Ruta grapes: features of the variety and cultivation

Grapes are a sun-loving plant that needs moisture and warmth. It is used to decorate arbors, arches, walls of the house, since its leaves create a fairly comfortable shadow and coolness in the hot summer. But the main value of grapes is its berries, which contribute to strengthening the human body due to the content of organic acids, grape sugar and vitamins that increase vitality. And large and beautiful clusters are capable of very pleasing to the eye. It is because of this that grapes are one of the most popular plants in the plots.

grape variety ruta

Grape variety Ruta

Ruta is a new hybrid table form of very early grapes (95-100 days). Ripening occurs in early August. Ruta grapes have large, five-lobed, strongly dissected leaves. The clusters of this variety are conical, large, elegant, medium-loose. Mass - 500-700 g or more. The berries are pink, oval, very large (size 22 x 35 mm, weight 10-15 g), fleshy-juicy with a harmonious muscat taste and high sugar accumulation. The crop is stored for a long time on the bushes. The Ruta grape flower is bisexual. The plant ripening is good. Frost resistance of the variety is up to -20-25 ° C. Transportability is high. Ruta grapes are resistant to gray rot, oidium, mildew.

grape root

Choosing a landing site and preparing a trench

Proper planting of grapes is of considerable importance, since the productivity of the entire vineyard depends on it in many respects. If the distance between the bushes is large, the land will be used irrationally, and if small, the bushes will be very thickened, respectively, there will be not enough light and various nutrients necessary for good taste of grapes and high productivity.

To plant a bush, choose a sunny place, since it does not tolerate the shadow. The most ideal place is the south side of any buildings (shed, house, fence, etc.).

Before planting, a trench is prepared, the depth of which is approximately 60 cm. The distance between the grape bushes depends on its growth. For undersized, it is 1.5-1.7 m, for medium-sized - 1.8-2.2 m, and for very tall - up to 3 m.

Trellis is installed along the entire length of the trench. They are made as follows: 2-2.5 m pipes are driven into the ground every 2 m, then the wire is pulled between them in several rows.

Next, the following mixture is prepared: 1 bucket of humus, 60-80 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium chloride. Everything is poured into the trench, mixed with soil (1 bucket of the mixture is taken per 1 m of trench).

Ruta Grapes: Planting

Grapes are recommended to be planted in spring. If seedlings are purchased in the fall, it is best to stick them before spring.

When planting seedlings, you should well spread their roots, carefully compact the soil over the root system and water it abundantly.


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