Plum Smolinka: variety description, photos and reviews

Plum is a popular culture among all gardeners. On sale there are many varieties that are resistant to parasites and diseases, as well as adverse weather conditions. Seedlings are well adapted to the conditions of the site, tolerate transplants and give excellent yields. One of the common varieties is Smolink plum. The variety grows well in the suburbs and in the central part of Russia.

Plum Smolink: description

Plum tree is very tall, grows up to 5-5.5 meters in height. The crown is oval, medium or rare density. The bark of the tree is brown, rough. Shoots are slightly bent.

The leaf has a rounded wedge-shaped shape, measuring 9.5 by 6.5 cm, there is no pubescence. Average jaundice. Petioles are greenish yellow.

The flower is white, without corrugation. The sepals are ovoid. Photo plum Smolink posted in the article.

Smolink plum

The fruits of the plum tree are symmetrical, weighing up to 35 grams. No strokes, with a poorly developed abdominal suture. Peel of medium thickness. The cavity is yellow-green in color. The stone has an average separability. The taste of fruits is sweet and sour, pleasant.

Pros and cons of the variety

Description of plum variety Smolinka calls the mass of its advantages. Among them:

  • high productivity - up to 20 kg per tree;
  • early ripening of fruits;
  • excellent taste of plums and their delicate pulp;
  • quick recovery after frost;
  • disease resistance;
  • the fruits tolerate transportation well.

Description and photos of Smolink plum demonstrate the merits of the variety.

plum tar

The downside is the average winter hardiness. Nevertheless, excellent recovery from cold winters cannot be taken away from this variety. The disadvantages are also considered high tree growth, self-fertility and fragility of branches under the heavy weight of the fruit. To fix the last problem put backups.

Selection of seedlings

When choosing seedlings, you should pay attention to the root system. It can be open or closed. Both that and another has the advantages and disadvantages. An open root system is easy to consider to assess the condition. But the tree needs to be planted at specific dates - either in the spring before the start of the growing season, or in the last days of September. In the autumn, they plant a seedling, and in the spring they choose a permanent place for it.

Seedlings having a closed root system are sold rooted in the ground. For this reason, they can be planted at any time. But in this case, it is not possible to assess the state of the roots.

It is necessary to press lightly on the seedling, while there should be no cod indicating dryness. A healthy seedling has sufficient flexibility.

If a seedling with leaves with closed roots is purchased, you need to look for diseases and parasites on it. They look like cobwebs, spots, rot. You should carefully look at the underside of the leaves.

Saplings of different ages are sold, but gardeners usually prefer the first year, as they are able to take root and take root more quickly on a new site.

plum grade smolinka


Before planting the plum, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The best time for such work is autumn. Planting seedlings produced in the spring. If planted in the fall, there is no guarantee that the seedling will take root.

It is important to choose the right place for landing. Plum is hygrophilous, prefers loamy and sandy loamy lands. It is suitable for nutritious loose soil, rich in organic matter and having a low level of acidity. Acidity can be reduced by liming.

Thoroughly lime the soil about once every five years. This is done in the fall along with digging the soil. Lime and fertilizers are applied, then the soil is dug up. To increase productivity, the soil is limestone annually in small portions. To do this, powdered lime diluted with water with humus is placed directly in the holes for planting.

A hole is prepared for each seedling with a depth of 70 cm and a width of 90 cm. Separate the surface and deep soil on different sides. Trees are planted, spreading the roots. As a backfill, peat, ash and humus are added to the topsoil. This mixture is covered with seedlings, rammed. Next, put a 5 cm layer of peat mulch. When planting, the root neck of a seedling is compared to ground level. After trampling, it will be slightly higher.

Plum does not tolerate density. Seedlings are planted at intervals of 4 meters from each other.

plum smolinka grade description

Essential Care Activities

Proper care of plum trees will include:

  1. Regular pruning.
  2. Top dressing.
  3. Watering.
  4. Loosening the soil.
  5. Eliminate weed grass.
  6. Preparing for the winter.

