What are single rounded bacteria called: species, pathogenic bacteria

The world of bacteria is diverse. They differ in the way they eat, their environment, and their shape. There are rounded, rod-shaped microbes resembling a spiral, a comma. Each species carries its own danger, even the simplest species. Single rounded bacteria are called cocci. They are constantly surrounded by man.

Single rounded bacteria are called


As mentioned above, single rounded bacteria are called cocci. They have the following physiological characteristics:

  1. They can exist only in the presence of oxygen, although single members of the group multiply only in an oxygen-free environment.
  2. Most single rounded bacteria are not pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Cocci are able to divide in two mutually perpendicular directions.
  4. They are usually motionless.
  5. For normal growth and development, cocci need a temperature of + 25-30 degrees.
Single rounded bacteria benefit and harm

Benefit, harm, habitat

Single rounded bacteria are called cocci and are divided into useful and pathogenic. The first live in water, air, on the mucous membrane, on the skin, in food. These micrococci benefit all living things on the planet.

Man has learned to use cocci in industry and agriculture. They are used for the preparation of dairy products. In animal husbandry, cocci act as a stimulator of silage formation.

Micrococci participate in the cycle of substances in nature, they help to process dead parts of plants, dead animals.

Other types of cocci cause serious harm to humans and all living things. These microorganisms are capable of causing a wide variety of pathologies: suppuration of wounds, meningitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc. During development, dangerous bacteria in fish and dairy products produce the strongest poison - enterotoxin, which causes severe food poisoning.

Single rounded bacteria description

Types of cocci: description

Single rounded bacteria (cocci) are immobilized bacteria. Depending on the location of the cells, they form groups.

  1. Streptococcus This group includes pathogenic microorganisms that look like a chain formed from spherical cells. Group A streptococci are a danger to humans, since they can cause severe diseases: scarlet fever, tonsillitis, rheumatism, arthritis, etc.
  2. Diplococci. This species is characterized by a pairwise arrangement of microorganisms protected by an oval-shaped capsule. Pathogenic diplococci can cause croupous pneumonia.
  3. Micrococci. Bacteria form clusters of irregular shape. Pathogenic species can cause suppuration.
  4. Sarcins. Do not belong to pathogenic species. When propagating, cubic clusters are formed.

There is also a division according to the type of disease that the bacterium causes.

  1. Pneumococci. The cells are oval. When ingested, they cause inflammation of the respiratory system.
  2. Gonococci. Outwardly, the cluster of the species resembles a coffee bean. For humans, this species is pathogenic and causes gonorrhea.
  3. Staphylococci. These are small immobile organisms that do not form spores.

There are other types of ailments that are caused by certain types of microorganisms, such as meningitis. Pathology is caused by meningococci.

Bacteria and bacterial infections


As you know, single rounded bacteria are called micrococci, i.e., small spherical organisms that are located separately. When grown on culture media, they form smooth, round colonies of yellow, white or red. Usually, this species is found on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of animals, people, and genitals. In nature, micrococci are ubiquitous.

Pathogenic cocci

Bacteria and bacterial infections are inextricably linked. If there were no germs, then there would be no disease.

Most often, pathologies are caused by streptococci, micrococci, staphylococci.

Staphylococci cause pneumonia, sepsis, pemphigus. These gram-positive bacteria do not form spores, and upon reproduction they acquire a cluster-like form.

Streptococci are located either in pairs, or in the form of chains. Microbes do not grow on nutrient media, but when grown on blood agar, pigmentless colonies are formed.

In nature, bacteria are found that are necessary for the life of all living things. One of these is called saprophytes - cocci, without which the circulation of substances in nature is impossible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7605/

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