DIY sauna in the garage: arrangement options

Many motorists keep their cars near their homes or in a nearby parking lot today. At the same time, the garage belonging to such citizens often costs unclaimed and is used to store various rubbish. Of course, such a structure can be exploited with greater benefit. For example, in an old garage it’s not too difficult to equip a bathhouse.

Main stages

In order to make a bath in the garage with your own hands, you will need:

  • to insulate the walls and roof of the building;
  • install a heater;
  • mount the chimney.
Old garage

Also in the garage you will need to assemble partitions. In the steam room, locker room and washing, among other things, you have to put benches and shelves. For the bathhouse in the garage, of course, you will also need to equip the drain. In addition, ventilation is usually provided in such a room.

Design options

There are only two main options for arranging a bath in a garage:

  • the structure is completely refitted;
  • the structure is divided into two parts, one of which is reserved for the car, and the second - for the bathhouse.

In the latter case, the construction will turn out universal and will perform two functions at once. Actually the mini-bath in the garage itself, most likely, will consist of only two rooms - the locker room and the steam room / washing. If the building is completely converted, it can be equipped with:

  • dressing room;
  • steam room;
  • washing;
  • shower room.

If the garage has a large area, it is also possible to equip a recreation room in it.

How to remake a garage in a bath: materials

To protect such a building from the cold, it will be necessary to prepare a heater, hydro- and vapor insulators. To assemble the partitions, you have to buy a edged board and timber. Inside, such baths are in most cases sheathed with lining or edged high-quality board. Outside, the garage can be finished with anything. But it is best to use a block house for wall cladding of such a structure from the side of the street. In this case, the structure will look like a real log bath.

Comfortable bath

The heater in the garage is easiest to install a finished metal factory. You can also weld or lay out such a stove from a brick with your own hands.

For the manufacture of shelves and benches will have to purchase expensive lime or aspen boards. Such material does not heat up too much at elevated temperatures and tolerates moisture well. To equip the drain, you need a plastic barrel. You will also need to prepare pipes and fittings.

How to make a drain?

To begin with, you will need, of course, to have a branch pipe in the garage. For this, most likely, you will have to hammer the concrete floor to the width of the trench. Performing this operation, of course, is best done with a hammer drill. Next, on top of the old screed, you will need to fill in a new one, with a bias towards the center of the room. It is at this point that a drain hole is equipped by attaching a corner to a failed pipe.

Outside, outside the building, at a certain distance from it, during the arrangement of the bath in the garage, they dig a drain hole. A plastic barrel without a bottom is placed in it to strengthen the walls. To equip the filtering drainage layer, gravel and sand are poured into the septic tank. Next, the pit is closed with a lid on top and sprinkled with earth. To ensure ventilation of the septic tank through the lid, a small diameter pipe is inserted into the barrel in an upright position.

Arrangement of a garage under the bath

Floor mounting

The concrete screed in the garage during the installation of the bath, of course, you can, for example, just close the rubber. But at elevated temperatures, walking on this floor is likely to be not too comfortable. In addition, when heated, rubber is capable of releasing harmful substances into the air.

Therefore, the floor for the bath in the garage should be made wooden. To equip it with a screed, low supports, for example, made of bricks, are first mounted and waterproofed. Further on the posts are attached logs. The boards on them are fixed at a small distance from each other. This will ensure that the water is drained down to the screed and then drained into the septic tank.

If it is planned to install a brick heater in the bathhouse, before laying the floor, pour the foundation under it. You can also simply leave free space when installing the boards under the base of the stove.

The second option for arranging the drain

In a small garage located in the suburban area, you can also completely dismantle the screed. In this case, to drain the water directly at the border of the bath, a pit is simply dug out later. The floors in this case are also stuffed with wood.

Partition assembly

After the floors are full, you can start arranging in the garage bath rooms for various purposes, according to the draft. Partitions are mounted in such buildings usually as follows:

  • they stuff vertical racks opposite each other on opposite walls;
  • fasten between the racks of the bars on the floor and ceiling;
  • install several intermediate racks in the resulting frame;
  • sheathe the partition with lining on both sides.

Inside the partition walls of the steam room you can optionally insert foamed polystyrene foam.

Xuan in the garage

Arrangement options: insulation technology

If you plan to equip a bathhouse in a brick garage, block or iron, the walls of the structure will have to be additionally isolated from the cold. It is believed that to insulate the garage when arranging a bath in it, like any other building, it is best outside. However, in some cases it is simply impossible to isolate such a structure from the street. For example, in garage cooperatives, buildings are usually arranged in rows close to each other. In this case, the future bath will be insulated, most likely, from the inside.