After planting, annual plums are pruned. The main conductor is shortened to 80 cm. The side shoots are also cut. The remaining branches are pruned by 20 cm. For two-year plums, the main trunk is not cut, the side shoots are shortened by 1/3.

If plums were planted in fertilized soil, they can not be fed for several years. Sparse lands require top dressing. Plum loves organic matter introduced in spring and autumn.

Watering directly affects yield. Plums experience a strong need for moisture at the beginning of the growing season, as well as during flowering and ripening of fruits.

plum resin photo

Summer care

In summer, it is important to feed the plum a second time, this is done in the fruiting phase. Nitrofoski and urea solutions are added under each tree.

After fruiting, feed again with potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Mandatory control of weeds. In the near- stem circle, the soil is loosened to a shallow depth so as not to touch the roots.

Cultivation is accompanied by the introduction of peat, compost and humus. You can add organics.

At the beginning of summer, branches are pruned to increase the growth of the remaining branches. It is important to keep an eye on the crown so that it can transmit sunlight. In summer, you can trim the growing branches, but the main pruning is done in the spring, to rejuvenate.

Next, we continue to consider the description of the Smolinka plum variety. A photo of the trees allows you to see the well-groomed, correctly trimmed seedlings.

plum resin photo description

Autumn care

After harvesting, the plum is once again fed with fertilizer solutions to the near-stem circle. Also under the tree create a protective layer of spruce branches, foliage and peat to limit the harmful effects of severe winter frosts.

Trunks need to be whitened and covered with parchment paper or synthetic bags. Whitewash trunks with water emulsion or lime.

To increase frost resistance, they monitor the water and fertile ground levels.

Diseases and Pests

Among plum diseases are found:

  1. Kleasterosporiosis is a fungal lesion, manifested by holes in the leaves.
  2. Moniliosis is another fungal disease.
  3. Gum detection - the appearance of resin on the sink.
  4. Rust - spots on the leaves, leading to their death.
  5. Fruit rot is a fungal infection that destroys the fruit.

Plum Smolink is susceptible to other diseases. For the prevention of diseases, basic tree care measures are used.

Of the pests for plums are dangerous:

  • codling moth;
  • aphid;
  • sawfly.

Moth is eating kernel kernels or pulp of the fetus. One caterpillar can damage several fruits. You can fight with the moth by spraying with special drugs. Processing is carried out after flowering and then two weeks later.

Aphid damages leaves, spoils young branches. It is difficult to deal with it, as insects focus on the lower parts of the leaves. Measures to eliminate the parasite are taken during the budding period.

The sawfly appears 5 days before flowering and lays eggs on the buds. Larvae damage the growing fruits. To combat, spray pesticides until the flowering period.

plum smolinka grade description photo

The main measures to prevent diseases and parasites:

  • trees need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other;
  • it is important to choose a sunny, well-ventilated place, without a close occurrence of groundwater;
  • it is not recommended to plant a plum in one area with poplar;
  • prune branches in time, avoiding thickening of the crown; after pruning, the wounds are treated;
  • timely burning of cut branches and fallen leaves, especially patients;
  • treatment of wounds in trees;
  • regular treatment with fungicides;
  • disinfection of all garden equipment;
  • burning autumn fall foliage;
  • digging of tree trunks before the winter season;
  • treatment of trees with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate solution.


Plum variety Smolinka is self-infertile. The best pollinators for her are:

  • Opal;
  • Superearly;
  • Blue gift;
  • Volga beauty;
  • Egg blue.

In order to ensure pollination, pollinating trees of other varieties are planted on the site along with Smolinka plum. The intervals between plum trees should be no more than 10 meters. Pollination is the transfer of pollen on the stigma from the pestle. This happens with the help of bees or other insects, as well as wind. In extreme cases, manual pollination can be carried out.

Since the Smolinka plum is not capable of self-pollination, it needs other varieties in the neighborhood that can be fertilized on their own.

With proper care, the plum will delight its owner with good yields for more than one year.


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