Public service in the Russian Federation

Public service - this is the activity of individuals, administrative and bureaucratic structures, aimed at implementing decisions adopted by public authorities. As a rule, civil servants (officials) are hired on a competitive basis or appointed by higher officials or collegially in accordance with regulatory documents that are approved by a particular agency.

Public service


The public service of the Russian Federation has the following structure:

- The state civil service is a bureaucratic apparatus that takes and implements in practice decisions of structures endowed with authority. In the Russian Federation it is subdivided into civil service in federal ministries, departments, state committees and state companies, as well as bureaucratic support of activities in regional and district administrations. In Russia, it is built on the principle of vertical hierarchical subordination, when a higher official has broader powers than a lower one.

Public service is

- Military service - public service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It has its own characteristics: all professional military personnel are considered civil servants. However, among them we can distinguish civilian bodies that ensure the vital activity of military units. Another interesting feature is the presence of elements of their own, internal law enforcement system (the military prosecutor's office and military courts, not directly subordinate to the hierarchy of β€œcivilian” courts).

- Law enforcement service - the activity of government agencies that ensure the preservation of the constitutional order in the country. The public service in this case is carried out through the activities of such institutions as the ministries of the interior, prosecutors, courts and other law enforcement agencies.

State Service of the Russian Federation


Public service implies the professional activities of managers, divided into the following categories:

- Leadership - the heads of federal authorities, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local administrations. Such posts are appointed either for a fixed term, within which the authority defined by law is exercised, or without a fixed term in accordance with the internal personnel requirements of an agency.

- Advisers - leadership positions in government at all levels (mainly regional or local). Advisers are appointed for a fixed term and, as a rule, manage the department (s) of a given department or state structure.

- Specialists - government posts necessary for the professional support of the activities of government agencies, as well as individual departments and divisions.

- Provisioning specialists - positions for organizational, technical, informational and bureaucratic support of the activities of state organizations.


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