How to sheathe outside?

When choosing this technology for insulation of the garage, you can use absolutely any insulation material. In this case, it is possible to take both mineral wool and polystyrene foam for insulation. When using the material of the first variety, the walls of the garage are pre-fitted with a vapor barrier. Next, a frame is stuffed on them, between the elements of which, cotton wool plates are installed by surprise. At the next stage, using a 3 cm thick rails, a waterproofing agent is filled. At the final stage, external cladding is mounted on the rails.

When using polystyrene foam as a heat insulator on the walls, you can also pre-fill the frame. In this case, the plates are mounted on glue and plastic dowels between the bars of the crate. In the future, sheathing material is attached to the frame itself. Expanded polystyrene can also be simply glued onto concrete or block walls of a garage without using a crate. In this case, at the final stage, on top of the polystyrene foam, it will be necessary to fix the paint net, and then plaster the walls.

Insulation from the inside

Applying such technology to the conversion of a garage into a bathhouse, polystyrene foam is usually used as an insulator. The disadvantage of mineral wool is that it is afraid of water. Inside a damp room, such an insulator is most likely not to last too long.

Shelves and benches in the bathhouse

Expanded polystyrene for warming the bath when using this technique, you need to take only the highest quality. Such material at elevated temperatures in the future will be able to last as long as possible. In addition, polystyrene foam of good quality releases less harmful substances into the air when heated.

It is best to take foamed polystyrene foam for insulation of the bath. Such material in the future will reflect heat rays back into the garage, without letting them into the street.

They install polystyrene foam when insulating the bath from the inside in the crate. This makes it possible at the final stage to easily sheathe the garage with a clapboard. Of course, it is necessary to install insulator sheets between the frame elements in this case with foil towards the room. The lining in the bath is best fixed vertically. In this case, water will not stagnate in the gaps between the lamellas.

If the bathhouse was insulated from the outside, its walls from the inside should still be sheathed with thin foil insulator. This will allow the heat from the heater to be used as efficiently as possible.

Different heating options

After the construction of the bathhouse in the garage is completed, you can begin to equip it. Equipment for such a structure, of course, must be chosen correctly. If the bathhouse is equipped in a garage located in a cooperative, for its heating, of course, it is best to use a ready-made factory electric stove. When using such equipment in the garage you do not have to equip the chimney. Thus, the possibility of a fire in the cooperative will be excluded. In a separate garage, for example, a private house, of course, it is best to put a classic wood-burning stove.

How to convert a garage to a bathhouse

Furnace Installation Rules

Such stoves are mounted in baths traditionally in the center of the structure. Usually the heater is placed next to the partition separating the steam room / washing room with the locker room. This allows the most efficient use of heat from the furnace. In any case, the heater should not be installed too far from the locker room. In winter, this room should not be cold.

The firebox of the sauna stove in the garage is supposed to be laid out of fireclay bricks. In this case, a clay solution should be used to fasten the elements. The chimney of the heater can be laid out of ordinary brick on a cement mixture. Through the overlap it is carried out in a metal, insulated mineral wool sleeve.

Shelves and benches

This bath equipment is usually done with your own hands as follows:

  • knock down the frame (for a two-tier shelf);
  • they fill the boards with a small gap and a slope for the drain of water onto the frame.

When assembling benches, nails are recessed into the wood by 5 mm. The resulting nests are sealed with putty on wood and sanded. It is impossible to leave the nail caps when assembling benches and the shelf for the bath outside. At high temperatures, the metal will become very hot, which can cause burns for those who take water procedures.

Arrangement of ventilation

Traditionally, the Russian bath has rather low ceilings. This is a must for a good couple. However, garages are usually built quite high. To take water procedures in the bathhouse, converted from such a building, it was nice, you need to install ventilation in it.

Usually, in order to ensure normal air exchange, two ventilation windows are arranged in the bathhouse - supply and exhaust. The first is most often done in the wall of the garage below the front door. An exhaust hole is located under the ceiling. At the same time, they do it not in the opposite, but in an adjacent wall.

Russian bathhouse in the city

Furnishing a bath in a metal garage

In this case, special attention should be paid to the insulation of the structure. Such a garage should be isolated immediately from the inside and outside. You can perform these procedures using the techniques described above. It is best to sheathe such a building with a clapboard both from the side of the street, and inside.

Otherwise, the technology of the bathhouse in the old iron garage is no different from the same procedure in brick and block buildings. Before you start insulating walls of this design, they should be cleaned from rust and treated with an anti-corrosion compound or painted with some paintwork that does not release harmful substances into the air at elevated temperatures.


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