Which is better - mineral wool or polystyrene? What is better to insulate the balcony with polystyrene or mineral wool?

Intending to equip his balcony, each owner thinks about solving many issues, one of which is the choice of insulation. Most often, mineral wool or polystyrene is used for these purposes. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which is better - mineral wool or polystyrene for warming the balcony?

what is better than mineral wool or polystyrene

Which of these two materials will be more practical? In order to determine the choice of insulation, you will need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them.

Pros and Cons of Styrofoam

Often when warming balconies, owners prefer to use plastic foam material having a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. It is polystyrene. According to its characteristics, it is the best heat insulator on our planet. And concrete numbers can serve as proof of this. So, it is estimated that a foam plate, having a thickness of only 10 cm, is similar in its heat-shielding properties:

  • 60 cm of aerated concrete;
  • 40 cm of wood;
  • 150 cm of brick with voids;
  • 90 cm expanded clay concrete;
  • 400 cm reinforced concrete.

Immediately I want to find out what is better - mineral wool or polystyrene according to this characteristic? Calculations indicate the benefits of the foam itself. So, a 10 cm thick foam plate is able to retain heat in the same way as 16 centimeters of mineral wool. Of course, for this characteristic, it is worth preferring the first material of the two considered.

When answering the question of what is better for noise insulation - polystyrene foam or mineral wool, you should pay attention to the second insulation. Foamed plastic materials to reduce noise are not suitable.

the better to insulate the balcony with polystyrene or mineral wool

The next considered characteristic is vapor permeability. It directly depends on the density. As for the foam, its vapor permeability is different. It depends on the type of faculty. So, low-density polystyrene foam is similar to cotton wool on this indicator. It easily lets steam through. Another thing is high density foam. Of course, he lets steam through, but with great difficulty. That is why such material is used in the insulation of dense walls.

Another important characteristic of the foam, which will subsequently depend on the choice of the owner, is its environmental friendliness. However, there was no consensus on this issue. So, even Soviet scientists proved that polystyrene emits toxic styrene into the environment. This process only occurs in certain conditions. Other conclusions are drawn from the results of modern material research. They confirm the safety of polystyrene foam. Yes, during operation, it releases a certain amount of styrene. However, it is so miserable that it does not produce any effect on the human body. Nevertheless, experts advise to clarify the content of residual styrene in the foam before buying. In an environmentally friendly material, this indicator should be in the range from 0.01 to 0.05 percent.

Depending on the quality of the foam, its service life also varies. The most durable are such unpressed brands as PSB-S and PSB. Their main characteristics do not change even with prolonged use (10-40 years). Extrusion foam will last even longer for its owner. It can be operated without changing the characteristics of up to 80 years.

what is better polystyrene or mineral wool for insulation
A significant disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its low fire safety. Such material can catch fire from almost one spark. Fire melts polystyrene foam. At the same time toxic black smoke is emitted. To date, to eliminate this drawback, special additives are included in the composition of the foam. They themselves are non-combustible and extinguish the arisen flame. Such a foam is called self-extinguishing. His brand is PSB-S. This material is not ignited by a spark, but is not protected from a large fire. That is why it is worth using all types of polystyrene in the arrangement of external insulation.

Pros and cons of mineral wool

When choosing a material for warming a balcony, you can consider the second option of building material. It is mineral, or stone wool. This is a fibrous material that is obtained in the process of melting rock igneous rocks.

Which is better - polystyrene or mineral wool to warm the balcony? In order to make a choice, it is necessary to study the basic properties of this material.
Minvata has a number of advantages, which are predetermined by the characteristics of the feedstock. An undoubted advantage of such a heater is its fire resistance.

Mineral wool is able to melt at a temperature of 800 degrees and above. In case of fire, it will not only preserve its properties, but will also become an obstacle to the spread of fire.

the better to insulate with foam or mineral wool

Which is better - polystyrene or mineral wool to warm the balcony? As for the fibrous material, in terms of its thermal conductivity it is in second place after expanded polystyrene. However, the mineral wool has higher hygroscopicity. This sharply reduces the heat-shielding properties of this material when it is in a humid environment.

Which is better - mineral wool or polystyrene according to vapor permeability characteristics? The results of laboratory tests convincingly prove that condensate falling out in the room easily passes through the fibrous material. And this is its clear advantage.

When answering the question of what is better for sound insulation - polystyrene foam or mineral wool, it is worth paying attention to the second material. An undoubted advantage is its ability to create a reliable barrier for various types of noise. Vata made of stone serves as a reliable barrier to sound waves.

For those who have not yet decided what is better to insulate - with foam or mineral wool, it is worthwhile to familiarize themselves with such a characteristic of the material as its weight. Stone wool significantly loses polystyrene foam by this indicator. In this regard, with its purchase, the cost of delivery will increase, as well as the volume of loading and unloading. The weight of the insulation must be taken into account when calculating the endurance of the structure.

the better to insulate with foam or mineral wool
Which is better - polystyrene foam or mineral wool for insulation from the point of view of environmental friendliness? Only laboratory studies of the material can answer this question. There is evidence that a separate fraction, which is part of the stone wool fibers, has carcinogenic properties. In addition, one of the materials used for the production of this insulation emits a very harmful highly toxic substance, formaldehyde, which is very dangerous for humans.

