads are passed very carefully through the holes. The thread should be one, otherwise it threatens to entangle them. It is also recommended to select material with brilliance, then the picture looks much more elegant.

Picture of threads with nails

Making a picture with your own hands, you can use nails. A pattern is applied to the chipboard, and small nails are driven along its edges. Nails should be at the same distance and height. Then, in turn, pull the thread on the cloves. You can fix it with a nodule at the base of the nail.

Such an original panel is suitable for any interior, the main thing is to choose a picture and color scheme. The good thing is that it is very easy to do. This technique does not require special preparatory stages and skills.

from thread picture

Pictures from threads: master class

Pictures of threads are not only beautiful, they also have a therapeutic effect. They very well help relieve stress and strong emotional stress.

The easiest to perform is a picture of threads and glue. In order to do it, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions:

  1. You need to take a sheet of cardboard, apply a pattern.
  2. Finely chop the woolen threads in different pieces.
  3. Glue is applied to the drawing with a brush.
  4. The threads fit tightly on the glue and fill the entire surface of the picture.
  5. Now the picture should dry.

If there is a desire, paintings can be performed in any technique, all this contributes to the development of creativity and abstract thinking. It is especially recommended for children to do such needlework.


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