Airbrush for car painting: varieties and their features

spray gun for car painting
During the operation of the car, its painting loses its appearance, tarnishes, therefore, requires updating. The most convenient device for the independent implementation of this operation is a spray gun for painting a car. It is used not only by specialists of service workshops, but also by private owners. It is worth considering this device in more detail.

An airbrush for painting a car can be one of several varieties: mechanical, pneumatic or electric. The first is recognized as the most budgetary option of all, but its performance is much inferior to its counterparts, so the device with an electric drive has become more popular. If you decide to paint your car yourself, you should remember that before starting this procedure, you need to perform certain preparatory work.

Electric spray gun for painting a car is characterized by a fairly high quality spray paint and anti-corrosion coating. Its uniform distribution is achieved due to the features of the device, which eliminates the need for applying several layers to the surface. This allows you to speed up the process, as well as reduce the cost of acquiring additional paints and varnishes.

spray gun for car painting Price

What should I focus on when choosing a tool for paint work?

Before you buy a spray gun for painting a car, you should pay attention to its name. It usually begins with the abbreviation, according to which the instrument is usually divided into three types:

  • HP - models working with high pressure, converted to low output. Such a tool will only work if there is a large supply of air;
  • HVLP, LVLP, RP - tools with low pressure, consuming a small amount of air, economical in terms of consumption of paint and varnish products;
  • MP, LVMP, HTE - medium pressure tools that are versatile.

It is worth looking at the size of the nozzle of the device. If it is small, then the coloring matter will be sprayed fine-grained, and vice versa. The adjustment of the spray gun for painting the car is carried out in accordance with the instructions that are usually attached by the manufacturer, but there are some features that are typical for all types of devices.

setting up a spray gun for painting a car

A device typically has a screw for adjusting ink spray. Its quantity is set by means of a special adjustment head for the passage opening. Using it, you can adjust the pressure level of the exhaust air, which depends on the conditions of painting and the type of material. It is better to start spraying with small parts, while the application height should be at least 18 centimeters. Paint should be applied in smooth circular movements.

If you will carry out the work yourself, make sure that the spray gun for painting the car (the price is from 2000 rubles or more) allows you to achieve a uniform and high-quality coating.


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