Requirements for insulation

When choosing thermal insulation materials, experts recommend paying attention to such characteristics:

  • Weight. The smaller it is, the less severe will be the construction of the balcony after the completion of construction work.
  • The thickness. Thin materials will leave more internal free space in the loggia or on the balcony.
  • Thermal conductivity. At lower values โ€‹โ€‹of this indicator, more heat will remain in the room.
  • Moisture permeability. With its small indicators, the effect of moisture on the material decreases and its thermal conductivity decreases.
  • Soundproofing. Large values โ€‹โ€‹of this parameter will protect the room from excessive noise.
  • Fire safety. The material used must not be combustible, and also emit toxic fumes under the influence of fire.
  • Environmental friendliness. Its high rates will save human health and not harm the environment.
  • Profitability, which is characterized by cost (the acquisition of material should be accessible to a wide layer of consumers).
  • Durability. The larger it is, the cheaper the insulation becomes for the buyer.
  • Easy installation, which is especially important for those who are going to do repairs on their own.

Comparison of the characteristics of two heaters

So, we got acquainted with the basic properties of polystyrene foam and mineral wool. Now you can compare these two materials by their main indicators. The choice of any one of them is a multifaceted and complex task. Its solution will require taking into account not only specific conditions, but also its own priorities.

Heat loss resistance

What is better to insulate the balcony with polystyrene or mineral wool? Having considered the heat-insulating properties of the two materials, we conclude that polystyrene foam has no equal in this characteristic. Many heaters, including mineral wool, lose to him. And this is despite the fact that the thermal conductivity values โ€‹โ€‹of the two materials under consideration have almost the same values. The fact is that the internal structure of the foam is a huge number of closed cells filled with air. This structure also contributes to good heat retention. Minvata has no closed cells. This helps warm air out of it.

So what better keeps heat - mineral wool or polystyrene? The conclusion is clear. Polyfoam, even one that does not have the highest quality and price, is better to use as a heat insulator than mineral wool.

Steam transmittance

Mineral wool and polystyrene have different ratios of coefficients, indicating their vapor permeability. In polystyrene foam, it is 0.03 mg. As for mineral wool, she has this indicator more than ten times. This indicates that the fibrous material is better in evaporating water. This can be either a plus or a minus of mineral wool. Indeed, with the accumulation of moisture, this material will lose a significant part of its thermal insulation properties. Polyfoam does not allow steam to pass through, but at the same time it does not accumulate. When using it, moisture removal through irregularities and joints of the insulation layer is provided. Thus, according to this characteristic, both materials have almost equal opportunities for choice.

Fire resistance

Consider fire safety. According to this characteristic, what is better to insulate a balcony with polystyrene or mineral wool? Fibrous insulation has a high resistance to fire. Polyfoam in this case obviously loses.

the better to insulate the facade with polystyrene or mineral wool

It is worth noting that modern manufacturers offer such types of basalt fiber material, which has the ability to withstand temperatures as high as 1000 degrees Celsius. Expanded polystyrene, unlike stone wool, is easy to melt. In addition, it is able to burn on its own. Experts also note the fact that flame retardants, which are added to the foam for its greater fire safety, lose their properties over time.

Price category

People who are wondering about what is better to insulate the walls - mineral wool or polystyrene, the cost of the material is also important. And here expanded polystyrene wins. It is the cheapest building material.

Ease of installation

Expanded polystyrene, regardless of its type, is more elastic and durable than mineral wool. It is easy to grind and cut. However, this insulation is difficult to stick so that cold bridges do not form at the joints. You can solve this problem. To do this, you need to purchase a foam with a L-shaped edge.

the better to insulate walls with mineral wool or polystyrene

Mineral wool can be elastic and dense only if laid in mats laid in the frame. A positive aspect during its installation is the absence of cold bridges due to the small joints of the sheets of this insulation.

Environmental friendliness

Previously, polystyrene was made from styrene and freon was used in the manufacturing process. Nowadays the highest demands are placed on the environmental friendliness of building materials. That is why Russian and European manufacturers have stopped using this component. Thus, for outdoor use, expanded polystyrene in any quantities is considered absolutely safe. The same applies to mineral wool. But indoors, both of these materials should be used carefully, without being carried away by their volume.

Other characteristics

What other material abilities should be considered when buying them? When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to its hygroscopicity. If the environment in the room is humid, then foam should be used. During operation, it will not lose its consumer properties. Stone wool in such rooms will serve little. It is critical to moisture.

As for weight, in this matter, the undoubted leader is polystyrene. Its weight is significantly lower than that of mineral wool.

Important parameters are the chemical and biological immunity of materials. Minvata is resistant to all fungi and organic matter. Polyfoam in this regard has the worst characteristics.

What is insulated with mineral wool and polystyrene?

How to choose material for construction work? To do this, you need to know some rules. So, if you decide the question of what is better to insulate the house - with foam or mineral wool, you need to pay attention to the material from which the building is made. Wooden walls are breathable. In no case should you insulate them with polystyrene. Otherwise, the tree will lose its useful properties. In buildings erected from brick or reinforced concrete, fibrous material is used for insulation of partitions, ceilings, floors and ceilings. What is better to insulate the facade - with foam or mineral wool in this case? Special requirements exist for the insulation of external walls. Brick and wooden houses are insulated with a ventilated facade of a suspended type. An integral part of this design are vapor barrier membranes.

But polystyrene as a heater is very effective in places where there is a sufficiently high humidity. These are the foundations and walls of block and brick houses, non-ventilated roofs and floors. Expanded polystyrene is widely used for the production of various packaging. They lay the walls of the freezers and refrigerators. In these cases, the foam serves as an excellent thermal insulator.

So, we considered what is better - mineral wool or polystyrene, if it is planned to warm the balcony.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7593/

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