How to create your own image: style definition and change results

Work on the realization of oneself as a person and the creation of an image in which you will feel confident can take several years.

In youth, you want to stand out and demonstrate uniqueness with the help of appearance. Then comes the understanding that the image of a person should depend on his inner state, preferences and vision of himself in the world.

So, we gain courage and create the perfect image.

Listen to yourself

Pensive girl

We are all part of a very dynamic world, in a kaleidoscope of which not only events are changing, but also fashion trends. Many in pursuit of style begin to blindly follow the latest, sometimes creating rather than stylish, but ridiculous image. And it’s difficult to keep track of all the recommendations of stylists, which often contradict each other.

It is necessary to try, creating an individual image, to listen to your inner feelings. Do not flip through glossy magazines or watch videos of fashion bloggers, but try to understand what style of clothing is perceived simply and naturally, without moral effort.

Moreover, this may not be a commonplace image of a successful person, but rather the opposite. You need to try to imagine yourself in an informal, sporty or bohemian style and feel that you are closer to your soul. Of course, thinking about how to create your own image, you should consider factors such as age, appearance, and profession.

Define your colors

Human color types

Depending on the color of hair, eyes and skin tone, all people are conditionally divided into 4 types: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. These names are conditional, but they faithfully reflect those color preferences that will make the image of a person harmonious and natural.

Fashionable experts are sure that absolutely any color can go to a person, the main thing is to stop at the right shade and its intensity. And an incorrectly selected color palette can give a painful pale appearance and emphasize imperfections in appearance.

When thinking about how to create your own image, you should carefully consider the definition of your type of color. For objectivity, you can even ask a friend for help - sometimes it’s more visible from the outside. And then proceed as follows:

  • Remove all makeup, choose clothes in neutral shades. Many experts advise to bare shoulders.
  • If the hair is dyed, hide it under a kerchief.
  • It is better to determine your type in natural daylight. The bright light of the lamps can greatly distort the result.
  • Apply samples of different shades to your face, always plain. Soon it will become noticeable that with some colors, the skin seems earthy, the face is tired, and the eyes grow dull. Others, on the contrary, give the face freshness, and the eyes make it shine.

Go through your wardrobe

Girl takes apart her clothes

Before rushing to the worst, following your favorite image, you need to see what of the things are already in stock. Critically dismantling your wardrobe will be quite difficult: you want to leave your favorite things, even if they are no longer suitable in size or style. You need to try to identify trends in the choice of clothing:

  • whether any one color or shade predominates, for example, many black things or clothes of neutral tones;
  • are there any fabrics with a similar pattern: plain, with an ornament or floral motifs;
  • are there many similar things: 5 pairs of black trousers, several ivory shirts or just sportswear.

Get rid of excess

Girl picks up a set of clothes

Going through things, immediately put aside those clothes that are no longer suitable for age or size. Of course, it's nice to dream that one day it will turn out to show off in a dress that has become small by several sizes, but dreams remain dreams. Having lost those extra pounds, you definitely don’t want to wear an old dress.

All items of clothing that are not suitable in size, do not fit well or simply cease to like, you can sell or give to people in need. And based on the remaining ones, you should already plan how to create your image. Perhaps the wardrobe lacks an elegant blouse for an existing skirt or you need stylish cardigan and boots.

The main thing is not to rush to extremes and instead of things that you just managed to get rid of, not to buy new unsuitable items of clothing. Trying something in the store, you need not only to listen to momentary sensations, but also to think about what items from this item will be combined. And do not be shy to discuss with the seller the possibility of a return if the desired image is not like.

Accessories selection

Fancy Accessories

To create the image of a person who is content with life and confident in himself, one should get rid of outdated or damaged add-ons without regret. A worn belt, glasses with scratched glasses or a fashionable scarf can ruin any carefully assembled ensemble.

Do not be afraid of experiments in choosing accessories: after all, they add zest and help to reveal the character. When choosing any accessory, you need to take into account the rule: firstly, it will draw attention to yourself, and secondly, it will make those details that you want to hide less noticeable. For example, eye-catching earrings accentuate the eyes and distract attention from the nose. A flying light scarf will draw your eyes to the gait and help to hide slightly full legs.

Such experiments with the selection of accessories are akin to hunting: once you learn how to choose noticeable add-ons, you no longer want to stop.

Hairstyle and makeup

Change makeup and hairstyles

To look good and be confident in yourself, a well-chosen wardrobe will not be enough. Sometimes the wrong hair color or a bad haircut not only visually adds age, but also deprives oneself of self-confidence.

It can be difficult to see yourself from the side. Therefore, creating an artistic image, it is better to use the services of a professional stylist. Perhaps not just one. Sometimes it’s worth spending time experimenting on your appearance: try a new styling or choose a bright lipstick.

It is not at all necessary that you will like the changes and want to leave them. The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments, to emphasize your uniqueness and uniqueness. After all, experimenting with the exterior is a great opportunity to cheer yourself up, gain confidence and love yourself.

Facial expression

Happy smiling girl

Unfortunately, the energy of uncertainty or irritation can completely destroy the image being created. Indeed, in order to look good, you need to feel positive and do not be shy to share it with others.

You need to learn how to relax the muscles of the cheekbones - it is in them that half of the facial tension lurks. Train facial expressions in front of a mirror, achieving a lively, relaxed face with a sincere, not an on-duty smile.

The next exercise is even harder: learn to smile with your eyes. After all, it is the look that reflects the internal state of man, his soul. When a writer creates an image of his character, he pays great attention to the look and expression.

You can mentally describe an attractive face, and from the side, in detail, both in statics and in dynamics. What is it like? Open, with beaming eyes and an attractive smile? It is necessary to fill this image with energy, colors and try to "try on" yourself. At first it will be a little difficult, and then this attractive image will become part of the personality.

Voice and communication style

Sincere attention to the interlocutor

Knowing how to create your own image implies not only a beautiful hairstyle and suitable clothes, but, above all, charisma and charm. Some lucky ones are born with such a gift; others need to develop it.

The voice of a confident person is calm and pleasant, no high notes, only confidence. He does not need to order or scream, such a person knows how to convince not so much with words as with intonation.

As a workout, you can record your voice on the recorder and then listen, adjusting the sound and polishing the roughness.

In addition to a convincing, filled voice, to create an ideal image, you need to work on the manner of communication. This is one of the important components of how others will appreciate the result of image-changing efforts. It will be difficult, but you need to learn to listen carefully to the interlocutor, sincerely interested in his problems and be involved. Professional speakers and politicians are proficient in this technique of "reflection of emotions", by any means emphasizing the importance of the interlocutor.

Sincere smile

You can learn to politely listen and say compliments, but the created image will be incomplete without a sense of inner happiness and self-confidence. After all, it’s not enough just to come up with a life-affirming picture, you still need to merge with it, become one.

To do this, you should remember every day that the inner filling: will, determination, goodwill and openness - are part of the personality, and not just words. Perhaps that is why the images created by children are always bright and full of life. After all, children sincerely fantasize and easily merge with their imagination.

The main thing is to work on your image constantly, every day, adding inconspicuous touches. And then noticeable changes will begin, not only in appearance, but also in relation to life and oneself.


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